I must agree with Maddogge, after all he is in my crewe..I taught him everything he knows..I mean look at his horrible spelling . there is no point getting upset about what is happening here in this thread, this goes on all the time. Most here are constantly ribbing others and most here, know that none of us take this hobby that seriously as to get bent out of shape over an article that states one group has finally reached perfection. We all know none have done so and most likely none of us ever will, although many of us strive for such standards already. I suppose my gripe is the fact that you truly don't know any of us nor have seen any of us or what we do and work hard at achieving. I am surprised though that Skrimish would botch up an article so badly and that Rachel would not have spent the time checking up on the author and the statements they presented as to have so misrepresented an up and coming crew.
Hey they are the new kids on the block, we have all been where they are once and we lived through it and most of us are damn fine friends because of the fun we can poke at each other.