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Bosun Carmina

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Everything posted by Bosun Carmina

  1. The director and two of the actors will be at Pyrate Con, too! We were thrilled to add the screening to our schedule!
  2. We just got word yesterday that we have 3 more actors from Pirates of the Caribbean coming to Pyrate Con! Lauren Maher (Scarlett), Vanessa Branch (Giselle), and Isaac C. Singleton Jr (Barbossa's bosun) will be guests of honor! Now I have to head off to Gulf Wars in Lumberton, Mississippi along with about 5,000 other attendees! Catch ye in a few days!
  3. a. 20 b. 4 c.historic d.escapism
  4. http://www.canmag.com/nw/6993-pirates-3-tr...ailer-confirmed
  5. The Pyrate Con website is back up now! We're still checking on specifics in regards to band instruments needed, and we'll let ye know!
  6. We're checking into the specifics and will let ye know! Also, we are changing internet providers, so the Pyrate Con site is down right now but will be back up within 48 hours!
  7. Crimson Kate is a finalist, so do yer civic duty and vote fer her!! http://www.careerbuilder.com/disneydreamjo...tid=g7QZN4hnh6U
  8. They lost all their band equipment, so they can use any type of instrument! You guys are terrific! We will be talking again with the prinicipal this week, and we will pass on any more information that we get!
  9. The school that we have chosen to benefit is N.P. Trist Middle School. Hurricane Katrina devastated the school, and they lost everything. It is serving as a special needs school now, and will reopen as a regular middle school in August. They need everything: pens, paper, pencils, notebooks. This school is located in the St. Bernard Parish, and there is not even a Walmart or any place like that in which the students may purchase the supplies they need because the area was so devastated. They also lost all their band equipment and uniforms, which is a shame because they had previously marched in Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans before Katrina. The school's team is the Pirates! And the school's address is 1 Pirates Cove, so it seemed the perfect school on which to focus our efforts! We are suggesting that Pyrate Con attendees bring any school supplies that they can fit in their luggage to the convention. Friday morning of the convention, the school will send their buses to our hotel and will pick us up, and, dressed in full pirate garb, we will bring treasure chests full of school supplies to present to the students. For those people bringing supplies who will not arrive before this, we will have collection chests where they may drop off their supplies, and we will transport those to the school after the convention.
  10. We just got word yesterday that Isaac C. Singleton Jr. plans on appearing at Pyrate Con! I'm sure you will remember Mr. Singleton as the Bosun in Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, the one who backhands Elizabeth!
  11. Me friend Crimson Kate got notification yesterday that she is one of the finalists! Here's a link to her YouTube video that she submitted: They will have the voting set up on March 6th!
  12. Don't forget the Battle of New Orleans this weekend! Hope to see ye there!!
  13. Here's a website that will help ye out! http://www.nps.gov/jela/battle-of-new-orle...mmemoration.htm Hope to see ye there!
  14. Should be a grand time Wasting Away in Tortugaville at Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville in New Orleans!! How could a pirate worth his salt pass that up, eh?! Hope to see ye all there!!!
  15. I have a mate on another board who has had no luck locating a baldric supplier in the UK. Does anyone know of any?
  16. When ye pre-register on the Pyrate Con site, ye will receive a 3 letter code which will allow ye to get the convention rate when ye call the hotel fer reservations!
  17. We've had the website up fer less than a week, and already we've have over 100 pre-registrations! Blackbead, Rudy is working on getting the vendor map put on the site!
  18. I will look into it and get back to ye, Blackbead!
  19. More interesting stuff: CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
  20. We will be adding info to the website all the time, so keep a weather eye out! http://www.pyratecon.com
  21. The weather should be in the 70-80's at that time. The Holiday Inn will have special rates for con attendees! Our website will be up by the end of next week, and will contain all the info that you'll need! If you'd like to be involved at a vendor, entertainer, or speaker, email me at: pirategirl57@hotmail.com or you can email Cathy at : puckpirate@hotmail.com
  22. It should be a great event! We should have our website up by next week sometime!
  23. I'll check with our coordinator and let ye know on the date fer 2008!
  24. PIRATECON 2007 Pirates, Buccaneers, and Privateers Conference April 20-22, 2007 Holiday Inn Superdome New Orleans, La. Don yer best buccaneer garb and join yer scurvy brothers and sisters for the first all-pirate conference in historic New Orleans, Louisiana. Here is a partial list of activities for the weekend-- Celebrity guests--including 'Ol Chumbucket and Mad Sally of "Talk Like A Pirate Day" and "Wife Swap" fame in a rollicking lesson on how to bring pirattitude to your everyday life. Buccaneer's Masquerade Ball--crowning the celebrity Pirate King and Queen and their 2007 court Concerts featuring pirate bands--including the Jolly Garogers!!! Booty giveaways Pirate Invasion parade through the French Quarter starting from Jean Lafitte's Blacksmith Shop Vendor's room--all things piratical for sale (special prices and concessions for vendors--check it out!!) Speakers and Panels--historical and otherwise Audience Participation (interactive) showing of "Pirates of the Caribbean-Curse of the Black Pearl" (presented by the Crewe of the Black Pearl) Activities to benefit Save the Manatees and children's charities in the wake of Hurricane Katrina If you are interested in attending, being a vendor, running a panel, joining our corporate sponsors, or donating to our charity, please contact: Catherine Goren puckpirate @ hotmail.com or Carole Bolt pirategirl57 @ hotmail.com Public Relations 2007 Pirates, Buccaneers, and Privateers Conference
  25. Drat! It's always the same weekend as Gatalop, our Barony of the Osprey SCA event at Fort Gaines!
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