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Posts posted by Rosalinda

  1. This type of gathering seems oddly familiar to me.

    When I lived in Alpine, Texas, we'd travel to a little known destination on the Rio Grande to a town called Terlinqua. A rather large (25-35) group of us would just have a spontaneous party under the stars on the banks of the river, camp a night or two (there wasn't much sleeping) and then pack it up and head for home by Sunday afternoon. Mostly it was a gathering of the river rats (whitewater rafting guides) and other surly types. Great fun. No permit was required because at the time it was still, really, the wide open spaces and belonged to no one beyond the State of Texas, or Old Mexico if you waded across the river. Santa Elena Canyon in Big Bend National Park was a perfect spot for leaving the shores of the US and wandering into the dusty village of Santa Elena, Mexico. Of course, getting arrested there would have been bad news.

    Not too far from there was a road called 18 Mile Road (near Study Butte). It was nothing but 18 miles of really bad, rough road. If you could manage to get your vehicle to the end of it, you found yourself as far removed from civilizaton as you'd care to get. At night, the sky lit up so much that you could actually SEE the milkyness of the milkyway, especially on a moonless night. Wolves and coyotes would howl relentlessly. There was often so much noise during the night from the animals it was difficult to sleep. Rattlesnakes, tarantulas, scorpions, jackrabbits, deer... all manner of creatures. This was amazing rolling hills/desert area, a truly spectacular stretch of absolute wide open space. I'll never forget this place as long as I live. TEXAS!!!

    And then there were the Marfa Lights. I'll save that for another time, though.

    In Colorado, up in the mountains, we call them 'woodsies' and it's basically the same kind of thing. Great fun, a little colder (even in summer), and one must be carefull with fire burning. Permit is required in Colorado as there is absolutely no land around that isn't either private or under the purvue of the BLM.

    So the optimum gathering spot, really, would be on the shore of a rather large lake (just for a water feature) or on private land somewhere so that no officers or park rangers would appear when the bonfires were raging.

    Wow, I'm in the mood to roam now! Can't wait for summer!!!!!!!

    (It was at one such gathering in Terlingua, at THE CHILI COOKOFF, that I met a man who claimed to be Jesus Christ. Of course, I didn't believe him, especially after he kept stating how much he wanted to "save" me and then played The Beatles' Lady Madonna on his banjo. But he did LOOK like the popular version of Jesus, long dark hair and a beard. So.... one must exercise some caution when in the wilderness :D )


    It says so on my flag pole.

    I added Jolly Roger decals to my ski boots today.

    I have a Jolly Roger patch on my ski jacket.

    I have a Jolly Roger decal on my car.

    I will plunder the Black Diamonds of Copper Mountain by the week's end.



  3. Oh! Wait a dang minute! I just realized something.

    I forgot. :lol:

    *Grabs BJS by his hair... scratch that... he has no hair. Grabs BJS by the back of his head and slams his nose into my knee, causing a 'knee-jerk reaction' sending my foot into his 'family jewels'.*

    Thar. I think I'm done now.


  4. HEY!

    Any of ya pond guppys wanna get thar knoggens cracked open, Ol' Black Jack's all wound up n' sweaty! Step right up mates!  B)

      Black Jack  B)

    Alright, Black Jack. I'm in the mood for a couple of black eyes, a broken nose, and a bloody lip. While you're at it, knock a few teeth out, if you don't mind.

    Go on, hit me with your best shot. B)

  5. But if I plan on going out into the woods and get good and irresponsible, well, I'd like to get good and irresponsible. And it's hard to get irresponsible in front of kids.

    Sounds like my kind of party. Where do I sign up???

    I'll bring my guns and the alcohol and the other explosives.


  6. I was especially entertained by the storm sequences. It seemed quite real. The cinematography was outstanding. The score was very good, and I understood all of the dialog (perhaps not all of the terminology).

    I was also impressed with the lack of score in many of the scenes. To hear the creaking of the wood, the swinging of the hammocks, all of the noises above and below deck...

    And Russell Crowe. Yes, I thought he played the part quite well. The entire movie gave me insight on the reality of the times and conditions that I doubt I could have gotten elsewhere without doing a great deal of reading and research.

  7. Hmmmm....be thinkin'....this just might make a rather interesting "make better" episode on Bravo.....could call it...."Queer Eye for the Pyrate Guy".... :lol: Try imagin' those Fab 5 runnin' around cryin' "Arrrrrrrr"...and flying a pastel Jolly Roger.  :lol:

    Arrrrgh....I think I need sleep.

    I think that episode has already aired. Was that YOU they were doin' the makeover for, Black Jack???


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