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Dread Mach Brannigan

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Everything posted by Dread Mach Brannigan

  1. 61°Lots o' rain, considerable cloudiness until noon...then decreasing cloudiness. Highs in the lower 60s. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph.
  2. Greetin's to ya lass, I be new ta th'se waters meself. Seems like a grand pub ta kick back and swill a few. I likes me rum but I be a bloke who likes alittl' variety fer me taste. So be havin' a whiskey straight up, and get dem skirts aflowin' ladies.
  3. Ahoy th'er Barbados Sam! I be noticin' in yer bio you play some Bass...what kind o' bass(es) ye be thumpin' mate? Me has an old 60's Fender P Bass the one with the plated pup and bridge covers tha's been modified with a Seymour Duncan hot jazz pup. Also has a (now vintage) 1985 Yamaha BB 1600, natural finish. Yamaha didn't make many of those beaut's but I got me hands on one back in '88 and have heldt on ta the baby, stills looks new. I has several other instruments in me collection too but dem me babies.
  4. I remember as a wee lad lookin' at Elton John's-Capt. Fantastic album cover for hours and always finding something new when I came back. All the Kansas, Molly Hatchet, & Iron Maiden covers are really cool. Not to mention Great music also. Wanna see sumin' disturbin' but amusin'? Here's a link to some of the WORST album covers ever. http://porktornado.diaryland.com/albumcover.html
  5. Bushwacker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingredients: 4 oz Cream of coconut 2 oz Kahlua 1 oz(or 2) Rum of your choice 1 oz Creme de Cacao 4 oz Half-and-half 2 cups Ice Vanilla ice-cream (optional) Mixing instructions: Throw all the ingredients in a blender. Then blend till mixed. Ice-cream suggested for more milk shake like drink. I grew up on these things at P'cola Beach...they don't sound so impressive, but man do dey pak-a-punch!
  6. E're ya go mate' Sorry, carry on...
  7. E're, E're, I would like to express my gratitude to all the Veterans for preserving our blessings of liberty and defending our Nation's great land. 21 salute!
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