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Silkie McDonough

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Silkie McDonough

  1. let me start with I'm going to get the linen. Let me add that the laws are guidlines with which a business woman is to run her establishment. That having been said I feel that I should point out the fact that "The Sealkies Hide" Deals with any who have the coin to spend. She is not beyond dealing with those in the black market.
  2. As a former member of the Mercury crew I have a few wordes that I have heard William use that sums the crew up well. "Pyrate pick-up crew". The catch? You have to work on a crew and cooporate with people you have never met. Thus far I have not seen an issue with that but what do I know Sterling has mads an "honest woman" out of Silkie ...who would have thunk it? lol
  3. That would be fabulous! Please, keep us informed!
  4. My argument would be that Cleopatra wore the finest cotton grown in the Egyptian’s Nile valley. The first spinning wheel was thought to have originated in India about 500 years before Jesus was born. Columbus bumped into a big lump of land and called it America in 1492, he found cotton already growing. Cotton seeds are believed to have been planted in Florida around 1556 and in Virginia in 1607. With all of that why wouldn't dorset buttons, purchased by a wealthy owner of an inn, be made with cotton thread?
  5. What about cotton? I can't get cotton locally I have to order the linen ...I want to start today.
  6. I am seeing the �s incorrectly also ...that is if that post works the way I am seeing it. lol
  7. Being from the same crew as Cheeky I can say unequivocally that ONE of Cheekey's problems are solved. LOL
  8. See that tiny icon to the right of the persons name? Click there, a window opens, click on the icon of the opened envelope. PM. Took me a moment also.
  9. Talk like that makes me aware of how you "landed" such a beauty.
  10. Found it! Go to new content. The tab is to the left reads "Help". It is very helpful.
  11. Aye. sigh ...but yours is so pretty! I also need more than one for the "Hide"
  12. I'm not going near your cookies. LOL Okay, I stumbled upon a link of helpful hints on using the site ...now I can't find it. Could someone help me find the helpful hints again?
  13. Michael & Kate, it looks great! Nicely done. Drat ...I was hoping for a 6 to 8 foot length and I have to heft it myself onto the roof of the car. If pine splits then I would have to use hardwood also. Sigh ...okay ...need another plan ...and a bit more financial backing. LOL
  14. Aaaah ...look at the bottom of the page!
  15. Now that it has been upgraded EVERY post is listed as a new post. I am one of the lazy ones who uses the "View new content" link. What I have not been able to do is find the "mark everything as read" link. Can someone help?
  16. This is a creative lot, won't be long until someone takes a candle stick, a photo frame or whatnot and makes one. Whoever you are be sure to share.
  17. Aye to wanting photos and can you provide an approximate weight? Have to watch the load weight on the Civic. LOL
  18. Hey look at that! New coat of paint, few picture hanging on the walls, old logo on the header. Somebody's doing some remodeling. Hmmm, "There are 10001 new entries" Don't think I will ever catch up! lol ...okay ....where to start?
  19. Prayers to midnight and his. Thanks to Callenish and Blackjohn for keeping us informed.
  20. Sorry that NY is having such horrid weather. Here in NJ (Just outside of Philly) the weather has been fantastic for about a week. 80's low humidity all day and 60's at night.
  21. I am guessing that it all depends on the type of painters tarp you have. I have one that I got from my father (a painter by profession) that is fantastic, very water proof. I don't know about the kind sold at places like Home Depot and Lows but perhaps if you try places like Sherwin Williams and others that cater to the professional you may find what you are looking for ...and they don't have metal grommets. lol
  22. OH MY! How nice! *slobber, slobber, drool*
  23. Wonderful! Thanks. Wish I could some of the detail etching on the Murdocks. Aah, this just gives me more reason to do more research.
  24. Jack was born a day late, couldn't be one of the twins. Happy Birthday Jack. Enjoy!
  25. His name is Jon. Air conditioning. Not so simple but sometimes that first cool breeze at work is much needed.
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