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Dread Mach Brannigan

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Everything posted by Dread Mach Brannigan

  1. I’ve seen a 18th century British Spontoon. I think that is similar to a boarding pike. Boarding pikes were used in the Civil War as an infantry thrusting weapon. They could have been used to board ships as some have a hook, but I dunno.
  2. Hmmmm...don't know. But I'ave several uses fer Cool Whip.
  3. Visual Cliff - Sacred
  4. I thought it was pretty entertaining the way it was put together, however, most of that stuff I've read in books or seen on the internet. It's quite interesting about the buried treasure theory and that Capt. Kidd was probably the only one who did bury treasures. The other thing was that people today are still looking for it in the several places the Historians have thought it may be buried. Also, the possible fact that it was dug up years ago and used to build the Hospital for "Broken down" Sailors. Like they said, most Pirates' back then probably spent their booty so fast after they got a hold of it there wasn't time to bury it. I know when the check goes in the bank for my household it isn't in there long...hehe! There's probably more buried treasures (money in mason jars) in the hills of Incestia WV. than there are Pirates' gold and silver in the Carribean.
  5. Hi Carmina, We used to love ta go to Mobile and party. Use ta hang with Jimmy Buffett down at the Flori-bama Lounge in Gulf Shores slurppin' raw oysters and seein' how many pitchers o' beer we could kill. Sorry ta say Trader's is now closed and all the stuff that wuz in th'er is at a museum. E'res tha link on da story... http://www.intruderassociation.org/oldsite.../traderjons.htm
  6. Medical Tech. e're, I work with a Mohs micrographic surgery team for a Dermatology firm. I basically do analysis under a microscope all day...quite boring huh?
  7. Can they chirp legato scale fragments or sweeped arpeggios like Steve? Met him briefly (very briefly) once at a show, seems like a nice guy. I did get to hang out with Joe Satriani and Stu Hamm after a show and we ended up at a fair eating chili dogs then riding the tilt-a-whirl...
  8. Roger Dean did the artwork. He's also an Architect of unconventional construction techniques... curvilinear design houses, quite imaginative guy.
  9. When I lived In Pensacola, Fl. our band used to play in a place called Trader Jons. P'cola is a Naval town and alot of the sailors use to go there. This place looked like an old beat up shack but was quite big on the inside. It was sectioned off into 2 separate rooms. One side had all kinds of Naval and Nautical memorbilia with piece of planes, ships and diving equipment hanging from the ceiling...flags, Blue Angel's stuff & pics all over. The other section had a piratical theme of just about anything you could imagine. This is where the stage and dance floor was at with old wooden mast, sails, and weapons on the walls. It was a very drafty, and musty and dark and dreary which gave it the atomosphere of the period. Couldn't leave Instruments in there too long cause of the humidity. My guitar cases were full of those little silica gel moisture relievers.
  10. revisiting: Passion & Warfare - Steve Vai
  11. Gramercy Sir Eric
  12. Why thankee m'lady, glad ye enjoyed tha ride. Th'er be no CD at de moment, but I be scheduled to go in da studio with sum mates' after tha holidays and lay some tracks for a CD. O'course, it will be Hard Rock Guitar music and not tis Island music. This was just for fun, actually we had more fun doing the character's at the intro. It wuz tough to put the lyric in as a Sea Shanty so we went with de reggae-ish approach. I'll be talkin' to me mate who helped on this and see if'n he wants to do a series of Pyrate' tunes wiv dif'rent themes. Thanks again fer takin' tha tyme to listen
  13. Wha'other side be that lass? We be bloody pyrates' :)
  14. Hmmm, Is that legal in Holland? Don't you have to go before a Dutch General Consulate or something to make it legal? I didn't think the Netherlands tolerated this sort of thing anymore. I know Amsterdam is a pretty liberal society, but do you have no choice in this matter?
  15. 'Tis a bit puzzlin' 'spec'ally since ye 'ave this in yer sig. A pirate by heart, a pirate in my soul I always steal whatever I need, no self-control I always long to sail my ship and explore the sea So you'd better beware me! Because Captain Pirate is near. And a girl too so fear Don't you dare to question me and I might let you live I fight and kill those without skill So surrender now...and bow!
  16. Well said Rummy3. Not 1 decoration? Does yer room-mate not celebrate the holiday in any form? E're ye go lass wiv plenty'o presents ta boot
  17. Welcome aboard Lass. Do ye be takin' a likin' ta dancin'? If so e'res a shot 'o rum fer ye ta git started. C'mon ladies get dem skirts a-whirlin'
  18. How 'bout I am just a new boy, stranger in this town. Where are all the good times? Who's gonna show this stranger around? Oo, I need a dirty woman. Oo, I need a dirty gal. Will some woman in this desert land make me feel like a real man? Take this rock and roll refugee, oo, babe, set me free. Oo, I need a dirty woman. Oo, I need a dirty gal. Oo, I need a dirty woman. Oo, I need a dirty gal.
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