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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. g'day lad ...welcome.
  2. Welcome good lad!
  3. Congrats lass! So good to hear. I know you will find joy in being employed and if it is work you like you will do well!
  4. Aye but few women were aboard a ship so we are limited only by our imagination and what may be available at that point in history and geography.
  5. I'm not surprised
  6. Silas, that plan exsists, I have seen it but I am sure you can find it some place on the internet.
  7. I am sure that with you organizing the Mercury crew and keeping those who are coming to add to the Mercury crew informed safety issues will be addressed and attended to. Thanks William!
  8. Aye, I too would be going if it were not so expensive.
  9. Lady Bower is correct. I apologize that I was not clear. I have a cutlass and a Murdock, I use them when I am a man in battle. As a woman who does living history I strive to be authentic. That women would no doubt be able to handle a musket or the like but may not, that is why I use a bed warmer loaded with hot coals. I have a hat pin. I have a pocket knife, a cleaver and an iron skillet worse case scenerio there is always the chamber pot. lol
  10. There may be a better place for this so feel free to move it. (and remove that line when you do!) Lady Brower posted her "small wepons" and I thought it would be interesting to see what other items we women use in hand to hand. I know there are a few of you who have chosen some interesting weapons! On the other hand maybe you are looking for an idea. If you know what you want but can't find it maybe someone else can. So go ahead ladies ...show off your "weapon" of choice! EDIT/Clarification: I am speaking of/to those who strive for historical accuracy. A woman of the late 1600's early 1700's would not sport a brace of pistols or have a cutlass dangling at her hip. She may have a fan dangling from her wrist or a hatpin in her bonnet. If she were a baker perhaps she would use a rolling pin, that is what I am referring to. Some of these items can prove rather humorous in a skit where the women are defending the town!
  11. That last image...maybe it is an issue with being over weight but I could NEVER bend that far forward in stays! lol Now back to the Jumps discussion.
  12. Those pancake thin straw hats are remarkably cool and good shade but use caution when near the water ...ocean breezes have a way of trying to make them into sails! I use a ribbon that has been tacked to the inside of the hat and a hat pin. Having a double chin it looks better than the other way but I suspect that Lady Browers method may be more secure.
  13. Happy Birthday Billie!
  14. Oh look who changed their photo...very pretty!

  15. Oh yes! Mr. O'Keefe counts ...sometimes we have a problem figuring out WHERE he counts but he does count for something grand!
  16. Some of these photos are just great! Thanks for sharing! Wish the brightly clothed sunbathers and floatation devices were less visable but such is reenacting in this day and age.
  17. No,none of them were for the forking.
  18. huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggggggg! Sorry hun, you will make it, we will see you at PiP next year. Know it first, then make the decisions that will get you there! I know you can do it, If I had the means to get you there I would but well, none of us is a millionaire ...yet.
  19. Press is a must, have to get the word out to the locals.
  20. I happen to know that Sarah loves her father very much. Even saw her hug him this weekend ...and here is the shocker, the man hugged back!
  21. September is my birth month, what a giftie!
  22. What was Shara's excuse? Didn't want to be seen with her father?
  23. I am glad to hear all went so well! I can't wait to see the photos. Congratulations on such a success! How many years has the event been happening?
  24. Did I read it correctly? Admission is $40.00? ouch
  25. I think Gnat will stick ...lol Such a big guy such a small name ...does that mean he bugs everyone? no ...hmmm the red Gnat ...no ....hmmm, Gnat the red ...sstill needs work. But I do like Gnat.
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