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Jack Roberts

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Posts posted by Jack Roberts

  1. So i'll drag this thread from Davy Jones' locker. So I would think that if they used wheat flour for the biscuts, I would assume it to be what we call whole wheat today. I mom has gotten into milling her own whole wheat berries. The bread produced from that flour is fairly dark brown. I would think that would be closer to what they would have had "back in the day" for the biscuts. What do you all think?

    Also anyone tried to make thier own? I'm definity trying this weekend. Anybody got a recipe? I see that flour, water,and salt is the ingredients. I guess you just mix them until you get a dough like substance. MMM... I'll have to try.

  2. I sat drinking my reward. Probably enjoying one of my last meals on land. The ship should be ready soon. I dreaded going out to sea again. I could just stay here for awhile.

    "Maybe if I talk to Ritter. I've done my share." I thought as I downed another swig of ale.

    These 2 men come strolling inside. With thier heavy accents they pawned off some items from thier bag.

    "Aye would ye be wantin' anything?" one of the men asked.

    "Not tonight, thank you." I replied and I drew back into my tankard.

  3. And my serger decides to throw a screw. I get it back together, and now the machine won't stich right. Ahhhhh!!!. (I know an overlock stich is inacturate, but I'm making ten costumes. I need to cut corners where I can.) So now i'm stuck taking it down to a repair shop tomorrow. Anyone else have any suggestions or experience with such machines? Tip or Tricks? Just venting some frustration.

  4. I walked as if not to be seen. Hiding in shadows were, I could. I left the Fox and Bull and paid my bill there. I just know that capt’n Ransom is looking for me now. I tried to resist the urge to go and celebrate, but it was just too much.

    “A pocket full of coins and no where to spend it? What was a pirate to do?” I thought.

    I looked around and stepped in to the nearest tavern and ordered a fine rum to start it off with.

  5. My wife and I are busy using this pattern for our crew of 10 people. (We're heading down to Pyrates in Paradise.) SO far so good. I've made 9 vests, 5 shirts and one coat, (thats mine). The pattern isn't to bad. I have a overlick machine and I cheated somewhat on the vests and sowed them a bit different.

    I've made My own pants patterns. One for the men and one for the women. I plan On posting an entire write up of the whole project when done. It's been a long road and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Here are some pic of what I've done. (I posted most of these already in the Rabble Rousing)



  6. As I rowed back to shore, I glanced at my passenger. He rolled over with a cough. My left shoulder ached; the slash I had received earlier was throbbing. I peered back through the darkness at the ship. No one knew what hit them. My last trip there had proved useful.

    “I need to hide for awhile. I’m sure that capt’n is going to be worse off than a mother wolf who’s lost her cubs,” I thought. I had a few wounds myself that needed tending to.

    “Come now my friend.” I whispered in Killingsworth’s ear. ”I hope you can walk. We must make to the Shipp”. He groaned as we continued on our way


    What a pair we made. I was stripped down my shirt and breeches, and this man was completely miserable. We reached the Shipp, and I slip in the back door as instructed. In the darkness of the hallway I search for a door with a flower.

  7. “Descirbe him?” I thought, “oh great,” I don’t really know where he is much less know what the man looks like.

    “Well,” pausing for a moment, “He is being held captive abroad a ship here in the harbor.” Lying through my teeth. Well mot really lying, I mean I saw what I saw but whose to say. “and he was beaten about the face a bit and was hard to make out any real features.” Boy I hope that was convincing. I glanced over and was the smoking man still watching. Lets see what this lady has to offer.

  8. “I think I can obtain something that ye been looking for. A certain person of interest to you, Lady. For the right price, he can be obtained within the evening.”

    I looked about the room eyeing the patrons. I see a man, with smoke bellowing around him, paying attention to us. I steal myself back to the current situation and add, “I believe a mister Killingsworth would interest you?” There I was throwing myself into another ridiculous situation. I hoped to grab some decent coin out of this. I certainly hope so.

  9. hows the Spanish had cigars other than certain tribes of Indians. There is another thread discussing cigars, which did not seem to make their way to England or the colonies until later in the 18th century... although if any one has other info showing the contrary please share...

    Thats what I 've heard on this forum so far, but pyrates were attacking the Spainish. Could they have picked up a cigar from them perhaps? Just a thought. Would they just tear up the tobacco from a cigar and toss it in there pipe? I mean if pyrates were raiding their ships, I wonder if they might have picked smoked at least what was on board. Maybe? I dunno, just speculating here. (please no flaming, I'm just throwing out a theroy. :lol: ) What do you all think?

  10. My mind raced for the proper response. I bowed forward and paused. “I can slay men in battle but this woman can stop me dead in my tracks?” I thought, resisting the urge to just murder her right there.

    “My deepest apologies, my lady."

    "I'm a, errr, a sailor.” Returning upright careful not to meet her eyes.

    “My name is Jack Roberts." Trying to remember what I have seen others do when in the presence of such a class.

    "I heard your call yesterday down by the docks."

  11. Well at least I made off with my hide. I’m not sure if that capt’n has this Killingsworth, but maybe I can throw St. Claire in the mix and see.

    I run back to the Fox and Bull and grab my best coat. It a maroon color and made of silk. Some thing I aquired a few months back. Maybe I can try to look presentable. A quick shave and a check of my tricorn and I’m off.

    As I walk towards the way of the Shipp, and breeze through the door. I spot her, drinking her coffee and peering out the window.

    “Good morning. Ms. Tess St Claire” I said as I strolled up, with a low bow.

    “I may have some information for you, If you're willing to listen my lady.”

  12. “Whew.” I thought, ”I might just get out of this one after all.”

    Addressing the Capt’n, “Well I believe I’ll be at the Fox and Bull should anything arise.”

    “You may leave any correspondence under the name Jack Roberts.”

  13. “Have you been on shore lately?” “The rumor has been all over town. This Killingsworth has been supposed to have killed a maid and shot another capt’n.”

    “Blast.” I thought to myself. She’s not going for it. I had heard that someone saw a boat loading a body on to a ship. I deduced that it was probably this ship. It was a rough guess at best. Now I wasn’t so sure. Gathering my wits so as not to show my ture emotions.

    “I’ve found out that this Tess woman is looking for this man. She’s quite wealthy. I bet she would pay handsomely for his return.”

  14. For yer hat,

    I would definatly shellac it. I posted a similar questions awhile back. (I'll dig it up here in a moment.) I never thought of the salt water trick, I'll have to do that. When I get home. The shellac makes the hat really floppy which can good or bad. I got a very unquie shape to it. I left it upside down and got really rounded edges. Keep in mind that the hat will be hard when you shellac it and it will shrink a bit while it dries. I stretched it out with a bag tied around me head and put the hat on while it dried. (If you have a head rag put that on to, then bag it.) I'll try to post pics later, It's going to be a few days, I'm clear accross the country right now.

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