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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Hey what would be the best way to go about ordering your togs... I have a number of new crew members? Is there something on the website to order direct?
  2. Bloody good question.... hopefully all is well with him...
  3. Just curious to know if any other pub members be planning to be in Salem this Halloween?
  4. I believe this was covered once before in another post about marriage ceremonies... unfortunately no much came up Yes, last thread on page three of Captain Twill...period correct weddings...
  5. "I shall be back... I promise and in one piece," he grinned. "Afterall, how could I not wish to return to someone as fetching in blue as the Jamaican sea?" He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. "Look to thyself and stay safe as well," he whispered and he made his way down the stairs to the front door. Outside the cottage, he watched briefly as people scurried about in a routine fashion of taking well planned and practiced precautions. He saw Sabastian, a captain in his own right, being informed by some as others made their way into the trees and overgrowth and soon disappeared. Sterling could hear the sounds of hounds baying, the bell's peal having died to its own silence, and a carriage and horses approaching at a quick pace. He made his way over to Sabastain's side, standing none to close as to seem intrusive but close enough to provide assistance if called upon.
  6. When researching wigs.. terms to check out are Traveling Wigs Campaign Alonge Perriwig Peruque Pole Locks Bobs and Dildos (yeah that's right...it is a type of curl)
  7. "Would you wish me to remain indoors, like a coward, hiding behind your skirts Lady?" he asked. "When, perchance, I could be of some assistance outside with the others. I must confess I am concerned about yer brother. Methinks, his mind may not be all too focused to where it should be. We have not seen hide nor hair of your great beast, Christophe, for some time now and one can only guess as to his where abouts. "
  8. "Tom Brown encountered 'a pick-pocket, who measuring my estate by the length and bulkiness of my new wig (which God knows is not paid for) he made a dive into my pocket.' Thieves targeted the wigst themselves. Small boys in baskets would ride on the heads of adults and snatch the wigs of passers-by. Edward Short of St. Martin-in-the-Fields was indicted for robbing Peter Newell on the highway 'of a hat value 2s and a periwig value 5s.' Thomas Giblet was 'going under Ludgate with a perriwig in a band-box' when he was 'thrust up to the wall by the prisoner and some persons, who took the wig from him.' When John Matthews was condemned 'for privately stealing 24 ounces of hair out of Mr. Trottes' shop, and 2 perrruques out of Mr. Newth's, he admitted that 'being without employment, and in great straights, he had of late years given himself to this way of stealing hair and perruques out of a barber's shop. "At first a wig had been a mark ofa gentleman, but gradually wigs permeated down to the lower levels of society. Men thought nothing of combing their wigs in public. The breeze on the Thames made travelling about the metropolis hazardous for wig wearers and, of course, wigs presented a sorry sight in the rain." Maureen Waller, 1700 Scenes from London Life..
  9. Sterling could not help but smile as her expression changed. "What is it Lady?" he asked moving closer to her.
  10. "Impressive Lady," Sterling chuckled softly as he watched her prepare the guns. "Well let us hope they will none be needed. Would it be amiss for myself to go below and see what is happening?"
  11. "Thank ye Lady," Sterling said taking the weapons from her. He quickly moved to strap on small sword about his waist. Then the small pistol was placed upon the table within easy reach. He looked at the girl besides him, obviously concerned with the turn of events. "What is it?" he asked. "What is happening?"
  12. Once again his afternoon was disturbed in a most unkind manner. Sterling tensed slightly as a bell sounded in a distance and the other man rose quickly from his seat. Distracted now, his mind quickly forgetting about Killingsworth and the threat he may be to Lilly McKinney, Sterling remained in his place hoping for an explanation. He looked to Aurore as she entered with sword and pistol and he thought to reclaim his weapons but wondered now if he would still be permitted to do so.
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