Been There Done That, Got The Hole In Me Thigh T' Prove It!
noth'n like spending an hour t' carefully sew a straight line, then tie off th' end, feel'n proud ye lift th' piece up t' see and....oops Why Th' Bloody 'Ell Is It Stuck T' Me Pant Leg?!!? I swear, it twas in step #5, it twas, honestly!!!
Ah! we were doing a hanging at Lockhouse, I was supposed to have been shot in the leg thus resulting in my capture. Immediately dragged to the tree and rope and given a stool to sit on because I was wounded as they are going through this really quick "trial" well the surgeon comes over to check the wound and starts sewing it shut... all fine even though they were going to hang me any way... well the poor guy starts sewing my breeches to my leg... with a number of very large stitches.. oh shite... it hurt..... but was pretty funny at the time... certainly was one of those under yer breath moments of "what the bloody hell are ye doing???"