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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. <pssst inna whisper> hey K W Pirate..... at least he didn't say anything bout how are parents couldn't read....... something bout.... illiterate bast**ds...... [somehow.... this sounds funnier whan said than when typed....... so take this post with a large grain of salt....... not ment to be offensive..... just sick humor]
  2. I've been thinking about the "authentic" vs "Hollywood" pirate image recently... I use to do Civil War reenacting (14th Tenn. vol. Inf. ) and participate at Rendezvous... (and the S.C.A. but that is a "play" group" ... never meet anyone that was more authentic than what I did (sorry... that's a wierd backhand comment about the authentisity minded.... the ones who wear semi-period court garb.... then go back to thier dome tent....(if they are camping).) A few year ago, I was going to get into WWII reenactments.... but all of the U.S. troops were Rangers or airborn... and all of the Germans were SS ... (Little known historical fact..... WWII was fought entirely by eleat troops...) I was going to do reenactments of Bill Mauldin cartoons..... Anyway... One of the things I like about playing pyrate (notice.... I did not say Reenact...) is that it is a growing process...... My shirt is the correct cut.... but it is cotten, and machine sewn .... my cutlass is an old "wall hanger" broadsword, that I filed into shape...... I can't document my Sea jacket.... but I realy don't care.... it works... it looks right.... Oh..yah.... and the Enfield musket... makes a nice loud "boom" but WAY outta period.......... just don't have a doglock musket yet..... I have decided that I will make my stuff (never could get into the use of the word Kit...) close to period.... but I'm not going to sweat over the minor details that no one will ever notice..... (haven't yet met anyone that anal... (don't mean to be offensive to those who enjoy making thier stuff absolutly correct.... but I still ain't met anyone with more authentic stuff to enspire me to do even better.... ) So I will continue to make my stuff astetic ... as aposed to authentic..... and have fun doing it..... When I'm in a parade or at a public event,(or getting my picture taken by tourist....) and someone points at me and says... "look a pirate" I may not be historicaly acurate... and I don't claim to be..... but I strongly feel, that I am getting closer to correct.....
  3. RANDOM MEMORY ABOUT PiP.... I had a great time at Pip... it was even more fun than Pensic (and the partys down in the "Bog" at Pensic were something to remember......) Things that happened at Pip keep poping back into my brain...... So not only did I get to have fun in Key West.... I get to keep remembering the fun........ Anyway... I flew out and back to Pip in garb..... on the way back, in Miami, I had a layover, so I was walking outside to have a smoke... there was a group of kids that I swear.... thier eyes bugged out... and thier jaws dropped to the floor as I walked by..... guess they didn't expect to see a pyrate in the airport....... I'd definately sujest Flying in garb .......
  4. Every so often I think of something that I'd like to add to the Pyracy Pub, but they are small bits.... nothing worth a seperate topic.... but maybe a post or two, then move on to something else........ You know..... Random Thoughts.... First rendom thought....... I LIKE MY BREAD MACHINE...... I've been making a loaf of bread and eating it every day sence my boss gave the thing to me.... Dirt simple.... measure alla th' stuff.... push a button and two and a holf hours later..... fresh bread...... I sit in front of the pewter reading and posting in the Pup.... and munching on fresh bread...... cool..... AAAAAAaaaaargh even!
  5. Double rations..... how many barrels is that?
  6. Woh cool........ bondage..................
  7. Cinn.... yer lucky you don't live in California...... those nails would be considered an Assult weapon here.............
  8. Hummmm.... never tried using vinegar... I've heard that rubbing brass with the cleaning patches after cleaning black powder, is sopose to age it.... (haven't tried it.... ) I just clean the laqure off the brass, and it ages anyway......
  9. Capt. Pete....Cool......... have fun with the Queen Anne... I'll have to wait untill Spring, and go to a few of the Rendezvouse... try trading fer some gun parts.......
  10. Hummmm.... wonder if the guy would be willing to trade a nice bridge that I own fer that Authentic pyrate cutlass.......
  11. Or check in your local Library..... I found a realy good book on how to do bookbinding..... now to find thime to try doing it..........
  12. but the whole camp already did..............
  13. aaaargh.... but sorid be such a nice word ter me thinkin'...................................
  14. Well I know one..... but it takes a LOT of wasabi ........
  15. Sheila.... My recipe is very similuar to that...... get one dead rabbit but not too dead one cuppa flour one large bottle of rum drink the rum, and throw the flour and dead rabbit at the funniest target avalible..........
  16. ... I seems ta remember something like that they were working on in Willy Wonka ...... iff I remembers corectly..... it didn't work very well.........
  17. Yah... I know that stainless is a bugger to file into shape...... but I don't know how to temper a blade.... There is a chapter in one of the "books of Buckskinning" on tempering a file ground knife...... but without looking it up, it required placing the finished blade on a chunk of red hot iron, and quenching it when it got the right color...... Capt. Gary.,... is there a better or eaiser way to do it.....?
  18. Yah... those photos kinda do that, don't they...... kinda scarry when ya stop an think bout it.............
  19. Dang..... laughing and having rum come outta yer nose hurts...... Sheila... don't say things like that.......
  20. RumbaRue..... I'll scratch yer back iffin ye scratch mine........ to waste...... got rum?
  21. Nigel.... you going to tell H. Hefner.... or should I..........
  22. I can't shead a tear bout the Hawain Chicken leavin..... being told to "stand down" when we were out fighting them........
  23. sounds cool...... but it (the web site) sound like part of some "bodice ripper".......
  24. I hadda cut ...copy and paste.... I can't even spell dysfunctiona.......
  25. ...Hey Summer sausage is good...... but they become questionable when left in a ice chest in the heat for a "bit" to long............ I don't think "suprise" is quite the right adgitive..............
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