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Everything posted by Asukaru

  1. Feeling kinda crappy - I've been having problems with the boyfriend recently.
  2. The other favorite is Jaeger. I have an odd habit of always starting off my drinking with a shot of jaeger.
  3. I discovered on the Fourth of July that Dr Pepper and Coconut Rum is actually not too shabby at all. You can barely taste the rum and it sneaks up on you real quick
  4. The Fray, Cable Car and How to Save a Life
  5. I have to second you there. I guess I need to revise my earlier desicion now... I don't mind being called a wench, but it really depends on who's saying it, and how they're saying it. Like if my good guy friends were to call me a wench... well, I'd backhand him... but then I usually end up beating him up no matter what he calls me Ours is an odd relationship...
  6. I wanted to attend Corona Faire and the Pirate Faire, but I think it's going to have to wait til next year again. Too many things are going on right now for me to be able to go and actually enjoy it without being worn out.
  7. Oh good Lord, Does no one remember how time cards work?
  8. It's a good show. I hope to make a trip to Vegas here very soon to see it.
  9. I don't know anything about the song, I did watch a couple of the variations. I just posted that one since it seemed like the best on to me. Phil, Avenue Q is the originator of that song. Avenue Q is a musical currently playing in New York and Las Vegas that covers a lot of different subjects. Some of the best songs on there are: Everyone's a little bit racist If you were gay And of course - The Internet is for Porn As Duchess said there's a lot of different little flash movies featuring The Internet is for Porn - My favorite being the World of Warcraft version. But then I'm a World of Warcraft geek and I like the Tauren (the cowlike race) that shows up in that video :) I definately plan on watching the Guild Wars version when I get home though... that looks amusing
  10. I don't mind being called a wench, in fact I prefer it. However a lot of that has to do with being cast as a Wench in my maze at Haunt.
  11. they did a Guild Wars version of that too?
  12. Cable is faster, however I've been getting a lot of troubleshooting calls with people complaining about their modems not working half the time. If you get Cable you might want to invest in buying your own modem, or at least discussing with the tech about what modem would be best.
  13. I'm customer service during the year - During October though I work at Halloween Haunt. It's my therapy
  14. Currently I work as a Customer Service rep for a cable company. A lot of the calls we currently recieve are about billing - accounts that are two, three and today there was even one that was FIVE cycles deliquent. Their excuse for not paying? I haven't gotten a bill. The best one though was the lady who called in to report problems with turning on her cable. Wanted us to give her free service etc etc etc... The problem? She needed new batteries for the remote.
  15. lol, yup, someone was waaaay too bored one day...
  16. I feel frustrated at the moment... me boy's sick and I haven't seen him in a week *sigh*
  17. I'll be there for sure
  18. Getting ready to play World of Warcraft (yessum, I'm a WoW geek) and thinking of devious ways to get back at the boy for tempting me with cheesecake...
  19. Getting ready to head to Fangoria up in Burbank.
  20. Awww, thankee Tito. You sure know how to make a wench blush :)
  21. I'm worn out... Just got back from Potrero War last night. Ugh so tired. Lots of awesome pirates in awesome garb over at the docks though. Whew, what a party! Oh plus I'm stoked that I was able to log on through IE today instead of mozilla. Woot.
  22. Met the guy on Myspace actually (we'd seen each other at House of Blues the week before) and Pirating just happened to be one of the many things we had in common. Funny thing is that we had lived within a block of each other for 12 years, gone to the same schools, and shopped at the same stores and never ran into each other until that night.
  23. I got the email too. Automatically deleted it. However, now when I try to open the Pub in IE it tries to download a virus. Norton shuts down the attempts though and closes the page. I don't seem to be having any problems viewing the site on Mozilla Firefox though...
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