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jim hawkins

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Everything posted by jim hawkins

  1. Star Trek Inspirational Posters
  2. Goldfinger ?
  3. Packing for my trip to san diego Don juan demarco is excellent
  4. camelot the final frontier
  5. Woot! Whos all going opening night? (as soon as we know when it is heh)
  6. Oh and heres that historical map/chart site I was talking about. Yes the interface is clunky, Im working on it http://historicals.ncd.noaa.gov/historical...als/histmap.asp
  7. cats that look like hitler
  8. Little shop of Horrors? (probably not but eh)
  9. Im in the chat room and no one else is Also half watching a show on the crusades.
  10. Thats definatly Rocky Horror. The counter line is "Castles dont have telephones asshole!"
  11. True and I've tried putting some sea serpents or 'here be monsters' notes on modern charts but my bosses are never willing to go for it.
  12. The short version is, the charts were terrible! They get much better after ~1760s with the invention of shipboard chronometers so that longitude could be determined at sea. Book recomendation: Longitude: The True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time by Dava Sobel
  13. blackjohn get in on this thread! Sounds like Chip logs are period: A major advance that made dead-reckoning much more accurate was the invention of the chip log (c.1500-1600). Essentially a crude speedometer, a light line was knotted at regular intervals and weighted to drag in the water. It was tossed overboard over the stern as the pilot counted the knots that were let out during a specific period of time. From this he could determine the speed the vessel was moving. Interestingly, the chip log has long been replaced by equipment that is more advanced but we still refer to miles per hour on the water as knots. Using the sun and the stars, the navigator knew his beginning and ending latitude – now he could determine the distance he had traveled to estimate his east/west position.
  14. Sure they had watches. Ship captains were often heard to say to the crew things like.... 'Mr hawkins you have first watch, blackjohn you have second watch...'
  15. Hey you're a fellow pirate/cartographer. I can potenially meet you there and buy you a pint. Live 5 mins away.
  16. The pirate themed bar in silver spring wont be open for a few more weeks/months. Alas.
  17. Underworld - born slippy (from the trainspotting soundtrack )
  18. Hmm 'basketball diaries'?
  19. Also at Trinity you can see the Harp thats on all Guinness Taps.
  20. Hey me too. ESRI software?
  21. Must be an ancestor of mine!
  22. Did a week in the southern half of ireland last spring, loved it Ring of kerry, blarney castle, galway, dublin, etc. Would love to go back but well its a big planet.
  23. Im in! Me and ronnie just got 2 of the last 3 tickets. (Was going to do the havre de grace event but I got outvoted. )
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