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Swifty Morgan

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Everything posted by Swifty Morgan

  1. Listening to Ratt the songs name is Way Cool Junior
  2. I am feeling just a little tipsy this morning.
  3. I feel real drunk but very good
  4. On my desktop I have a picture of me on the Lynx and the Lady Washington in the background.
  5. Hope ye get better Christine. Take Care and drink plenty of fluid stay warm and get some sleep.
  6. Hey Rumba can ye get a little better picture of the Light disply on your balcony. Even though it be blurry it looks like it could be a nice one.
  7. Yes that guy does have alot of time on his hands. great light display.
  8. For me I stay clean shaved unless I am going to an event. Then i will grow a goatee.
  9. Patrick Hand Never in the Armed Forces Patrick. That one be when I was on vacation. Anyway both but I perfer the one in me garb. :)
  10. So tell me Ladies and Gents what do you think of my pictures please let me know.
  11. Hurricane that does not sound good at all. Anyway keep us posted on this situation and what is going to happen from here. I will keep me eyes on this thread. Swifty Morgan
  12. We had a great Thanksgiving Day.
  13. Swifty Morgan walks in to the pub puts his boot on the table and says I be the best looking pirate. Then he turns to Christine and said I agree with ya. But that be alright.
  14. I don't like snow mate. I be haven a outside job. I would rather be in the islands and in the tropical sun diving and after words have meself a drink or 2. :)
  15. Opps I did it agan posted twice the same message Sorry about that mates.
  16. Our Turkey day was great lots of turkey, Cheese cake, Pumpkin pie, Potatoes, Veggies ect. It goes on and on including plenty of drinks. Hope everyone else had a good Thanks giving as well.
  17. Our Turkey day was great lots of turkey, Cheese cake, Pumpkin pie, Potatoes, Veggies ect. It goes on and on including plenty of drinks. Hope everyone else had a good Thanks giving as well.
  18. To all me Mates hope you have a great Thanks giving
  19. To all me Mates hope you have a great Thanks giving
  20. My hat is off for all of the troops abroad CHEERS
  21. GenttleMen Of Fortune Here is me on a sea wall in the Phils. Now here I am on the Lynx with the Lady Washington in the back ground.
  22. My prayers and thoughts go out to you Lady Seahawke and your family God Speed
  23. I will keep this simple: 1. I am a happy drunk 2. I like to sing videoke 3. Be socialble 4. Funny (once in a while) 5. Observant amongst a couple other things
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