Patrick Hand
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Everything posted by Patrick Hand
hummm.... I've heard that line before..... but I think it ment something else.......... see how you are......................
DurtyLillie....... but they were so soggy afterwards.................................
Awh come on...... back then if you wanted to start a fire...... flint and steal.... If you wanna try it for yourself...... check out any blackpowder shop..... (or search the web...) And it is realy easy to do... hit your flint with the steal.... catch the sparks on your char.... blow gently... and make fire....... matches... lusifers.... and all the other fire making stiff was for the rich.... flint and steal was the common way to do it.....
....And then eat the whole thing yerself....... Obviously.....NOT a marrage counselor....
Thank you..... now I have to get to work, and do the drawings for the garb pages...... Hey.... that does sound good.... I usualy add worchestershire sauce and hot sauce when I make tunafish sandwiches..... adding potato chips will be a nice extra.......
I found the linen that I was working on, so it's back to hand sewing the shirt.... (dang.... I hate sewing the gathered parts.....) Did a web search for linen canvas.... but most of what I found is for oil painting....... Maybe I'll check with a local lady I know about getting some hemp canvas........
What I'd read was that there wern't any "Royal Marines" as a specific/ official group.... Marines were Infantry that were used abord ship..... I cut and pasted your "A Potted History...." and will check through that when I have a little more time..... I live in a very small town... our library dosen't even have a copy of the book "Treasure Island" .... so finding information about any time period other than the gold rush is difficult......... and so far, I haven't had much luck on the internet...... Hummm not exactly about handcuffs and leg irons......... sorry....
?????? Nahhhhh I musta just read that one wrong..............
But she did say so that makes it better........
Hey.... did anyone notice that all three pages...... the first one saying it was true, and the next two saying it was an urban myth....... were all from the SAME site...... www.scopes.com
Hey Capt. Pete Straw GREAT story.......!
Hummmm.... sounds kinda like hardtack......... OH yah..... To make edable hardtack..... About 3 cups of flour some salt..... about 2 tablespoons.... about 3 tablespoons oil (this make them edable) enough water to make a thick claylike dough..... sprinkle flour on th' table..... and roll the dough out to about 1/2" thick.... cut into about 3" x 3" squaires then using a nail... poke a buncha holes in them.... then bake (I think it was about 350.......) untill ........ well hard..... A variation that's even better (I call them Sea buscuits)....... instead of the 3 cups of flour... use about 1 1/2 cups flour, and 1 1/2 cups oatmeal ..... and add about 3 to 4 tablespoons of sugar.... (some molassis makes them even better..... ) and instead of cutting into squairs.... cut out with a cup (or a biscuit cutter if you have one) Make a small batch the first time to see if you like (or can eat them) ..... then make a HUGE batch so they are handy whenever you go a pyratin' ...... they realy do last forever..... I found half of one in my jacket pocket...... and it was still as edable as ever (of course that IS open to some debate........ )
I shoulda posted that most of my stuff is period cut, cotton and mostly machine sewn, but some hand finishing....... I was... (have to find where I packed it whan I moved) working on a hand sewn linen shirt......) I have the Bad habit of re-making a lot of my stuff.... example.... I have about four different pirate shirts,,,,,, keep trying to improve them..... And I want to get some linen or hemp canvas to make a good pair of pants...... Guess it's one of the things I like about playing pyrate.... I can keep making new and improved stuff......
Hummmm..... wot are rents like in Florida....? I'm paying $850 to rent a two bedroom house..... in the snow! (did I mention that I HATE SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Bilgemonkey...... you won't say which one...... the bowels or the ship? Sorry... just read th' post...... couldn't help meself........
I can kinda see why the Rolling Stones didn't write "Sympathy for the French...."
OK I forgot that one....... I just didn't want to give them "names" such as ... Hollywood glitz.......
I read it in a cyber punk novel..... figured I give it a try...... It's also a good way to use up the broken chips in the bottem of the bag........... On run in th' bread...... I had alla th' ingreadents in the machine...... looked at th' rum..... looked at the ingreadents...... figured.... awh Heck.... I'll just drink th' rum and eat th' bread........ so I still haven't tried rum bread .....yet.......
I better not say anything...... and I already typed the part about a Dirty mind.......
Just curious what level others garb is at.......
Is that why he walked/swished so...............
Bi .... Lesbians.... whatever...... from wot I remember...... they were fun......
Not exactly the same..... but I was doing a web search for musket parts (didn't have much luck) but this kept coming up... It was a link to E-Bay.......... I didn't know E Bay sold BlackPowder..... or real guns......
.... I think that might be part of my problem..... I live up in the mountains (have to drive three hours to play pyrate....) The part I can't figure out.... I live in Calaveras county(Spanish for Skulls) in the Gold country...... Skulls....Gold.... dang should be a whole buncha pyrates about..... nope.... or at least I ain't found any of them yet........
Kinda funny.... the Dutch are so restrictive about flintlock firearms.... I'm researching what parts I need to make a copy of a Dutch paddlebutt musket...... the kind they use to export to the New World..... ...."When guns are outlawed... can we use swords? " ...Dang.... guess not.........