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Everything posted by Asukaru

  1. Very Nice
  2. Sadly I don't think I'll be able to make it this year.
  3. Those are actually really cool. I wouldn't mind getting a set just to have around.
  4. lol nice, Rumba Sadly Lady B, all the sites I've seen cost money.
  5. Being as I'm at work and bored witless, I went surfing around the net and found this gem.Pirates of the Caribbean Multiplayer Game Now, I know there's an online version coming out here soon in the not too distant future - but I didn't know you could play a Multiplayer Game on your phone!
  6. Ditto! I'm not sure what to make of the 'He's a Pirate' Remix at the end though.
  7. Mudslides are the best - Especially when you get them from TGIFridays, a whole lot of Chocolatey goodness going on there
  8. I step away from a thread for a couple of days and sheesh! Anywho I love the Star Wars and modern myth references, now that someone has pointed it out I definately see it.
  9. Lucky lucky me - I'll be there. One of my friends was going, however her partner in crime backed out so she asked me if I wanted to go. I have no friggin clue what to wear though!
  10. I second the tired feeling. The boyfriend and I decided last night to take a break - we love each other but we're just unhappy at the moment, and that unhappiness is causing problems. It remains to be seen if we'll get back together though
  11. Well, I'm tired and actually kinda happy on the job front. I went in to apply and the designer doing the interviews was more than happy to offer me a position.
  12. I am nervous - Today's the day for Halloween Haunt Build Hire. I have a perfectly good day job, but this is something I've been wanting to do for a couple of years now. I've got my portfolio set up and I'm all ready to apply as a scenic painter. Here goes nothing!
  13. Feeling really tired - still recovering from Saturday night I guess! - but at least I'm feeling a little bit better about the boyfriend drama at the moment. Thank God for good friends, good food, and good drinks! Huzzah!
  14. Y'know that's the one thing that bothered me at the end of the film. I think she said 'worlds end' at least two or three times. Can we say dropping a hint? Oh well. Still waiting to go and see it a second time. I'm torn between making the boyfriend take me again or waiting til things calm down a bit and going with my mother
  15. I think it is titled World's End. With the release scheduled for... May, I think it is? Shouldn't we be seeing a trailer here within a few months? There's a few reasons I can't wait for the third one, First , just like everyone else I want to see how it all ends, and secondly because rumor is a few of me Haunt buddies are in it. I already recognized two of them in that Turkish prison scene. As a friend said last night, it was a good middle movie - a hell of a lot better than other middle movies we've scene from trilogies, and more entertaining, but still a middle movie in the end. I can't wait to go back and see this again. I have a feeling my dad and I might go check it out tonight, if not I'm going to wait a few weeks and take my mom to see it, since she saw the first one with me.
  16. "I Don't Believe in Fairies! I Don't Believe in Fairies! Damn it - she's not dead." - said last night by a few of my mates at the Lost Bar while this teeny bopper walked by with fairy wings made out of balloons.
  17. Aye, me thinks you are mate. Though I discovered last night, that while I can tell when I'm buzzed, someone usually has to point out when I'm drunk. Hmmm, it's not Saturday anymore but I discovered that Midori Margaritas are really really REALLY good. Though following them with a shot of Jaeger is really really REALLY bad.
  18. And now we have another year to wait until the third one
  19. There's an idea. Did anybody else notice that Tia Dalma had a locket that looked very similar to the one Davy Jones had?
  20. Norrington was featured in the Disney Adventure Comics? Hmmm. I might have to check that out. And yes, I did have a bit of a thing for Norrington in the first film. I thought he was good looking but needed to loosen up quite a bit. Thank God for Rum! As for Barbossa, wasn't particularly fond of him in the first film - now, however
  21. I'm on at least 4 or 5 hours a day, probably more now because I leave it open in the background while I do my csp work
  22. For the life of me I can't remember what he says - he does finally get his apple though! Those were my thoughts on Norrington as well. I could tell in the first he was a looker (if he lost the wig) but the scruffieness and, oddly enough, desperate need of a bath vastly improved his appearence.
  23. BEST LINE IN THE FILM!!! SPOILERS AHEAD!!! YE HAVE BEEN WARNED!!! I went and saw a midnight showing last night - yes many of the action scenes were a bit upsurd, however it was just so much fun! I found myself laughing through most of the film, and when Jack makes that comment about the monkey (well, anytime the monkey showed up really) I'd still be giggling about it afterwards. Seriously, this was a blast. I loved it. As for the back story on Davy Jones - I'm thinking we'll see more of that in the last film. There were clues that were laid and I have a very strong feeling about who his lost love was. The ending with the Kracken was delightful, as was the ending with Barbossa, though I admit the last person I expected to see was him. Did anyone stay till after the credits? Just like with The Curse of the Black Pearl, there's a little easter egg waiting for ya. Not as cool as the one from the first film, but equally amusing.
  24. Thank you Rummy. The bad news is that things got a little worse last night. I'm loosing a lot of sleep over this and it's not exactly improving my temperment. He is too, so I don't know if that's a good sign or not. In short, I'm feeling all sorts of miserable right now.
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