Bosun Carmina
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Here's a link to the MiceAge article: http://www.miceage.com/allutz/al100306a.htm
The saturday just before Talk Like a Pirate Day my pirate group, The Crewe of the Black Pearl, will be hosting a pirate day at the Mobile Public Library! Should be a blast!
Ah, Captain Splinter!!! Long time, no see!! Last time I saw ye was last year when we marched in the Starlight Parade, except ye know me as Lightning Bolt instead of Bosun Carmina! Lookin' forward to raidin' Portland in September! Too bad Sea Wolf can't come with me, too!
I am currently working on a Royal marine costume fer me POTC pirate group, and I am having trouble finding the white crossbelts that Murtogg and Mulroy wear. Would appreciate any help ye can offer! I hope to have the costume complete in time fer DragonCon in September.l
Anyone else planning on attending the Portland Pirate Festival in Portland, Oregon on September 23rd? The tall ship Lynx will be there, with a ship to shore battle, and ye'll get to see Captain Bogg and Salty in concert along with many other musicians and entertainers! I'm plannin' on catchin' the festival since I'll be up in Seattle visiting my son that weekend. http://www.portlandpiratefestival.com/
Me pirate group, The Crewe of the Black Pearl, spent the entire weekend at the Silver Screen Theater in Pensacola! We had a deal worked out with the theater manager that if we did some rapier demos in front of the theater and fer about 15 minutes before every showing, that he would let us see the movie fer free as many times as we liked, with free sodas and popcorn! At one point, during the 7pm showing, we had 50 pirates roaming the theater! I got to see the movie 6 times, and would have watched it more, but we gave up our seats during a couple of the showings to accommodate people who hadn't seen it yet!
The crewmembers of my pirate group, The Crewe of the Black Pearl, are going to get into the movie fer free! We've made a deal with a theater manager in Pensacola, Florida and our members are going to come to the theater dressed in pirate garb and give out gold coins to the kids and do rapier demonstrations, and in return, we get to attend as many showings of the movie as we want on July 7, 8, and 9th free of charge! No midnight showing, unfortunately.
Me crewmates Sea Wolf and Crimson Kate will be headin' to the fest on the 25th, as we will be in the area fer the POTC2 premiere on the 24th! Hope to meet up with some of you scurvy lot! After the 90 degree weather and humidity here in the Gulf, the Corona heat will be nothin'!
Me pirate group, The Crewe of the Black Pearl, will be hosting a Pirates of the Caribbean Audience Participation Event at MobiCon this saturday, May 20th at 2pm!! MobiCon is Mobile, Alabama's annual Science Fiction convention. Come join us in a Rocky Horror Picture Show type event, only with Pirates of the Caribbean! http://www.mobicon.org
Check out their website, too! http://www2.mms.com/us/potc2/
Many of me pirate friends over at Keep to the Code are plannin' on meetin' up at the pirate ship shop at the Georgia Ren Fest on May 13th! Come join the crew! http://www.garenfest.com/
I'm visiting me brother in Lake Arrowhead, California, and he just turned me on to geocaching! I registered yesterday, and I've found 3 so far! Ye'll see me as pirategirl57 on the geocaching site! When I head back to Alabama I will be hiding me first caches there!
Pirates Adventure Dinner Theatre - Calif.
Bosun Carmina replied to Kiery McCannan's topic in Pyrate Pop
We had a thread going on this on Keep to the Code and Jolly Roger, one of the Captains, posted this: Well,…as it so happens…I’m very familiar with the Pirates Dinner Adventure. I’ll bet most of you mates were unaware that JOLLY ROGER was at one time Captain Sebastian the Black. –or at least, one of several. It was a part-time gig that I had on top of my normal 9 to 5 job at Disney World. I joined the cast in 1998. It was a chance to earn a little extra spending cash for my upcoming wedding/honeymoon, and to fulfill my own personal boyhood fantasy. (Always wanted to be a swashbuckler.) The Pirates Dinner Adventure had just taken off in 1997, and was significantly changed to what it is today from it’s original conceptual design. A lot of you may not know this, but originally, Pirates was supposed to be an almost full-day event. The title was actually “Pirates at Colossal Studios”. Your day was to be a look inside the making of movies. You would start off with a backlot tour going behind the scenes of a new Pirate movie that 'Colossal Studios' was in the middle of shooting. On the tour, you would mingle with the actors & stunt performers as they rehearse for an upcoming shoot. Then as the evening progressed you would take a break at the bar for a few more presentations and then be escorted in to watch the “dailys” on a screen located on the main soundstage. (Where the dinner is served around the huge pirate ship set.) The screen was located at the far end of the ship and the movie began with a ship at sea being overthrown by pirates. –But then something unexpected happens. The pirates begin to come off the screen, and take over the set as their newly acquired ship. The audience is held as prisoners/guests of Captain Sebastian’s crew and the story goes on from there. The plot and songs are pretty much what they are today. Princess Anita is being held for ransom, and the captain’s son falls in love with her and turns against his father. Another scene that was later cut from the show involves the spirit of Davey Jones. After the love song between Benjamin the Blue & Princess Anita, a squall begins to arise. Apparently Davey Jones believes the love between a pirate and a princess is an abomination to the ways of the sea. He appears in human form (A large pirate donned in red from head to toe –kind of like the Phantom of the Opera’s Red Death costume) and a battle ensues. Benjamin wins against Davey Jones, but his father is outraged and accuses Ben of mutiny. Another fight breaks out and Benjamin and a few others escape from the ship. The captain throws a tantrum about his son (Song: ‘How Could He Do This to Me’) and then decides to hang the princess. Benjamin returns in the nick of time and another skirmish happens on board –this time, between father & son. Benjamin wins, and the show ends with a happy ending –complete with the hero & princess sailing away into the sunset. All of these transitions from movie to real life were very cheesy. The actors/stunt performers simply walked through slits in the movie screen at the appropriate times. Plus the actors for the show rarely looked like the actors that shot the original film footage. Slowly but surely, all of the film elements were phased out of the show. By the time I had joined in 1998, the only film footage left was Benjamin & Anita sailing off into the sunset. I had often wondered why those two went up to the top level of the poop deck and disappeared into the movie screen just to see footage of 2 different people in similar costumes kiss on a ship at sea. –But after working there a couple of months I got the full story. (It also explained the reason for those hokey looking sets in the parking lot, and the antique looking tram with flat tires outside. –I’m not sure if they have been torn down yet or not. I haven’t been there since 2000.) From what I know, the show features the same plot, entertaining games that involve the audience, songs & stunts that I learned when I was there. A few minor changes have happened since; A different song for the ending, (which is actually a song from Seven Brides for Seven Brothers with different lyrics) and pending on which stunt performers are working on various nights-the 'Drunken Sailor' number utilizes either the trampoline, or the spinning ladder. When I was with the show, I had a blast! Not only was I one of the lead roles, I was the Captain! –and I was eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil! I loved making my entrance sailing in on the dinghy while standing up (not easy, balance wise) and the sword fights using cutlasses were very cool. I have to admit, that even though the fights look tame sometimes, they can get very brutal. The cutlasses had been used constantly. From the beatings they take in each show, the blades become serrated. It was like fighting with a very large bread knife or thin-bladed saw. Very dangerous if someone forgot or messed up the choreographed battle. My character was also the only one to fire a pistol. Although they were just blanks, the powder was real. My opening night I received a powder burn that went right through my vest, and a little extra went into my eye. Finished the show with tears, but I don’t think the audience noticed. They probably just thought it was sweat. That was the worst of it,…for me. There are many other horror stories of stunts going incredibly wrong. (If this thread continues, maybe I’ll post a few.) In the meantime, here are a few pics of me in costume after a show. (Wasn’t allowed to take pics during the show.) The costume & beard may look a little cheesy, but bare in mind that Pirates was just finding it’s feet when I joined, and budget was tight. –Because I was part-time, I didn’t get the best costume pieces. And because it’s been 6 years since I performed there, I may not know everything there is to know nowadays, but if you have any questions about the show I’ll do my best to answer them. In the pre-show area...looking rather jaunty... -
Calypso Soft Drinks are launching two new no-added-sugar juice drinks ahead of this summer’s screening of the second Walt Disney Pictures film in the Pirates of the Caribbean series – Dead Man’s Chest. The Caribbean Curse and Bootstrap Blackcurrant drinks each contain 10 per cent juice and come in cluster packs of four 250ml bottles with sports cap. The packaging features the film’s vicious skull and crossbones logo along with a close-up of Johnny Depp as one of the swashbuckling pirates, and is designed to appeal to boys and girls in the 6-11 age group which forms the heartland of Calypso’s market. Waitrose will be among the first to sell the new drinks, which go on sale from April 24 with an on-pack promotion offering a free film poster featuring the three stars in return for four tokens. “Backed by a £2 million media spend, and with Woolworths, McDonalds, Asda and Tesco all planning major campaigns around the screening of this sequel to the smash hit of 2003, we expect Dead Man’s Chest to be the film franchise of the year,” says Richard Cooke, Calypso’s Sales and Marketing Director. “With a third film in the series already in production for release in 2007 and further sequels waiting in the wings, we see Pirates of the Caribbean remaining as the most exciting action-adventure kids’ franchise for the next three to four soft drinks seasons.” The two new drinks are a further result of Calypso’s strategic partnership with Disney Consumer Products, which has already seen the successful launches of Finding Nemo Water, Disney Princess juice drinks for girls, and Britain’s first ambient smoothies designed to appeal specifically to younger consumers and featuring Toy Story and The Incredibles. http://www.theretailbulletin.com/index.php...at=bran&id=8127
That's hilarious!!
My friend Sea Wolf got this email yesterday, and it sounds like it would be fun to check it out: On April 1st the production crew for the movie "Remember my Isa" will be at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival to film three scenes for their movie. Anyone who would like to be an extra in the movie can be a part of it by coming to the festival site at 9:00 am in garb. When you arrive, just ask for Paul Orr (assistant director in charge of extras) or for Keri Jenkings (director). If you would like more information about the movie or the crew creating it, please visit www.remembermyisa.com. Here is a quote from their website dealing with the scenes that will be shot at LRF: > > "Currently, this is the biggest and most involved scene on our schedule. We will be filming on location at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival property in Hammond, La. The first scene depicts a busy town where Onyx believes she sees her lost mother, only to find it was her imagination creating images inside her head. Scene 90, which will also be filmed on the 1st, presents Onyx riding through town with Anne Bonny riding on the horses that will be brought to the set by the Hutchinson family. To create a believable town, we need extras of all ages and ethnicities on the set. We also need props and horses. If you are interested in participating as an extra, please arrive dressed in non-modern clothes (no T-shirts, blue jeans, or tennis shoes). We do have a limited number of costumes available, but we are uncertain of the number of extras at will participate. We need as many people as possible, so please recruit! Details for the shoot are listed below." > > This sounds like it will be lots of fun for anyone who wants to come out and play. > > Have a great day, and see you soon! > > Rick Hight > General Manager > Louisiana Renaissance Festival
I sent away fer 3 of them back in November, and they accidently sent me some little hot wheels cars by mistake! I emailed them, and they said that they would correct the mistake, but I still haven't received them yet. I know quite a few other people who have received theirs with no problem!
Sea Wolf and I toured the ship when she was in port last year, and it was fascinating! I would highly recommend checking it out! http://www.gulf-shores.com/calendar.php?di...tivity=866&cat=
I was lookin' around on the web, and the cheapest that I found them was around $95, but I did find a few on Ebay for $25, so that's probably yer best bet.
Compared to heat here in Mobile in summer, Corona heat will be a cake walk! That will work out perfectly, too, as we will be staying with me brother up at Lake Arrowhead! That will be an easy drive! And we plan on hittin' the Lake Charles event in April! I hear they have a car show, too, and me friend Sea Wolf has a '58 Chevy Biscayne we could enter!
Got a great deal on some ultra cool scissors at the Gulf Coast Ren Faire the other day! They were marked $25, but the vendor gave them to me fer $22 since that was all that I had with me! The perfect scissors fer a sewin' pirate like me! http://www.swordsofhonor.com/rescda.html
Sea Wolf and I will be travelling to So. California fer the premiere of POTC2, and we wondered if there are any pirate or sea-related activities going on the week that we will be there? We will arrive on June 21st and fly back on June 28th. We plan to drive down to visit the San Diego Maritime Museum.
We had an awesome time at Fort Gaines yesterday! Just have a moment to post here today, as I'm gettin' ready to head off to the Gulf Coast Ren Faire in Pensacola, but I wanted to post a link to some of the pics we took. And as soon as I can, I will post a scan of the pics in the Mobile Register! There's a pic o' yers truly hurlin' a tomahawk, as well as many other pics of the re-enactors! http://photobucket.com/login.php username: seawolf88 password: pirate Click on the Fort Gaines 2006 album.
http://www.racingone.com/article.asp?artnum=26682 http://www.pyramidracing.com/