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Everything posted by Asukaru

  1. I'll try and escape the fam and the shopping for a bit to come and find ya :) If not - I'll just drag them along with me
  2. Weclome aboard there
  3. I can't wait!!! My friends and I will be there on Sunday to play and I'll be working on getting my garb together
  4. Didn't quite had a dream like that but I had a dream several months ago involving some friends. Basically it was like watching a movie unfold - I wasn't in it, but I felt like I was in a theater or floating over what was going on... Last night's dreams were influenced by my trip out to Escondido faire with some close friends. Very Dark Age-ish. But interesting none-the-less. For the second time that I can ever remember I wasn't involved in them at all.
  5. I'm sorry, Christine. My condolences to you and your family.
  6. The Tartan Room in Orange, CA when I can go - which sadly isn't very often...
  7. I am feeling quite well for someone who was just fired yesterday. Things were getting bad at work, and I was already in the process of looking for a new job, so I'm not all that worried. Hellooo Freedom!
  8. Now that the challenge is over it looks like the Discovery channel is offering a "Diet+Fitness Maintenance Program " for all National Body Challenge participants. Nifty, eh?
  9. I'm listening to a band a friend introduced me to - Birthday Massacre. It's good gothy rock :)
  10. Interesting... I wouldn't mind trying a bit of that myself. Me, I just had some of the best clam chowder at Disneyland and a cinamon pretzel afterwards. Yum!
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a way to get coporate funding. I'm curious now too.
  12. I am tired. Work has been keeping me busy and when I haven't been moving crap around, settling in to the new office, I've been out with friends or struggling to get back in the groove of going to the gym Lady B, I hope you get better soon
  13. Welcome aboard!!! Tis fine to meet you!
  14. I feel tired - the business just does not stop. However, it's been a wonderful couple of days despite everything so I can't complain :)
  15. That's actually a pretty cool character. Yeah, I finally crossed over and joined the legions of monsters at Knott's Scary Farm's Halloween Haunt this year. My Avatar is actually a picture of me in character (and a pretty damn cool photo to boot). I'm going to take a stab at designing this summer (well, painting the mazes at least...) Ah well, I'm looking at making a career change very soon - less hours for more pay! Here's to hoping it works out
  16. Anywho, considering I'm a bit of a lurker (so I doubt anyone has missed me all that much ) but I haven't been on much lately because my work finally started the process of moving to the new building. We've been busting at the seems for a long while so it was about friggin time. Then I turn around after we get all set up only to discover that they had blocked the pub... along with about every single website on the web. Oh well, I may just cave in and buy a sidekick so I can get my daily internet fix since I'm hardly ever at home
  17. Awwww :) Congrats to you!
  18. I am trying to figure out something to do, or go, because apparently it's illegal to be home on a Saturday night... or so you would think from the way the parentals are acting...
  19. I'm curious, has anyone tried the food recipes yet? I haven't really had the time to cook so I've been bring in Lean Cuisine meals to work (they're actually pretty decent) And drinking more juices and water than sodas.
  20. Y'know, the more and more I think about it - the more I'd rather hang out at a pub with friends that night.
  21. I am reminded of a story I saw once about a German woman who was the oldest hooker in the world.
  22. They just dropped the sign up age from 16 to 14 I believe. Scary thing is that I know of a couple of Elementary aged kids and Jr Highers on there.
  23. Awwwww, poor Bunny. I hope you feel better soon. A friend was telling me about this new stuff out on the market over the weekend though, not Airborne - but something similar. He said it worked fairly well and cuts the time of the cold in half. I'll PM you the name of it as soon as I drag it out of him if ya want
  24. Didn't do much last year - just hung out with some friends who were also single at the local Dave and Buster's. Still had a pretty good time though. This year I have a date for Valentines, the first ever, so I have no idea what to expect.
  25. I did that once - it didn't really work out so well, but then the situation was weird. Hopefully you have a lot more luck with yours. Aye, my mom had the same situation. Never ever thought she'd end up with my dad, but life had other plans
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