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Sir Beachem Quick

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Everything posted by Sir Beachem Quick

  1. Hurricane - So what you're saying then is that you are neither a historical re-enactor or a interpetive actor but instead a bona fide pirate like the days of old and further more you can tell the difference between a real bona fide pirate and an imposter? I am pretty sure that's what you are saying.
  2. Hurricane - Actually you and I are in fact on the same page by your own admission There is certainly room for both, but as one who used to draw the historical folks into the protracted discussions about "could this have been possible", I have learned that solid evidence weighs far more than "I saw this in Pirates of the Caribbean."
  3. To speak for meself; Anal was not used as an insult it was purely a statement of fact. perhaps a better word could have been chosen but it was the first one that popped in to me head while writting. Believe me when I tell you I have no place or intention to be insulting anyone. and that my friends is the facts. P.S. do notice I started with "my observations". also notice I said there is a place for both and each serves a purpose. this can hardly be viewed as an insult. Silkie - You understood exactly what I was trying to say.
  4. Being the instigator that I am (can't help it . . . Pirate) I thought this to be just as good a time as any to discuss some of me observations. There are in fact two types of pirates. 1. Historical re-enactors 2. interpretive actors (oh and apparently very real Pirates- keep reading) added later Based on what I see most fall in the middle but leaning more tword intepretive actors. I find historical re-enactors to be more vocal and certainly more anal when it comes to the fine details of the genre. we as a pirate community need to get to a happy place of co-existance between both types. There is plenty of room and each provides a different service if-you-will to the public. Speaking entirely for meself now, I can say that I would like to get as close to accurate as possible without spending 5 grand on a hand stiched garment I can neither afford such nor do I believe it's necessary to communicate the fact that I am a pirate. The only people who give a crap about such details are other pirates; the public is not able to disinguish the difference between a dog lock or flint lock pistol and "hey that's cool gun, is it real?" further more they shouldn't have to. ultimately the bottom line is we are all posers because I doubt any of us have ever hijacked a sailing vessel on the high seas. so let's just agree to fall in the catagory we choose and be happy with that. which catagory do you fall in?
  5. " Maybe that castle has a phone"
  6. It appears France is good for somethiing after all. Great Short Film
  7. S W A G Somthing we all get Stollen While At Gig
  8. it seems there are some who do in fact know it all.
  9. For me nothing beats a "Rusty Nail" Scotch With Super concentrated scotch on top. Aye, So sweet and tastey don't cha know!!
  10. 132 million wow all time record for three day opening. Does no one have questions about the monkey and the gold coin he took off with at the end of the first movie. it was not addressed in the second one. and will this have some effect on Jacks ability to survive the craken? any thoughts? PS and one more thing No voddo doll of Jack in this one HHHMMMM???
  11. Captain Jim, This is an awesome service you be coordinating. regretable I for one will not be much help. Though Perhaps contacting the library of congress may be a bountifull resource for sea chanties even if they are not exactly period. Personally, I think if your in the century it should be fair game. the whole concept of time period correct can really make one crazy. Let's face it pyracy is about a life style more than a date. Cheers
  12. If the contest is still going on I would like to nominate captain Jim
  13. Aye you be a fresh water pirate.
  14. Top flag is my fighting Order of Malta Flag The second is my personal coat of arms Keep your eyes open mates you may see them one day when you least expect it.
  15. If blackbeard wash english then why in sam hell did he have a scottish accent in this movie?
  16. Well it became obvious to me early on that this was a half a$$ attempt to immitate the Haratio Hornblower series. This wasa far cry from hornblower and obviously entirely fiction. Poor acting, crappy effects and really shitty editting. but hey it's just my opinion.
  17. Aye there captian you've outdone yourself. Parchance next time we should see more of that hadsom Quick.
  18. Here's a sweet peice of work, Not too excited about the scabbard thoughCutlass
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