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Patrick Hand

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Everything posted by Patrick Hand

  1. HEY...........And what about seamsters (men who can sew)
  2. OK... not quite stripes...... But has anyone else noticed how few checkered shirts are worn by pyrate reenactors? Lots of white and black (quickly ducks) but not many checkered. I do like the reference to I wanted to make a waistcoat.... but wool under wool..... would get a bit to hot.... ticking might work very well........
  3. Well lets see........ "The Whicked Wench who couldn't say no " "Treasure Chests - topless beaches in the Caribbean" "Bucaneer Quartly" (The tight bodice issue) "Tales to Touch your Heart " by L'Olonnois I'll have to make up some more.......
  4. Yah... but it wasn't "people".... it was algae .... but with the oceans dead, the algae had to eat ..... something.........
  5. Of course the women look good also..... nothing like a tight bodice and low cut blouse to keep a pyrate on his toes......
  6. The Last of the Mohicans Rob Roy Little Big Man Saving Private Ryan MASH Cross of Iron Glory Platoon Apocolypes Now Soylent Green Galaxy Quest (my favorite Star Treck movie...... ) Blade Runner Princess Bride Little SHop of Horrors Addams Family Hook I'll give you three guesses who was sorting vidios...........
  7. OH BOY! ..... DSL AND bedtime stories........ wot more could a pyrate ask for...... I didn't miss-read your offer did I..........
  8. YAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH ! I got DSL.... so now I can read the Pub in less than 3 cigarettes (I have a wierd way of telling time.......)
  9. ......? baggy butt and all ?
  10. I'm coming into this one kinda late..... but I always thought "Authentisity Nazi" was a derogitory term, (and ment to be so...) My deffinition... an Authentisity Nazi is the person who (usuly) has one good period thing (usualy thier outfit), and procedes to tell you how wrong your stuff is. (Then goes back to thier dome tent....) I have never heard the tern "thread counter", but have used the term "Hardcore authentic" (I use to re enact the American Civil War, and our stuff wasen't 100% corect, but very close.....) We worked hard on getting everything as close as we could, but made allowances for the new guys. Someone comented eairley about starting all of the campfires with flint and steel, at a Rendezvous, in the primitive camp, I had already started my campfire with flint and steel, when one of the guys who was very proud of how well he did in the F&S contest (less than 1 minute) but when he reached for a box of kitchen matches, I gave him a hard time (not That hard of a time... mostly joking) anyway, he started his fire with F&S.... we then waited untill the next camp got ready to start thier fire...... anyway, all the fires that weekend in the primitive camp were started with F&S. The point I'm trying to make.... we all knew how to start fires with flint and steel, but sometimes get a little lazy.... It was fun.... kinda added "something" to the event. (and if anyone realy had to start thier fire with matches, we realy wouln't have cared....) Now back to topic..... I don't see myself as an authentisity nazi, and hope others don't see me that way. I do want to become a Hardcore authentic pyrate. I want to make my stuff better, and keep improving it so it is as period as possible. But my entheusiasim (however it's spelled) may put some people off.....
  11. Rogue.... I had something like that happen with a Doors song..... But look on the bright side....... yachts.... sailing... pyracy pub....... you could have gone a totaly diffirent aproach........
  12. Back to topic...... when I was going to rendezvouse, there were debates about beards...... (the Indains didn't like them... you want to stay alive... you shaved...) but one of the arguements is someone from the time period wrote in thier diary that they saw a bearded man....... it was recorded, because at the time it was so unusuall...... this does not prove or disprove the earring arguemnt.... but... if earrings were common... who would have mentioned them...... Also (more speculation) sailors DID dress differently than landsmen.... trowsers....etc.... maybe they did wear earings.... just so common, that no one mentioned it....... I may be a halfway authentic pyrate..... but I still want to know if pirates did or did not wear earrings.....
  13. I think that might be my problem with the movie...... it was OK..... kinda fun..... pyrate treasure and all..... but I wasn't greatly impressed...... now I have to remember a movie that impressed me when I was a kid........ There WAS an old black and white pyrate movie that I saw when I was in the sixth grade...... WOW....... just can't remember what it was.... Or if my memory is better than the movie was... (imagination I think added some to it.....) As a side note.... my memory of Heavy Metal (the movie) was much better than seing it again a few years ago....... But don't mean to spoil anyones fun......... like I typed.... it was a fun movie....
  14. Yah.... but can you document it...... I think the arguement in not weather we want pyrate to have worn earrings.... but can anyone find Proof that they did....... I will continue to wear my earring, playing pyrate or not...... but documintation of period pyrates doing so would be interesting......
  15. Don't mean to belittle his loss..... but THAT must be an interesting story.........
  16. (How was that for a reaction ? )
  17. ..."Wow check out the tail on that one........." I don't think you will find any historical reference to period wearing of fox tails (OK..... there is a painting (I think by Breugel) showing some fools wearing them...) but that will probably be the closest...... I've heard people say they were to catch fleas to avoid the plaque.... but I think they are worn just for the silly joke at the begining of this post.......
  18. YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK PYRATE IF........... Instead of a skull and crossed bones on th front of your hat.... you have "Chew Redman Tobacco" You order yer crew to fire the number six gun.... and it takes them awhile to count that high... You have an eight point buck with a cigarette danglin outta it mouth and a party hat for yer ship's figurehead..... Your scurvy crew and your inlaws all have the same number of teeth... You get worried when the ships stores are gettin low on salt possum..... Befor your crew can run out the guns, you gotta move that transmission you've been meanin to work on.... Jim Beam and Captain Morgan are the only pyrate Captains you can name... Your Mamma makes the best bar-b-que salt pork.... You can spit tobacco juice and flick boggers with deadly aim... The reason you went to sea in th first place was to get more time fer fishin... Fishin, fightin and fornicatin just come naturaly to you.......
  19. ...Why do they call them floppy disk, when you can't flop them.....? ...I tired to send my friend in jail a file baked into a cake..... but the disk melted...... ...What do people in China call thier good plates ? ...Why do they sterilize the needle befor a leathal injection ? ...Of course it was in the last place you looked..... once you found it, you stopped looking........ ...My computer may win at chess.... but I can sure beat it at kickboxing......!
  20. I was going to post something different..... but I didn't respond to this one eairler ..... But that is why Lee's Infantry did Pickets charge....... and why they would have turned around and gone back again to try again... even after seeing what happened..... they loved General Lee... honnored and respected him........ General Lee was the best General in American History (Ok there is a lot that can be argued here.... but Lee still was Americas best General..... ) (and outta fairness.... Grant... for deciding to fight a war of attrition... did win the war.....but heck..... "Sir.... lets see if I got this right.... we lose three to five of our men to kill one of thiers... and we win?" (So Grant had the courrage to make that desisission..... (the only way the North could have won..... (and yah.... there are MANY different points of discussion on that ...)) Sorry... going to Civil War arguements .......... (interesting war.... who controlls the American people.... the individual States... or the Federal Government..... (slavery was a minor (keep England from supporting the Confederacy) issue....)) Who knows what I was in a "Past Life" But there are some "bits" that "stir the soul"..... "Scotland Forever" makes me want to run Englishmen through with a claymore.......... "God bless Robert E. Lee" ........ (and getting back on kinda topic) .... there is "just something" about pyracy......... Gotta be th' rum..... but I still say....... "God Bless Robert E. Lee............"
  21. When a woman says... "the drinks are on me..." I always get this wierd image shooting though my brain.......... Does that mean she is buying everyone a drink..... OR Did she spill some of hers on herself...... and well....... (and if you can figure wot I was trying to type... you got a dirty mind also...........)
  22. You gotta tack or pin the brim up..... steaming.... boiling... or soaking just gives the hat some shape..........
  23. sounded fantastic untill I got to the end of the post..... Rats....... maybe inter-library loan............ Howard Pyle is my third favorite artist..... (Bill Mauldin and Charles Addams being my favorites..... CARTOONIST ARE ARTEST ALSO............)
  24. ....Teal bikini pyrates...! ! ! ???????? Am I havin' wierd flashbacks..... or is it just some bad rum.....? (but there is no such thing as bad rum....OH NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  25. I hand sew the ribbon to the edge of the hat..... using a running stitch.... that way, I can get the ribbon to fit exactly right.... I'm going to change the ribbon from black to yellow. (Foxe had a link to Marines, and well..... going to change the hat band.... 8) ) For the linning, I used some unbleached musslin, made a tube the same circumfrance as the inside of the hat....and about 6" tall. the top edge has a small casing for a cord, and the lower edge is turned under and handsewn to the hat.
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