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Everything posted by Rosalinda

  1. Yes. I've had several. Matter fact, I'm havin' one right now.
  2. Happy Birthday, Cap'n Thomas! Here's a full sack o' gold doubloons for you!
  3. I used my trusty calculator to figger it out... give or take a hundred years or so... ???
  4. HAPPY 231st BIRTHDAY, CAP'N COYOTE (only 33 Human Years old today) And a Birthday Song for ye! May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come true May you always do for others And let others do for you May you build a ladder to the stars And climb on every rung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. May you grow up to be righteous May you grow up to be true May you always know the truth And see the lights surrounding you May you always be courageous Stand upright and be strong May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young. May your hands always be busy May your feet always be swift May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift May your heart always be joyful And may your song always be sung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young May you stay forever young.
  5. Happy Birthday, Penny!
  6. Halloween's comin' !!! I'm a witch... I couldn't resist!!! ARRRR!!!!
  7. Happy Birthday, Lady Seahawke & Mr. Bubbles! Cheers, Mates!
  8. Er, no Mate! I not be kiddin... I never kid about art! I'll post a pic as soon as I get around to taking one!
  9. The outside of the hat is smooth, and the reverse is the suede side of the leather. Mine was received before the new darkening tecnnique was employed, I'm assuming. They appear to have surface dyed the leather, which is why the underside is a different color. I've resolved that color issue much to my satisfaction, using the following methods. I simply "aged" mine a bit on both sides using leather dyes, lots of water, and burrying it in my back yard for several days, then watering said burial ground. Upon removing it from the mud hole, I drug it behind my car through gravel and over rough pavement. After another good and thorough soaking in muddy water, I placed it upon me head to let it dry for a custom fit. Then I gave it a good brushing to remove the debris, and followed up with generous amounts of mink oil on both the smooth and sueded sides. Though a mighty headache and muddy hair were the unfortunate side effects, a perfectly "aged" and well fitting tricorn resulted. The headache has long passed, and I've washed me hair since. I must track down the receipt, but I'm certain I purchased this tricorn from Excaliber. Ye may be thinkin' I went to a great deal of effort to achieve the "lived in" look, and perhaps you're right. It's an art, this business of wasting time...
  10. I happen to be one that shelled out the doubloons for this hat, and found it quite pleasing. It fits perfect, and gives me that geeky Jack Sparrow look that I like so much. Just got it recently, and it's a finely crafted tricorn. See my cheesy avatar to the left.
  11. Arrr... just Arrrr.... Well... arrr, ......... Nevermind. Take 'im to the edge an' keep 'im there until he forgets 'is own name... the agony and the ecstasy... an' all that... THEN remove your bodice carefully!
  12. Arrr, is there a woman among us who wouldn't be simply ravishing on screen. I think we all would! ARRRR !!!
  13. Jessica Lange... Arrrr, if I were a man, I would find her delightful to look at. A true beauty in my mind and a brilliant actor. And linked to Sam Shepard... who's close friends with Bob Dylan... they keep good company, eh? And lest we forget Holly Hunter? Feisty, pretty, talented, TEXAN! Neither of these lasses have been in a pirate flick, but they could be, I think.
  14. Raising Arizona is one of my all time favorite movies. Cage was great, and Hunter was every bit as good. But she's good in everything. I still laugh thinking about the aforementioned scene.
  15. That was a suggestion, inspired by a bad dawg.
  16. BAD DAWG
  17. I suppose that this means we did not, in fact, end this discussion in the "Post Mortem" thread, as we had all agreed last night. I conclude that some people are incapable of grasping certain concepts. So let's go back to the "Post Mortem" thread and work on it some more.
  18. I really can't see the value in making it about one's significant other or spouse. What's up with that???
  19. ARGH... lost cause, you are!
  20. If you need a server to hang your images on, e-mail them to me and I'll provide you with the linkage.
  21. Just test drove it... B L U S H I N G
  22. Oh, yes, the Square Peg /Round Hole conundrum... I just keep collecting them, hoping for a proper fit. It will NEVER happen. Classic obsessive/compulsive behaviour. Similar to collecting Pirate-related board games, maybe.
  23. Maybe... somthing like "drowning on the ship of fools..." Somebody did it... More... my thesaurus is open, obviously. Insubordination Seditious Malevolent Anarchy After a little research on the phrase "Ship of Fools," the earliest reference I can find is from Sebastian Brant’s Narrenschiff (Ship of Fools), the first edition released in 1494.
  24. Ship of Fools
  25. The Whydah Store's Pirate hat for Dogs is sweet. But I'd have to buy 3... ouch. Put it in the catagory of things to spend money on when I'm rich.
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