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Everything posted by Asukaru

  1. Yet again, kinda surprised/stunned. I went and saw An American Haunting tonight with some friends - It's not often that a horror film makes you think...
  2. Oh my god! Mad Jack has been abducted by aliens and replaced by a pod person! (Ciaran runs to the Confessional Closet to perform an exorcism on Jack!) I hope you get to feeling more like yourself, Mad Jack!
  3. A bit stunned. My eye started bothering me yesterday so I went in today to get it checked out the verdict? Pink eye. How in the world did I get pink eye?! I thought that was a kids disease!
  4. I think it's hard for that girl to NOT look good in anything she does...
  5. *grumblegrumblegrumble* I missed faire this weekend due to a nasty cold... I should be well by next weekend though...
  6. I'll be there with the crew again tomorrow. I'll stop by and say 'hi' finally
  7. Now that I know what good boning is I always hunt for them :) Y'know, I've read about the tie boning on the wench.org forums - People swear by it on there, but I always thought it was pretty much the same as plastic boning.
  8. Usually all the scary people I meet end up becoming my closest friends.
  9. I'm sorry, Kent. I'll keep you in my prayers... As for the job hunt, I start the new one later today (told you it had good hours ) However, there's an interview I went to yesterday that I'm keeping my fingers crossed about - All of their buildings had pirate flags on the corners!
  10. Many thanks Ciaran and Kent.
  11. I'm currently confused - one of my interviews finally led to a Job offer, however, it's not something I'm sure I want to do, and their location is pretty far from my house. I took it, because the pay is decent and I'm not sure I'll get another offer anytime soon from any place closer, also, the hours are really nice! But yeah, not to happy with it other than that.
  12. Oh! I just bought an Odd Bodkin bodice and I can't friggin wait for it to show up! Other than that I know how you feel Mary Sue - I'm small chested (a's, fun fun) and whenever I wear my bodice it's amazing (and also funny) from the front, there's cleavage then I turn to the side and I'm flat as a board. It amuses my friends to no end
  13. I haven't lost much - maybe a pound if I'm lucky - but then I haven't gained anymore either. I'm still working on it, slowly but surely. I've got a question though - Has anybody tried logging into the new site yet? Apparently we're supposed to be able to use our old log in information from the challenge. However, mine doesn't seem to work. Gr. And when I register for a new one the site doesn't seem to respond at all. Hm. I think I shall be emailing them in a minute or two.
  14. Feeling kinda frustrated with the whole job search at the moment (why must everything be in South County???) and looking forward to the weekend.
  15. Sadly, I won't be there this weekend - I'm running away to Big Bear on Saturday and heading back on Sunday. But I'll be back at faire the following weekend - probably Saturday...
  16. The only rain I want to see is in the mountains - I want to see snow when I make my trip up to Big Bear this weekend. However methinks the weather is a bit too warm for that now... Sir Kent, it was pleasure meeting you too - I wish I could have stayed longer but I had to go see my friends new garb. Apparently my opinion is valued on those matters Rummy! I keep looking for you and I keep missing ya! I'll find ya next time, I swear it :)
  17. I second that
  18. I'll be there again tomorrow providing there's no torrentual downpours - it's the boy's birthday so he wants to spend the day at faire (can't argue with that!) And I'll actually be wearing garb this time so I won't be affraid to speak up and say 'hi'
  19. Enjoyed the good weather today, but the drama of my friends is beginning to depress me again. I love it when you do a lot for people and they just forget all about you and what you did for no real reason.
  20. Oh Oh Oh!!! Let's not forget the infamous 'if you repost this bulletin you'll get 16 photos/12 top friends!!!' and the 'Myspace is closing, oh no!' Yeah, I'm a bonefide myspace geek...
  21. They do have a tendency to do that - it's really annoying. I've had friends delibrately change their age to 14 so that their pages become blocked to anyone who isn't a friend just to escape that junk.
  22. Oh good lord
  23. Trying on my bodice from Haunt and deciding that another diet is in order
  24. Roomba - one of my friends has one of those, he gave us a demonstration when I went to visit him once. It was fun to watch. I love reading about the cats, Mad Jack - Mine would freak if we ever got that thing. Like everyone else I can't live with out my phone or the internet.
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