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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Oh now this I would LIKE very much to see... English Civil War you say?
  2. Glad to hear it and sorry we are to have missed it, but such is life...
  3. Scarred face paled then buried into fettered hands, as form seemed to crumble inward. "You must tell her then! Warn her! If she must, make her leave this place and not return to all is over and done with and I am gone."
  4. Eyes narrowed as good eye was once again focused on other man. “How do I know what you say is true? Why should I trust you?” Sterling asked. “How do I know who you truly work for?”
  5. Eyes widened as shock washed over him. Struggling to stand, he made his way as quickly as he could to the other man. Filthy hands reached out to seize dapper coat sleeve and Manchester could not help but retreat a step. "Tell her," Sterling began, voice low whisper, a deep fear suddenly replacing bitterness. "You must tell her, that I did not mean the things I said. Tell her that I love her but she must stay away. Stay out of all this...If this Pinon..." he halted, moved away and fell silent.
  6. Okay Callenish... cough up the name, date and location....
  7. Sterling tried to get to his feet as Mistress McKinney was taken from his side, shackles forcing him onto hands and knees in order to do so. “No! WAIT!” he called after the guard but already it was too late. He lowered his head momentarily as she disappeared, forced down the hall, away from him.. Hand raised briefly, allowing fist to slam down against cell floor before he moved himself back into the corner again. Manchester took a step closer to him. "My name, Sir, is Lucien Manchester. My services have been called upon to act as advisor on your behalf under the current circumstance that you seem to have found yourself in." Sterling did not reply immediately. Drawing his knees upward to his chest, chains pushed over to mingle about his ankles with the others, he hugged himself tightly, before blond head cocked sideways allowing good eye to fall upon the newcomer. “Who sent you?” he asked tersely, his tone tinged with bitterness.
  8. Patrick is absolutely correct... again, like any type of evidence, first hand is always the best, everything coming after also becomes interpretation... yes we do need to do that sometimes, but if you can find originals... so much the better.... I also agree with Patrick on the fact that hey that is the way gentlemen dressed... different mindset back then... tough guys did wear velvet, lace and embroidery...
  9. Okay just so all you ladies know.. metal eyelets are not pc...
  10. Oi Chole love the new sig picture... can we use that in a new broadsheet for advertising???
  11. Ack NO they don't... grommets break the threads in the fabric,,, making it much weaker at that stress point... proper eyelets should NOT break the threads at all... thus a much better and stronger eyelet... and a WHOLE lot easier to make then punching holes, setting grommets and then embroidering over them... remind me to teach you how next event...
  12. No, although I guess that would come close... trying to think more along the lines of "I JUST HAVE to have that" type of thing
  13. How much wood, could a wood chuck ... ah lets just stick with wood
  14. You mean you actually... Make things... out of yours??
  15. Good then no one will ever know... at least until I wear the coat... that ...that is...
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