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Capt. Sterling

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Everything posted by Capt. Sterling

  1. Ahem....... And a merry Christmas to ye as well & the rest of ye notorious lads & lasses.
  2. Wishing ye a very blessed birthday William. Hope ye had a grand day of it.
  3. Supposedly Luyken was trying to show what was currently being worn around other parts of the world. (BTW landlubbersanonymous, thank ye for sharing that link, I only have the reprint...nice to see an earlier edition. ) Haven't read it in years, but I think the Sea Rover's Practice makes mention that the Spanish were slower to change and retained a mixture of old and new styles in weapons, perhaps that flowed over to fashion as well... although Mister Hook, does have a point, there is a lot of formal attire shown in Luyken's plates...
  4. Doctor, put an "r" in there, t'is baggywrinkle ...hope yer wrist is all right
  5. I will wager ye won't hold on to that one long...lovely.
  6. There was a hurricane at the fort last year? How did I miss that?
  7. No, I meant that ye know a good carpenter..ahem();-)
  8. I thought ye might...but snug's the word, I won't tell O'Keeffe...ahem..();-)
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