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Everything posted by Asukaru

  1. Honestly? Girl Scouts. During my High School years I was in a troop that competed annually at an event called GAM that focused mainly on maritime know how. Learning knots, code flags, belltime, and marlinspike peaked my interest in the nautical and then came Pirates of the Caribbean and that was the end of that. It also helped that 3 years later when I finally crossed over at Halloween Haunt I was cast as a Wench in the Pirate themed maze.
  2. I be tired... very very tired. Had a blast in Vegas - didn't come out ahead but I didn't loose much either. Discovered that the Pirate themed slots really don't like me, and took anything I gave them - but then they are pirate themed.
  3. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight - leaving for Vegas at 9am, where much drinking and merryment will be had
  4. After dealing with some of the brats at Haunt, and now that I get to deal with even worse people on a regular basis, and that horrible story Lady B just told, I am fully convinced that our world is doomed. Today wasn't too bad. The weather is doing a number on my sinuses so I sound like crap (even though I don't feel like it - thank God) but apparently me sounding like crap sounds like me being cheerful to my supervisor.... hm... okay.... suuuuuure... One more day til VEGAS!!!!!!!
  5. I feel tired (but then it is 2am ) but fairly good. It's the weekend, I don't have to deal with kids complaining about their accounts being actionned, and I'm six more days closer to my first trip to Vegas since High School.
  6. I'm on there (handlebars.renspace.com) but I can't figure out how to upload or change anything for the life of me. Bah. I'll just wait til tomorrow I guess
  7. My family did purchase some of those foods, and unfortunately we've had to put two of our cats to sleep in the past few months. However we only feed our animals canned stuff and there's been no mention of if there were any issues with the canned products as well. So far it's only been the pouches.
  8. I looked it up once out of curiousity and wasn't all that impressed. I think I'll stick with World of Warcrack for now. And of course there's Pyrates Online coming out soon.
  9. No losses (weight-wise) to report. I am lasting longer on the elipticals (or however you spell it) Finally got back up to 30 minutes again, and annoying my work out partner so much that she got fed up and went back to the treadmills
  10. I'm not overly fond of being drunk. I just don't like the headspinningworldwontstop feeling - as a result I've only been drunk 3 times in my life. When I am drunk though I get kinda giggly but mostly I just want to cuddle
  11. Hope all goes well!! Thanks Sterling... the DR gave me some stronger stuff and the bump is pretty much gone now. I just have to keep from leaning on my elbows so damn much - which is easier said than done! I hope things are getting better for you Merry. Right now I feel like a geek, I'm just sitting here watching Gargoyles and keeping an eye on my cat.
  12. Lasted 20 minutes on the eliptical today - which can be tougher and easier than running on a treadmill. I'm sticking to slimfast right now - mostly because it's cheaper and healthier than getting fastfood everyday. Nothing significant to report in the weightloss department though
  13. Tired and worried. I developed an odd little bump on the back of my elbow this week. It's not huge or anything and it's not painful - just there and annoying at times. I've tried ice packs, heat packs, anti - flammitory stuff, all to no avail, so it's looking like I'll have to make a trip to the DRs next week. Bah.
  14. Girl Scout Cookies... Thin Mint to be exact
  15. Annoying stuff Pink eye, I hope you feel better BlackJohn I've dropped about 5 pounds in the past month. My friend is dragging me through the cardio, I'm going to kill myself trying to keep up with her but I did managed to jog for ten minutes straight without stopping.
  16. A little MSI, Combichrist, and VNV Nation. There's also the Editors, Modest Mouse and the Kinks. Oh and several goodies by Johnny Cash of course as well :)
  17. Right now I have: 2 skirts 1 chemise 1 shirt 1 pair of bloomers 2 bodices striped socks a plenty and my lovely befeathered hat I'm working on 4 more skirst (I love that they're so simple to make) 2 more bodices 1 partlett/shirt 1 pair of slops 1 justacorps (which will probably be the death knell for my current sewing machine)
  18. Found some Belly Dancing Fitness for Beginners on Amazon last week - I've been going over to a friends house and we've been working out to that. Plus I've also been hitting the gym when I can, and I'm still walking on my lunches. Nothing to report in actual weightloss yet, but I'm sleeping better, and I have more energy in the day... ... which I use to drive my coworkers and our customers nuts
  19. I'm joining in a little bit late but after trying on some pants that fit a couple of weeks ago and realizing just how much the inactivity of a desk job can do to you - I think it's high time to go on a diet. Thus far I've been taking walks on my breaks and lunches at work when the weather permits. I've not lost anything but I'm not gaining either.
  20. Heheheh, they're definately fun. Especially the 'Here's Lurking at You'
  21. Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
  22. But if I whistle, and people know I'm here, then I won't hear any good secrets, Damn it! Um... I got nothing... *Keeps drinking her Lambics*
  23. Thank ya much! A round all on me! :angry: Ah, It's good to be back to my lurking ways :)
  24. Figured I'd stop by the ol' pub again now that I have some free time and see how things were going. *eyes the threads* Looks like I have a bit of catching up to do! Not that I ever posted much - the lurker I be - but it's good to be able to post again.
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