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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. Happy Birthday to the beautiful sister and her evil twin! You two decide which is which!
  2. Happy Birthday to the beautiful sister and her evil twin! You two decide which is which!
  3. The warm breeze coming through the open window.
  4. Happy Anniversary!
  5. I KNEW I saw something here on the pub! lol
  6. I saw that, but I was looking for the dates (found them on the Pirate Brethren Forum) but I thought for sure I saw SOME discussion here on the pub. Oh well. This hasn't been the first time and will likely not be the last that I have read something that isn't there. lol
  7. I could have sworn I had seen some on this forum. Hmmmm
  8. For some reason I can't find the Lock House posts. Can someone point me in the right direction please?
  9. I thought someone posted directions or a link for the directions to these buttons but I can't seem to find it. Can someone assist me?
  10. His life was lived on the screen his death just seems like the ending of a move. That in itself is a rather sad statement on for so many reasons.
  11. Another item added to the list. Hmmm, well, the Hide doesn't have a floor, maybe I don't need a broom ...yet. lol
  12. There is at least one tattoo discussion thread around here some place. As to piercings and plugs I don't know anything about that. Remember that PiP does not require you to be 100% accurate. If you wish to be period correct then by all means keep doing the research! Check the plug reference for accuracy, see if you can find other information to support that and make a story around it. As to the implants on the sternum is there a way to cover them with a scarf or a piece of jewelry or some other PC adornment?
  13. Not so, however most here in the new world have a way of fouling the English language and murdering grammer ...as a rule.
  14. From my perspective as an adult these ideas are great and would motivate me now. I don't work with children. Would these methods keep the child's attention? Mind you this question comes from a woman who's mother stated (later in life) I didn't think you would make it out of grade school let alone graduate from college!" I have never learned well in traditional settings and I think these methods may have made the difference. I am curious if continuing research would keep their attention. To this day I dislike research, could be because I never really knew how to do it or that I could never organize my thoughts. I think I was a problem student. lol
  15. A meal like that I may try to get the captain to sail out of our way! lol
  16. Which would explain why evidence is often sparse on some items, I would think when the Jumps were worn out they might find a next life as a pair of pockets or pillow covers or whatever.
  17. We already wear funny hats.
  18. I am interested in jumps for physical work. Bending and reaching can be rather difficult in stays for a woman my size. Yes I know that the likelihood of a woman my size working or even existing in the GAoP is rare but until I loose the weight I would like an alternative for kitchen work & cleaning.
  19. My sisters inlaws had a large house boat and a small speed boat ...yes I know we are talking sailing vessels but I thought this might get a chuckel from one or two of you. The Speed boat was "Fast Half", the large house boat was "Half Fast"
  20. Drat. I just slept ...seasonal alergies are still kicking my butt!
  21. That is the beauty of the Mercury Crew ...all misfits. Now if you need a crew to do other events go for it. I was Mercury before I decided that I wasn't going to be a sutler and I was going to do living history. Not everyone on the mercury is English, although I admit that they all speak English ...well ...more like some sort of North American dielect of English. lol There are people on the Mercury crew who are members of other crews. They are coming in smaller numbers so, 2 from crew A, 1 from crew B, 7 without a crew, one from California =11 mercury crew members. It is a beautiful thing! William has graciously accepted the appointment of Qurtermaster and Jim was voted Captin for a few reasons, he is a captain in some life, he has been going to PiP for several years and he looks the part ...the man does need a long coat ...hmmm ...a frock coat. Dont' look at me, I was going to make Harry a proper shirt 2 years ago!
  22. Only if "short" is 6'2" and over 200 pounds . . .Now that description sounds more like what I was thinking. lol It was just the speach pattern ...but you knew what I meant, either that or you have been under a rock for a good 30 years ...I didn't look ...aer you even that old? Edit: I looked, you are ...barely
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