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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Excluding the good Cap'n Pete.....God help you indeed.. .. Stay tuned for the Reconstructing History Make Over!!!
  2. It will be earrings and waist sashes for everyone next!!!
  3. Okay Lill, I already KNOW you're going!!
  4. off hand, no not really, but I would try googling Hair Extensions, and you might come up with something that you could stitch to your scarf...
  5. Well that should be doable at RF2...do hope all works out...
  6. Sometimes those are "been there, done that" but I must admit there were two girls at the last pyrate feast in Maryland, that were very good...
  7. Sterling, Symms and even the good doctor watched in amazement, Lilly's current rant, then looked at each other. Sterling could only shrug his shoulders. The discussion of black coat was quickly forgotten as he shed his brown one and then waistcoat for something less warm. "Mayhaps, Mistress we should lock thee up now?" Sterling chuckled as he took a light linen waistcoat from Symms and placed his arms into the sleeves. "I think a meal would suffice for now. Mr. Symms if you would be so kind as to send word along to Master and Mistress March, I would like for them to join us." "Aye Captain," Symms said both head and form bowing in acknowledgment. "Mr. March he will be right glad to have ye back, sir. With the killing of some poor lass over at The Shipp, the watch wasn't nary so keen as to be lookin out fer ye. Tis glad we all be that the Dr. and .... " he gave a reluctant toss of his head toward the actress. "and her... found ye. The watch have their hands full now lookin fer a murderer." "Aye I would think they would. We shall join in the chase presently as well. I am acquainted with the man who was her lover. I would like to help him if I might. And," Sterling said pointing to his red coat. "If tis indeed Master Killingsworth to blame, then the sooner we have his head on a plate, the sooner Mistress McKinney can be free to wander about the Port."
  8. Aye neither Cheeks nor Rats should be hard to find... thanks to not getting kit done in time for them... they should both be part naked... As for Skittles and the First Officer... hmmmm, haven't even gotten the fabric yet...
  9. "Aye until I think it safe for thee to be about town on thy own," Sterling answered her, his speech adjusted to hopefully drive home his point. He passed over hat, gloves and weapons to Symms, the old steward already set about his duties as if nothing had gone amiss the past day. "Any thing in the post from England Symms? Anything from the Empress?" he asked as he briefly glanced over the papers on the small writing table. "Not a one sir. Would ye be likin a bath sir?" Symms asked as he carefully laid items aside. Sterling shook his head. "No thank ye, Mr. Symms. I have already had the pleas.....had one today..."he answered still making himself comfortable, a thoughtful smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Something, instead, to drink if ye please. Mistress McKinney? Doctor Reiley would ye care to join me?" He sat and began to unbuckle spurs. "Aye I think it best Mistress, that ye be moved to an end room, say down the end of the hall..only one way in then, unless Killingsworth be a squirrel... but then I can not fathom the man climbing tavern walls...I shall post a guard in the hall to help keep an eye on ye. And Symms can assist to yer needs." The old man straightened indignantly. "SIR!!" Sterling fixed a look of mock surprise upon the old man, eyebrows raised, mouth open, eyes blinking a moment. "Beg pardon Mr. Symms, did ye say something?" With a grumble the steward resumed decanting some port for his master. Sterling smiled. "I thought not." He tossed silver spurs upon the counterpane, then rose and stretched. "And what the bloody hell is that still doing here?" he asked, noticing the black coat and all its heavy silver lace and embroidery still laying upon a chest at the foot of the bed.
  10. Hey GOF, I bet if you asked nice, Kass would charge YOU more per buttonhole....
  11. Precisely, what does being English have to do with ruling the country???
  12. After reassuring Sabastian Deverux that his sister was under no duress due to the events of the day, Sterling finished tacking up the lanky Chestnut and then once more attended to the formal goodbyes that were necessary. Aurore watched from upstairs’ window, in the room he had occupied. With a hand loaned to Reiley the carriage was soon readied and the doctor perched upon the driver’s seat. Sterling went to Lilly and offered her his arm. “You are cross with me?” she whispered as he handed her up into the vehicle. “Nay, there is no point in being angry. Convinced I am that ye meant well by yer actions,” he said. “Ride with me then?” she asked moving to the far side. Sterling shook his head. “No,” he said with a deep breath laced with concern. “I do not wish to cause you alarm Mistress McKinney, but Reginald Killingsworth is in Port Royal.” For a moment, a sly, somewhat cynical grin crept upon the captain’s features. “Surely he is not here on holiday?” The grin quickly vanished next. “And he has already killed, a lass from the port and mine host’s lover. Seriously Lady, you are the only reason why he would come such a distance. At the moment I do not desire to cause any further scenes under Sabastian Deverux’s nose, but you have run from Lord Robert, have ye not? He has not let you go of his own free will? Ah…a….” he raised his hand to silence her as she came closer to protest. “A simple nod will suffice.” Lilly frowned but did as he asked and nod in agreement, she did indeed. “Thought as much,” Sterling commented making a mental note. “I think it best I ride behind. I’ll be able to cast an eye about…” he threw a quick glance at the woman, waiting for a crude jest about his vision but Lilly knew he was in no mood to be tried. “There’s my girl Lill,” he finally said with a grin. “Sit back and stay out of sight.” He moved to the Chestnut and took up his reins, then gently eased himself into the saddle. He rode up close to Reiley. “I think we have nothing to fear concerning Monsieur Deverux’s people… but there is a killer on the loose in Port Royal…” the captain paused for a moment and chuckled to himself. “One of many tis all too true, but one in particular who is interested in the catch inside the carriage… Stay sharp Dr. until we get the lady under lock, key and guard!” With a wink of his eye, Rieley slapped the carriage reins and moved the vehicle forward. Sterling looked down at Lilly as she passed and then he allowed the Chestnut to walk on freely behind. Did he dare? He thought as his mount shook his head lazily as he settled in his pace. Yes, he thought, and collecting his reins, he turned the Chestnut quickly about on its haunches and saw her still standing in the window. Mindless of the others watching, Sterling raised his hand to his lips and blew Aurore a kiss, then with a dip of his head he turned once more and followed after the coach.
  13. Now that is very interesting! Certainly not what one would expect... ties in well though, with "the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world!"
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