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Posts posted by Rosalinda

  1. Excellent Quill. I'd have to try 'em both out first before I decide.

    One at a time, of course. :D:D:D

    Well, maybe we're getting down to the brass tacks now, as we say in the West.

    Ultimately, it's the man (or woman) that makes the clothes, regardless of the genre, rather than the other way around.

    If he switched costumes... I'd still go with Johnny Depp!

  2. Oh yeah, with doggin' heels... climbing all the way to the knees.

    I had a boyfriend that had purple c'boy boots. I met him at DFW airport and flew all the way to Boston with him. It was my admiration of those boots that started the first conversation.

    YeeHaa... still gotta give the cowboys their respect. I think they can live in peace. Cows don't float and ships don't sail across deserts.

  3. I don't know... does this count as pirate art? Just goofin' on a concept a while back...... on a show I find most entertaining by a bunch of guys that are very talented... I have another one I'm working on(different subject altogether) but it must wait until November 5th.


  4. Cap'n Roberts, I'm not an expert on dreams, but I'll be happy to share what little I understand on the subject!

    Psychology was my minor in college and I had an opportunity to study brain activity and processes. Positions within the science are split on the basis of dreams. Some in the field believe it is nothing more than "left over" imagery that the brain attempts to sort through and store in some manner. Others take the position that the subconscious continues to work through problems while one is sleeping.

    While there is much symbolism in dreams, and many books have been written on the topic, I think each dream and every element within each dream is unique to the dreamer. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and sometimes a cigar is something else? Sometimes we dream of things we desire (I'm particularly fond of those!) and sometimes we dream of things we fear. It's not unusual for amazing problem solving to take place during the course of REM sleep. Creative energy is also very active during sleep cycles. The right side of the brain is more active during sleep, and therefore more prone to process fantastic imagery that is otherwise repressed by the dominant left brain (where analytical, logical processes occur) while awake.

    I think it is more interesting to consider that all the life in the universe is inherently connected, from the beginning of time and well beyond the present. "Past life regression" is an over-simplified term. I believe it is very possible for bits and pieces of past, present and future events to slip into the present stream of consciousness, and the subconscious is far more "willing" to accept and process these images than when the mind is in a fully conscious state. You must consider time as a non-linear concept. Past events would imply an event experienced. Period. By yourself or by someone else.

    Remember too that the concept of time and space as we understand it is extremely limited... there's a lot more going on the the universe than we know and can comprehend. The universe is not a place that begins beyond the stratosphere. We are part of it, and there's a lot going on. It all flows together... time and space are infinite, constantly bending, unfolding, and revealing!

    Bear in mind that you may also be pre-programming yourself for these dreams. What you read, watch on television, experience throughout the day, or just ponder while you're lying in bed waiting to fall asleep... all of these things can trigger such dream imagery.

    In short, there is no easy answer. It is quite possible that you are remembering past life experiences or past events. My suggestion is to relax and enjoy the show! There is much that you can learn from these images.

    Listen to your subconscious. It is trying to tell you something. Write these dreams down immediately upon waking. Though it may appear to be the same dream, write it down anyway. It may reveal itself a month or a year or more from now. But it will eventually. Only you can interpret your dreams. Only you can discover what they mean.

    Hope this helps!?! Let me know what you figure out about yourself, or someone else!

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