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Everything posted by moricktowain

  1. My crew is known as the Pirate Brethren of Texas. We're cenetered in Dallas, but are open to the entire state. We're an all male specialize in those in alternative lifestyles [gay/lesbian, Bondage, S&M, leather, etc. Our current crew compliment is 7/8 gay, and 1/8 heterosexual], but we welcome any male to join the crew, as long as their in Texas or South Oklahoma. We recieved a letter of Marque at Scarborough Faire from their version of Queen Margaret of Scotland and the Irles, and have also gone to see Pirates of the Caribbean in garb. :-) We're a fairly small group, but hope to graw. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  2. I was able to go see the film on the day it opened at a local theater/restuarunt called "Studio Movie Grill". I was one of about 60 pirates from Texas [that go to renaissance faires.] who were there. What really suprised me, and this isn't about the movie iteself, was that the theater was allowing males in garb to go shirtless as long as they had a vest that covered up their nipples. I'm definately going to be seeing it again tomarrow, at the same theatre without a shirt, with a vest. I loved the film! Although I didn't get to stay through the credits, due to nature calling, I plan to sit through them the next time I see the movie, tomarrow. The fight scenes were REALLY impressive, and the special effects for the skeletons were well done as well. If they do a sequel, and I hear about them casting extras, I will definately try to audition for it....Although based on last time, since I live in Texas and not in California, nor do I have any sailing experience, I probably will not be selected for the film. :-( I plan to try none the less. [Although it was for the better I didn't get selected as an extra. I got selected to be an extra in Strangeheart, see post in the Beyond Piracy forum, where I got to sing a line in a song, solo!] Morick Towain Pirate Brethren of Texas
  3. I was going to suggest "My other vehicle is a tallship" in the middle with a skull and crossbones on one or both sides of the bumper sticker. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  4. This is a good thing! I'll definately be putting some photos in there.....once I get some taken of me at events. :-)
  5. I was hoping there would have been one up in Dallas, like there was last year. But, alas, after emailing them, I found out that there is probably not going to be a second Blackbeard Pirate Festival in Dallas. :-(
  6. I'm going on two back to back cruises on the S/S Norway on the week of Septembe 21 and 28. The ship stops in Philipsburg, St. Maartin as well as St. Thomas, and I'm wondering if anyone here may know of any locations of Piratical interest that I should try to see during the 8 hours I'm in those ports? [On the side nite, I wanted my first cruise to be on a tallship, but a regular steamship cruise liner will suffice. LOL.] Also, BTW, if anyone else is going on that cruise on either of the two weeks I'm going, shoot me a line, so we can meet up and share a pint of rum. LOL. Morick Towain [Edit: Oops. I made some errors, including spelling and what one of the ports I'm going to is. LOL]
  7. Wrap around shirts are exactly the type of shirts I'm looking for! Scarborough starts next week......I'm going to have to go garb shopping to see if I can't find a shirt like that next week...... Although $60.00 is less than the wrap around shirt that Center Stage Costumes sell. [Just bought some patterns, and saw some interesting ideas at Excalibur.] Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  8. Thanks for the direction in getting my answers to how to figure out the commands. I'll be taking a look at the information that I got from posting to their message board and hopefully will have a better handle on the game. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  9. I tried the Age of Sails II Privateers Bounty, and could not for the life of me figure out the confounded controls as to how to turn the ship! I have yet to try the game in a multiplayer situation, but would be interested in doing so.....as a pirate(of course). Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  10. I happened to have that book at one time. It got lost during a move. It did have some facinating information in there, dealing with pirates and homosexuality. I won't go into details, but he does make some REAL good points in the book.....although I will have to re-obtain the book and find the section on Hot racking, since I must have overlooked that. That book is not for the close minded though. I do honestly recommend the book myself, as it is a good read. Some interesting facts are in there. Had it not of been for that book, I would not have created my pirate crew comprised of gay men. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  11. Ahoy there to all. I'm looking for anyone who may have any information on how to make a sword baldric. I have some knowledge of leatherworking and would be interested in making a sword baldric to go with a cutlass I will be looking to get eventually. Any assistance would be greatfully appreciated. Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  12. I'm looking for a pirate shirt that meets a specific personal requirement. On some of the pirate shirts I've seen the shirt has an opening in the front near the neckline that is laced up. That opening area is normally about 1/10 of the length of the shirt. What I'm looking for is a shirt that is open to at least 1/2 of the length of the shirt, or more[preferably closer to 2/3 down the length of the shirt.] I know Center Stage Costumes has a shirt like the one I'm looking for, and although I would like to get it, I would really like to get one from a vendor closer to Texas, if at all possible. I would also be interested in finding a sewing pattern for a shirt like this. If anyone can provide any assistance, even if there's a pattern somewhere that I can use, I would be greatfully appreciative! Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  13. Thus far, my favorite three pirate movies are, in order of preference: Captain Blood The Black Pirate [silent film, but really well made!] The Crimson Pirate Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  14. I agree. I like the slops they sell as well. I especially like the Pirate Shirt that they sell. I've only seen that type of shirt sold at Center Stage Costumes. Anyone know a place where I can find a shirt like that or a pattern other than Center Stage? [somewhere closer to Texas]
  15. I'm going to be taking my crew to the North Texas Irish Festival at Fair Park in Dallas, TX this Saturday. I'm wondering if anyone from this message list might be in Dallas and going to the festival. Would love to meet any fellow pyrates! :-) Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  16. Curious....What is tha website for this ship?
  17. Wow. There's a chat room now available. I know I'll be frequenting that location often. When was this added? :-) Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  18. Huzzah! Now, what trouble can we get ourselves into. LOL. <eg> Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  19. Just passin' on to anyone. The Pirate Brethren of Texas [a gay pirate re-enactment/performance troupe] will be visiting Excalibur Medieval Faire on the second weekend of the faire. It will be only as patrons, but if anyone from here should happen to be there, they'd be welcome to roam around the faire with us. :-) Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  20. I used to live in the Hampton Roads area, before moving to Texas. I wish I had the interest in pirates back when I lived in that area, I'd have been going to that festival every year, and may have even tried to participate in it. But alas, I now live in Texas. [Of course the nice thing is that we have over 5 renaissance faires, and hopefully a pirate festival over here!] Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
  21. Ahoy there. I saw a post on Alt.Faires.Renaissance about the board and decided to join it. I go by the name of Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas, a gay oriented pirate re-enactment and performance troupe. I go to several of the renaissance faires in Texas, including Scarborough, Texas Ren Faire, Excalibur, and Tablerock. I've also visited Maryland Ren Faire and Tennessee Ren Faire. I'm currently planning a personal trip to visit either Bristol Ren Faire or Ravenhurst Medieval Fantasy Faire. I look forward to some very facinating conversations and discussions on this board. :-) Morick Towain, Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
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