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Swifty Morgan

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Everything posted by Swifty Morgan

  1. lorien_stormfeather That be the onlyone I have met from here.
  2. I like Christmas Tis the season for sharing and celebrating. Swifty
  3. Hahaha At Hawkyns I agree with ye. swifty
  4. Aye I be with Mad matt on that one Lass ifin ye want to talk to someone or just want to vent and have someone listen I am willing to do so PM me ifin ye want. Swifty We all be mates here at the pub.
  5. Christine alot of us guys like a blonde Pirate Wench. Ye should be happy about all the attention ye be getten lass. Swifty
  6. Well I don't know about that mate I have not heard of any proof so if someone can find some facts that would be great. Swifty
  7. WOW!!! Totally dizzy not cool I should of not took that last drink of Rum.
  8. I have performed those dances in a couple places here in my state Also at the rose garden in Portland Oregan
  9. Aye Lass I be a dancer I have took Dance class's for 2 years The dances include Rhumba cha Cha Fox Trot Waltz Tango Night club 2 step and few others Swifty
  10. Nope nothing like that here at work. We just give and receive gifts.
  11. I will see about doin that hey again no problem and I would like to hear a few more of ye tunes mate just Pm them to me Swifty
  12. Dread Mach Brannigan Aye mate that sounds good I like it and about yer band buryen there treasure that was a good one a great way to start out the song. All the rest of our mates here should listen to it.
  13. I can be a little entertaining, The thing that I have found out is people of all ages love to get there pictures taken with me decked out in me garb. Useally I am always up for a photo shoot. Needless to say it is all fun. Swifty
  14. I have seen the new Zorro flick just last night great movie. Recomend everyone to see it.
  15. I agree with most of you. I think a rapest or a murder should get the death penalty so I say hang em and do it right in the middle of town for everyone to see.
  16. Aye Biker yes I have had Admiral NelsonRum but still perfer Morgans or Barbarosa spiced Rums. I have right now Admiral nelson and Barbarosa Spiced Rums now. Yeah they are a nice Rum to drink.
  17. Dread Mach Brannigan Sure I would like to hear that recording if you can post a link or upload it. music is a great thing and is fun I would like to play some Island sounding stuff some time as well. Glad you like my drum set. Swifty
  18. Greetings Luv! Hope ye be enjoyen yerself here lass. Don't forget to have fun while here at this pub. I be haven a Morgans spiced rum and Ray get the Lady Asukaru what she be haven. CHEERS!!!
  19. yes Christine ye be rite Jimmy buffet You like Jimmy Buffet's Margarita Ville Don't ye Christine?
  20. I have a decent sized drum set that I play it is a late 80's kit it has 8 ply shells with double kick peddles very nice and it rocks. Here be a picture of my drums. Love playen them.
  21. Drinking a Margarita looking for my lost shaker of salt
  22. Gettin ready for the Chirstmas spirit.
  23. Nice photos Maggie ready to see your others.
  24. Be hopen ye have a speedy recovery, Good luck
  25. I am listening to the Scorpions the songs names are Pashion rules the game and Wind Of Change and Rock you like a hurricane.
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