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Sir Beachem Quick

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Everything posted by Sir Beachem Quick

  1. 1801
  2. Answer
  3. well now lad let's not be hastily spreading about unsubstantiated rumors.
  4. echo . . . echo . . echo . . .
  5. perhaps ye may want to think about upgrading your dial up there captain
  6. It's locked in a sea crate so no dirt will get in the car and the car is brand new.
  7. lets make that captain Jim
  8. I most assuradly have met cascabel, and captian Jim.
  9. Volvo burried a c90 and whoever finds it keeps it. Maps available at any volvo dealership. This is a tie in promo w/ POTC
  10. a bad day pillagin is better than a good day doing anything else.
  11. I had no idea pirates were such a friendly bunch I'll be meeting more of ye soon enough
  12. Old pirates never die . . .
  13. I'm half scott and half limey which explains why i hate meself.
  14. Don't remeber much of the 80's was drunk most of the time.
  15. Phone conversation between two blonds. 1st blond - I saw on the news today that there was a terrible earthquake in South America 2nd Blond - Oh no that's so sad. 1st blond - it's a shame over a hundred brazillions lost their lives. 2nd blond - ok so how many is in a brazillion?
  16. Now that be funny!!
  17. It all started when I was a wee lad . . . . . . and after countless google searches with every combination of the word Pirate. this is where I frequently ended up. (Slow learner here) it took me a few landings to actually figure out what this site was and how it worked.
  18. http://cgi.ebay.com/63-ANTIQUE-NAUTICAL-MA...1QQcmdZViewItem Thoughts?
  19. Here's What I know about gun laws in Florida. If you do not have a concelled wheapons permit it Must be visible at all times. Unless all of these are true! 1. it is empty, 2. It has a trigger lock and 3. it is in a locked trunk, Glove box or gun safe. This is known as the three step gun safety program. Flints? not sure
  20. Aye, here's a sweet sight me found after days and days of googling. http://weaponsofchoicetheatrical.com/ priced right for any sailors wages. be sure to view out the sales side.
  21. Aye an excellent Peice indeed. me being a true and honest member of the Order of St John of Jerusalem Palastine Rhodes and Malta can affirm that this is not associated with such. my suspicion has it to be a WWII relic of the reich. Hitler transformed emblems of great hisorical significance and distinction and debased them into file emblems of death and perversion IE: the Iron Cross.
  22. Aye, count me in says I I'll be a stranger to most of ye so seek out a pirate who's shinny and new like a freshly minted scudo.
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