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Everything posted by moricktowain
At the moment, one of me crew members, our [mundane] historian, and meself will be down at TRF on openin' weekend, although I'll only be in me pirate gear on the Saturday.....playing barbarian on the Sunday. I doubt I'll be too extreemly hard ta spot on tha Saturday: Long hair, Long beard, wearing wrap pants and a vest (no shirt underneath) with a mundane who also has long hair and a beard. [sorry if there be any misspellings in this post. I'm postin' it half asleep. I'll check it fer spelling accuracies tomarrow and will edit if need be.] Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
In the Raids forum a few weeks ago, I posted about my crew, the Pirate Brethren of Texas, attending bingo at a gay bar in Dallas(in specific the Throckmorton Mining Company bar). Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond our control, Bingo got cancelled, permanantly. My crew has been asked by the managers to come up with some interesting ideas to take the place of Bingo and a thought was to create a "Pirate night" once a month on a Tuesday night. We came up with many ideas, ranging from having the opportunity of bar patrons to be put into pirate garb and have their photo taken as a pirate to a murder mystery theater event(which was one of the manager's idea). After discussion between crew members we came to the conclusion that a story about someone being murdered may not work too well in a gay bar, so we are altering that idea to just a "Mystery Theater", with the storyline of some pirate has told of the crew's buried treasure which has been found and dug up. The bar patrons would have to approach various pirates and ask them what they know about the missing treasure. The pirates can improvise what they want to do (I've suggested having someone do a little arm wrestling with the patron to win the information) leading up to specific information they have.) It would all end with a confrontation between the culprit and the Captain, possibly with a small fight (using boffer swords). More information is available upon request for what we're going to be doing with this. This is where the call for help comes in. We are in need of any pirate in the state of Texas (preferably in Dallas) who may be able to help us with this storyline that we're working on. Interested pirates do not necessarily have to be gay(although it's a plus), but should be open to conversing with gay men in a bar, and should be prepared to be "hit on" by bar patrons. Interested pirates do not have to join the pirate crew(They could be cast as pirates from other crews that know information). The storyline is still in the works stage and once the storyline is ready, the entire idea has to be approved by the bar management. We're just, at present, just looking for anyone who might be able to help us out. My goal is to have a total of 9 pirates as "cast" of the show: Me(The captain), and 8 other pirates who will be suspects in the mystery. More information will be posted as the concept develops, and if things do go well, this may occur on a quarterly basis. (Would be overkill to do it on a monthly basis.) Those cast will need to be prepared to dress more along the Hollywood stereotype(our current plan for the casting has at least 6 of the 8 pirates either barechested or barechested with a vest). As more information becomes available, I will post it here. And if anyone wants me to keep them in mind, send me a message via this board and I'll let those interested know when the time comes. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Thanks for looking into my lost pistol. I didn't really expect it to be found, and I even checked with the lost and found the entire following day. Don't worry about it not being returned (It was only $15.00 to begin with, and I think there was a vendor at TRF that sold the same type of pistol. (Worse case scenario, I get one from there.) Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I don't know if anyone would be interested, but I'm going to post about this because my crew does this on a weekly basis. My crew is directed towards those in alternative lifestyles, and about 3/4 of them are gay. One of them told me about a free bingo night at a local bar in Dallas. Unfortunately, after a few weeks going to that, the crew member who told me about it (and was the only one that went out of my crew besides myself) had to move. But, since it was free and had real prizes(and people who weren't gay went there too. There's a nice contengent of heterosexual people that go to their free bingo.), I continued to go with the crew's historian(who's also my roommate)Eventually, I set it as a weekly event for my crew to attend bingo there, and we go in garb every other week. About 4 weeks ago, we had our highest turnout of my crew, 3 garbed crew members. They do award real prizes for the winners of each game, and they are normally pretty good prizes. I've won a DVD player, gift certificate to Black Eyed Pea, and some nice fish shaped candle holders. So, if anyone is in Dallas and would like to join us for bingo (no involvement in the crew is necessary) we'd love to have you come out. It's at a bar called the "Throckmorton Mining Company" at Cedar Springs and Throckmorton, every Tuesday night at 10pm till about 12:30. They do have a one drink minimum. If you want to go when my crew, which hasn't shown up to Bingo since the night we had three of us in garb, are going to be in garb, feel free to contact me and I can look at our calendar and let you know. It is a lot of fun, and everyone tends to have a good time, whether they be gay, straight, bi, or trans. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I've been hunting on the net for two things that I'm wanting to get for my pirate attire, and have been unsucessful in finding these. First, I had a nice looking cap-fire blunderbuss that I carried when I was at faire. Alas, it got lost and never recovered at Texas Renaissance Faire last year. I've been as of yet unable to find one that I could buy ahead of time to have for Texas Rennaissance Faire this year. So, I'm posting here to ask for any advice on if anyone knows of any online vendors that may sell decent looking cap-fire pistols or inexpensive non-functional replicas. The second thing I've been looking for deals with a post I tacked onto in the Rabble Rousing area about Tattoos. I'm in searching for decent looking temporary tattoos of a skull and crossbones, in particular ones that a pirate would have [if it were real]. Thanks in advance for any information I can get! Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
If I've posted to this thread before my apologies. I'm not willing to take the time to go through each page and check if I've posted my views on Tattoos. I happen to have an unusual problem when it comes to tattoos. No, not medical, but mental of sorts. I tend to have a difficult time making up my mind in some situations, and half of the time regret the descision I made [Not in a serious way like picking a car or a house, but things like I have to decide between one of two piratical video games and pick one that I didn't like, and would have liked the other one.] I'm afraid that I'll go to get a real tattoo, decide where to put it, and after it's been done I'll think "I should have gotten this placed over here, and not where it is." or "I don't think I like this tattoo. I should have gotten the other one I liked instead" So, in light of that, what I do is get temporary tattoos. If it turns out I don't like the location of one, then I remove it with rubbing alcohol and reapply a new one at a different location. I've got a new one that I saw at the Texas State Fair, and might be getting quite a few more if I can find one like it, and once I find the right spot for it, I'll be applying one on when I go out in garb for a weekend (at a faire or pirate event). Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
That does sound like fun....and even though I wouldn't be able to go this year [Not enough money to afford plane trip and hotel, alas.] I'd have no idea what garb to wear. Since half my garb is leather based [vest and boots], I'd have to probably either wear just wrap pants or wrap pants and a sleeveless red shirt I have. Probably would depend on the water temperature! I'm hoping this'll happen next year because [and I say this to myself EVERY year] I'm going to save up and hopefully be able to attend Pirates in Paradies next year. Hopefully someone will take plenty of photos of the competition for those of us unable to attend can see what it looked like! Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
The Pirate Brethren of Texas is looking for new crew members. We are an open minded, all male crew, geared towards the "alternative lifestyles". At present, all of our crewembers are gay, but we welcome anyone in an alternative lifestyle (gay, bi, trans, s&m, b&d, etc) or anyone who doesn't have a problem being with such a group. One of our main rules is "Dress for comfort, not for historical accuracy". And to that fact, there is a minimum requirement for garb: some form of leggings(wrap pants, tights, breaches, kilts, etc.) and some form of footwear. What crew members wear on their upper body is up to them(And as an example, unless it's cold, I normally go in wrap pants, boots, and a vest(barechested under the vest).) We are mainly a social group, and go to Scarborough Faire and Texas Renaissance Faire, as well as invading a local bar for a social night every Tuesday(with every other Tuesday, weather permitting, in garb) At present, our entire crew compliment is 6, including one that is our non-garbed historian(who better to carry a digital camera and video camera around than someone in mundane clothing!) Membership is really restricted to those in Texas or South Oklahoma, with a preference to those in Dallas. People out of the area are welcomed into the crew at a case by case basis. If anyone would be interested in joining, they can contact me via private message on this board, or via email at piratebrethrenofTX@yahoo.com. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethreno of Texas [An edit to my post: We used to go to a bar on Tuesday nights for their free bingo....they had to stop doing that (legal reasons) but the I do try to make an appearance at the bar and some of my crew do show up on occasion.]
Welcome to Texas! :-) There was at one time an attempted pirate festival up in Dallas, but it only happened one year and never happened again. :-( Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I think I've already put in at least 10 votes for Rupert, so have both my roommates. Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I am currently in charge of planning a trip to Orlando for myself and [Mundane] parents/grandparents, and have an interesting question that possibly someone in Orlando may be able to answer. The primary purpose of the trip is to go to Disney World, however one of the things I'm thinking of is to spend one of the evenings there at the Pirate Dinner Theater, and not at Disney World. I've been to some other renaissance/medieval dinner theaters, and some of them frown on guests coming to the venue in garb, which others havn't had a problem. I tried to send them an email which didn't recieve an answer, so I'm going to post here: Does anyone know if the Pirate Dinner Theater place has a problem with a customer showing up in pirate garb, or do they frown on it? Oh, and a second question that came to my mind as I was typing this message: Does anyone know of any interesting pirate themed venues in Orlando? (I saw video of the Pirate Cruise out of Tampa, and it didn't look like anything I'd want to go with. Looked like there was too many kids.) Thanks greatly in advance! Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Alas, the only time I would be in the Orlando area would be for a visit to Disney World, but wouldn't mind seeing you all perform if my visit(at a date currently undecided) happens to take place at the same time you're performing. Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Just wonderin' if anyone from here might be headin' to the Pirate Adventure weekend at Scarborough Faire this year. It's the second to last weekend of May. Personally, I plan to be there on the Saturday. Should be a good time to be had by all, I would hope. It was a lot of fun last year. Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Buccaneer Backyard BBQ open to all Pirates
moricktowain replied to Black Deacon's topic in Scuttlebutt
I might have been able to get down there, beings as how I live in Dallas(only a 4 hour drive to Houston) Alas, that is the day of a city bond election that I happen to be working....Got to earn money some how. Grrr. Why do all the interesting things have to happen on the same day as when I'm actually doing some work? -
Pending financial matters, I plan to go down to Texas Renaissance Faire at least two weekends. At least on the first day of the two weekends, which will probably be opening weekend, I'll be there in my pirate garb. The other times, I'll be in my barbarian garb. And, I'm going to Scarborough twice this year, the first trip being tomarrow(Sunday, April 18), the other being probably the Saturday of the second to last weekend(The Pirate themed weekend.). For both trips, I'll be in my pirate garb.(I wouldn't dream of going as my barbarian to Scarborough. I'd loose a lot of friends that are on cast!) Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas IBoRP #116
I'm in need of some advise dealing with a problem I'm facing. On Dec 24, 2002, I decided to create a pirate crew in the Dallas area that was directed more towards the gay/lesbian community (Get them out of the modern bars, and take them to renaissance faires and get them into the pubs drinking and carrousing like pirates.). During the past year and 3 months, I had a total of 4 people join, and since Christmas I havn't heard hide nor hair of them. I'm currently debating whether to give up and find a crew in the Dallas area that will welcome a gay (straight acting) pirate, or to keep trying.... Any advise? Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I can't make it there, but would love to see photos from the weekend! LOL Morick Towain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Curiousity question about cruise port of Cozumel
moricktowain replied to moricktowain's topic in Ports O'Call
I finally got around to posting this after I got back from the cruise. Cozumel was really nice. All I did there was shop and walk around the shopping strip. I wish the ship stayed till late, because I so wanted to do a "Caribbean Pirate Lobster Dinner Cruise" thing. But that started at 6pm, and the ship left at 5pm. The ship also went to Progresso/Merida, and Belize City. I did some cave tubing in Belize, after a 45 minute hike through a rainforest/jungle. It was very interesting! Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas -
Finally, this pirate will get to go on a cruise. Was supposed to go on the Norway last September, but the ship's boiler blew up in May of last year. Then, we were going to go on the Rapsody of the Seas, which had a port call in Key West, with several options for tallship sailings as excursions. That one fell through. Finally, it looks like I'm going on the Carnival Elation going out of Galevston on the week of February 8. I was looking through the shore excusrion lists that Carnival has on their website, and found one that REALLY cought my attention in Cozumel: "Caribbean Pirates Lobster Dinner Cruise". It looks like the ONLY piratical themed shore excursion on the entire cruise. I'm wondering if anyone from here has happened to visit that port on a cruise, and may have done that excursion. I'm going to be calling Carnival tomarrow to ask them if they allow people going on the excursion to dress in pirate attire, or even just a pirate shirt. If anyone from here has done that excursion, and knows the answer, please let me know, since I'm probably going to do that excursion(with a 99% probilitity. It's a tallship, with pirates. What more could I ask for! The only three reasons I wouldn't do it is if either it was more expensive than I thought, it doesn't get back to the port in time[The Elation departs at 5pm that evening], or it's sold out.) Also, out of curiousity, might anyone from here be going on that particular cruise [Carnival Elation, out of Galveston, TX on the week of February 8th]? Morick Towain
I'm suprised I havn't posted anything on this thread. LOL I consider myself mostly faire folk, with a slight dash of re-enactor. My character, Morick Towain, is an interesting character[in many ways, some are not suitable for all persons reading, so I won't get in to those ways.] My character does not dress like the re-enactors would like me to dress. I normally wear wrap pants, a leather vest, a head wrap, and boots. If it's cold, I do tack on a long sleeve peasant shirt under the vest. If there's a situation where I'm working[setting up the camp], I tend to not wear the vest. Weapon-wise, I normally carry a cap-fire pistol, with no swords[at present.] I've actually fought in my pirate garb, as a pirate, in Amtgard, which can be fun. [He's a barbarian who dresses and acts like a pirate. Try playing a bezerk pirate for an hour! LOL] My character has been dubbed by some in the local SCA groups as "not period" or improperly dressed. I personally don't feel like wearing layers upon layers of clothing, when it's 85+ degrees outside. Just my two cents worth. Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I may live in Texas, but would be interested in participating in this. I've done some acting recently.....although it was just being an extra in the movie Strangeheart. I've also done plenty of beta testing, and I've even made a few games crash while testing them. :-P Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
I wish I knew this was in Houston. I live in Dallas, and would have tried to attend. The photos look like a good time was had by all. I'll definately want to try to go next year. :-) Morick Towain Captain of the Inferno Pirate Brethren of Texas
My crew (The Pirate Brethren of Texas) dresses more towards the Hollywood stereotype. The gear I normally wear is: * Black leather vest * Black Wrap Pants * Boots * Head wrap [Yes, I do go shirtless under the vest. I know it's not "period", but it's comfortable, and living in Texas, that's the important thing.] When it's cold, I do add a peasant shirt to the garb. When it comes to weapons, I have a [cap fire] pistol. I'm hoping to get a baldric made, and buy a cutlass to go with the garb. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
If ye were a-makin' a pirate film...
moricktowain replied to TalesOfTheSevenSeas's topic in Pyrate Pop
If I were making a pirate film, I'd be doing a few things: 1. For the ladies, and the gay men, who see the film, plenty of male pirates wearing shirtless, mabey with vests. For the men, and the lesbian women, lots of wenches! 2. PLENTY of swordfighting. 3. A better display of life on board a ship while it's at sea, including showing some things they might have done to pass the time. 4. A scene where the pirates go to an island to dig up buried treasure. Just my two cents on the topic. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas -
I be taking my crew down to the Texas Renaissance Festival on their opening weekend, the weekend of October 4. Might there be any other pirates going to the faire that weekend? Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas