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Red Dog

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Everything posted by Red Dog

  1. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ harpsichord, I prefer the sound < Just dropped anchor in Portland, OR. I got to attend the Portland Pirate fest as well. Not bad for a first year turn-out. V Ever had the chance to travle abroad? Where'd ya go?
  2. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ sunsets, in anticipation of what the night may bring. < Got's me a black powder cannon w/ a 1 inch bore. Really loud! V what would you shipboard job be?
  3. Igor, (pronounced eye-gore)
  4. FUD Fear, uncertainty, doubt ( My work here is done)
  5. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Profit at others suffering, pomposity and ego < really should be packing, ( 5 days til I'm Oregon Bound!!!!) V Would you rather live during the ascension of a civilization or during it's decline.
  6. 20. Conflicts are resolved with a round table disscusion over a nice cup of "Earl Grey".
  7. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ The sudden change in temp., suddenly it's comfortable during the day and a bit cool at night, I love these small transitional points. < 6 days til I'm on the road to Oregon! V what's yer favorite type of ship? preferably from the GAOP but any age will do. I liked the Monitor and the Merrimack from the US Civil war period.
  8. Fire for effect!!!!!
  9. midnight Oil: Beds are burning
  10. deep massage
  11. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ My leather sword baldric < Ate at Panda Express tonight and now I'm sick'er an a dog V What's your favorite "Nautical" term Captain: "Bring 'er about, two two zero with a full rudder amidship!" Bosun: "eh....what Captain?" Captain: " Make a left "
  12. Just found out I'm related to " Iron Eyes" and " Running Doe" of the Cherokee Tribe.
  13. Just got a new type scam e-mail, it said the cedit card I had on file was expired and gave me a link to some travel agency web site.
  14. A brit comedy called "Waiting for God"
  15. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Copper red, tending toward....... bald < Just got home from a mexican pub, what a hoot! V What's you dream vaction?
  16. Whip in my valise
  17. Tora Tora Tora
  18. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ Yep, sent it out to sea from Huntington Beach, CA about 30 years ago. Never heard back thought...... < Spent all day on a roof fixing air conditioning, it was 137 degrees according to my thermometer. V Whats yer favorite time in history, other than GAOP? Mine's the US Civil War.
  19. Red Dog

    ^, <, V

    ^ still skeptical, but have had some weird experiences. < just updated my info for the trip north ( 14 days and counting) V any predictions for POTC 3?
  20. Do it! Even if you never use the skills, the knowledge is invaluable.
  21. aren't they all?
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