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Everything posted by Cascabel

  1. Built 'er meself from parts from 'The Rifle Shoppe' >>>> Cascabel
  2. To load a blunderbuss, First keep in mind that contrary to popular belief, you do NOT load it with rusty nails, broken glass, etc. Imagine, if you will, a nail getting jammed cross-wise in the bore with the rest of the load trying to get past it !!!! To do it properly, you measure out the proper powder charge, which is about the same as that used in a similar caliber musket (not the large end of the barrel, but the size of the bore at the small end of the barrel). This is then followed by a thick wad of paper or unravelled rope, greased to prevent rust in the bore if left loaded and not to be fired immediately. (This acts as a sort of "piston" to push the entire load of shot out of the barrel). The wad needs to be fairly thick to withstand the pressure of the exploding powder without blowing through it and losing power. This thick wad is followed by a charge of lead shot. In my "beast" I use a couple of ounces of buckshot. If buckshot was unavailable in the old days, square lead shot could be easily cut from lead bars or thick sheets with a hammer and chisel. Another wad is then rammed on top of the shot to hold everything in place, but it does not need to be as thick as the first one. The piece is then primed, and left on half cock until ready to fire. >>>>>> Cascabel
  3. Me shipmate Ravan, who plays the Mary Read character at major East Coast events had a problem a couple of years back with the sniffer machine showing NEVR DULL metal polish as an explosive !!!! Created quite a problem for a while with armed guards freaking out, etc., until one of them showed up that knew what NEVR DULL was. (It was in it's original factory packaging). >>>> Cascabel
  4. The only guns myself and a lot of others carry are real functional flintlocks. Do you perhaps mean original antique flintlocks? >>>>> Cascabel
  5. The rules for non-firing replicas are the same as for a live weapon. The counter personnel seem unable to tell the difference, and while waiting in line is not the time to try educating them. As for swords, they can ride in your baggage without a problem, as long as the baggage goes in the baggage compartment (not carry-on). >>>>> Cascabel
  6. The first thing to think about is size. It must be considered that gold is actually heavier than lead, so the picture of a couple of pirates carrying a chest of gold the size of a steamer trunk is totally impossible. Somthing that size full of gold coins would require a fork lift, and have to be very strongly re-inforced to stand the weight !!!! >>>> Cascabel
  7. Longarm, me lad... Black powder can be had from some gun shops that cater to the muzzle loading community in most metropolitan areas. You will likely have to make some phone calls. Be forwarned, some store clerks are not as knowledgeable as they should be, and will tell you they have black powder when all they have is Pyrodex. MANY do not know the difference. You could possibly find a well informed enthusiast at a gun range to help you locate powder, but again, don't count on it. There is a tremendous wealth of BAD information out there !!!!! Black powder can also be ordered from a few suppliers, and shipped direct to your door in 25 pound lots. It is quite inexpensive this way, being in the neighborhood of $7.00 a pound. If you can get some friends to go in with you on an order, it's the best deal. Personally, I do not want that much at one time in my house. I usually try to have less than ten pounds on hand. >>>>> Cascabel
  8. Actually, the most important problem regarding Pyrodex or other black powder substitutes is very poor ignition with flintlocks. The reason real black powder is not available everywhere is that it comes under an entirely different set of rules as far as storage and sales regulations. Real black powder is classified as an explosive under the law, rather than a "flammable solid", which is the classification for Pyrodex and other smokeless powders. Compliance with the rules in order for a dealer to stock real black powder involves obtaining an explosives license, just like if you wanted to sell Dynamite or other explosives, with related storage and record keeping regulations, including periodic inspections and a storage "magazine". All of which most retailers don't want to deal with. Pyrodex can be simply placed on an open shelf in the store like fishing lures or anything else. All that being said, another reason real black powder is prefferable is that it generally costs about half as much as Pyrodex or other substitutes. >>>>> Cascabel
  9. The Queen Anne Pistols are an excellent choice. I highly reccommend them for a first timer learning to work a flintlock. They are reliable sparkers right out of the box, an overall a quality piece. There are VERY few top quality repro flintlocks available currently that are of the early style, as these are. Most repros available are of the late flintlock period, with the exception of some pieces imported from India that sometimes are quite variable in quality from one example to another. Sometimes you get a good one, sometimes not. For someone learning to work a flintlock for the first time, anything that is not a quality and reliable piece can be very frustrating and lead to disenchantment with flintlocks in general. Some of the lesser quality pieces need considerable tinkering in order to get them to work well. The Queen Anne is guilty of no such problems. If it won't work reliably, it is a matter of not doing something right, rather than the gun causing the problem. >>>> Cascabel
  10. That one never got off the ground. The city never gave it the needed support. I was supposed to be involved with it, so was in contact with the lady that tried to start it up. She was Michael the Tailor's significant other. Now that he has unfortunately passed on, I don't know if she intends to try again or not. >>>>>> Cascabel
  11. Ahoy back to ye, M'lady.... Enjoyed meeting you at PiP. Sorry I didn't have more time to talk with you. I stayed pretty busy. I'll surely be back next year, as I'm part of the regular cast. Hope to see ya there !!!! >>>>>> Cascabel
  12. Ahoy, Sam... Me and me shipmates stayed at yer fine establishment, "The Pirate Haus" a couple of years back whe we did Searle's Raid. >>>>> Cascabel
  13. I'll be there for the whole thing. I'm part of the cast. Right now they have me staying at Banana Bay Resort. Unless things change, that's where I'll be. Mostly I'll be out and about wherever things are going on. Hope to see ya there !!! >>>>> Cascabel
  14. I appreciate the attempt to be helpful, but I really don't know what is meant by "hosting pictures on a web site". Computers and the language involved is not my area of expertise. I do a whole lot better dealing with things of a mechanical nature. Thanks anyhow !!! >>>> Cascabel
  15. Thanks fer tryin', Pirata, but it's still WAY beyond the understanding of this poor struggling seaman !!! You may as well be speaking Chinese. I think I'll just let sleeping dogs lie, and stick to me flintlocks. Have a great day !!!! >>>>> Cascabel
  16. To post a pic in your signature you need to host your picture on a server on the net then add some [ img ] tags before and after the url to the picture you have loaded on another site. Ahoy, Pirata !!! Any chance of you 'splaining exactly what this means in detail, and how to do it IN DETAIL for us non-computer types ? Thanks, Cascabel
  17. A couple of things not to be missed are the Don Maitz pirate art exhibet scheduled for the Old Customs House Museum, And the Mel Fisher Treasure Museum. Both are within very easy walking distance of where the cruise ships come in. Hopefully you arrive during the festival and can meet some of the crew. There will be a lot going on.... >>>> Cascabel
  18. Unfortunately, Michael the Tailor passed on a couple of years ago. He did truly fine work, and had very reasonable prices. >>>>> Cascabel
  19. I know him well, and can contact him. He is a good friend of mine, and will be staying at my place around the end of this month before we go to Pirates in Paradise. If it's really important, e-mail me yer phone number off list, and I'll call him and give it to him. >>>>> Cascabel
  20. Thanks much, Cap'n Sage !!! I will try it first chance I get. I wish our fearless leader McVox would include instructions on how to do some of these things for some of us non-computer type folks somewhere on the website. Sure would be helpful. >>>>> Cascabel
  21. Me shipmate Braze and meself each got one of these over the weekend fer $21.00 a piece. Both had busted bowsprits, but nothing a drop of superglue couldn't fix...... >>>>> Cascabel
  22. O.K., how does one find out what "size" a picture is in one's picture files, and if it is not the right size, how do I go about changing it ????? 'preciate the help, Cascabel
  23. Don't feel bad shipmate, I can't figure out how to do it either !!! Perhaps some of the more "computer literate" folks would care to enlighten us..... >>>>> Cascabel
  24. The reproduction "TOWER" pistols that you refer to vary immensely in quality, and must be evaluated on an individual basis. They are usually referred to as "TOWER" pistols by most people because of the lock markings. I have never determined if the variation in quality is due to different manufacturers of these or if it is a matter of when they were made, with the lower quality ones being built towards the end of the production runs, or possibly a combination of the two factors. Most of them that I have examined have various glaring faults. Some problems being more serious than others. However, ALL can be made to function with some work. It is mostly whether or not you consider the amount of work to be worth the time or expense. All of them have bad geometry, which is a matter of internal lock variations having to do with the relationship of the tumbler to the sear, and also the angle at which the flint hits the steel. They also usually do not have properly balanced springs, which has to do with the strength of the frizzen spring in relation to the mainspring. There are also usually hardness issues with the frizzen and internal lock parts. I have also seen some where there is a gap between the lock and the side of the barrel large enough to allow powder to work it's way down behind the lock with potentially disastrous results if it were to ignite. They also benefit greatly from a bit of re-styling to improve their appearance. Again, all these things can be corrected and a decent pistol can be had, depending on how much work is needed. I have been told that there are a few that have bad barrels, but I have not run across any. All that I have dealt with have had quality issues regarding the locks, which can vary considerably on the inside, while appearing quite similar externally. They also have had problems such as the lock to barrel fitment previously mentioned. >>>>> Cascabel
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