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Everything posted by Jib

  1. Any fest or faire. Fun or sassy stuff. Stealing Queen's monkey = good Stealing Queen's kickers = better Stealing some patrons car = BAD! Not interested!
  2. Jib


    Saw Cassanova over the weekend and I would give it 5 flagons of rum. Very fun movie!
  3. Foxe it doesn't look comfortable. Is the purpose to repel water and make the cloth last longer?
  4. Anyone do anything that could have gotten them arrested?
  5. So you are at the Ren Faire. Maybe you have enjoyed a little beverage. You feel a wee bit naughty and you are a pirate. What have you done?
  6. Jib

    Gold Age Food

    Any mention of fruit? I suppose some food was eatten cold. Anything eatten in a fashion we would consider different (cold broth, hot drinks?)
  7. Foxe, Pat Any chance we can see what that looks like? When I think Tar I see road tar, thick, sticky, nasty, heavy, and smelly.
  8. Jib

    Gold Age Food

    I would assume that hard tack and fish would be part of a pirates diet but what else? Any of the historical pirates ever 'dine in period style'?
  9. I wear mine over the coat but I'm starting to re-think it. My coat collar seems to be smashed and the lapel doesn't sit right. My coat might not vent properly but I think I'll give it a try! Just wondered if it had to do with historical fashion of the time.
  10. Anyone ever seen a wheel lock pistol for sale? I own a non-firing replica but what about a black powder version? I imagine them mightly rare.
  11. I want big ships. I saw a fella make copies of the ships out of PVC board and they rocked! Anyone else tried this?
  12. Should the baldric be worn over the great coat or under it? I guess over it would make it more easy to draw a blade or other weapon but I imagine that the coat could also protect the weapons also. Anyone?
  13. The Pyrates of Portobello are preforming in South Dakota some time in Feb. Not sure on the dates but I'll post them when I know more.
  14. Mad Jack if you are a native of MN see if you can see POTC 2 at the Ultra Screen west of St. Paul. A very fine theater indeed.
  15. I have met Cascabel Isabel Patrick Hand I encountered Braze with Cascabel but we were not introduced (infact, I gave him a hard time which I regret not being introduced and all) Of course I'd like to meet you all!
  16. DId the pikes ever have a hook on the back of the blade? Gaff hook for pulling objects closer to the ship?
  17. Jib

    Women on Ships

    Foxe Charlotte De Berry = Fiction?
  18. Bilge my "brother from another mother", how about Bristol Faire in Bristol Wisconsin? Now before you say "No Jib you drunken sot!" remember that they are rummored to be building a 1500's replica of a sailing ship on the grounds (Golden Hind-ish). May not be GAOP but worth a trip...
  19. did not the Knights of S. John fight back a HUGE force of the Ottoman Turks?
  20. Bonnie made me think of a related topic. Do you oil your scabbard? I keep a light coat of oil on mine. I have had bad reactions on certain cheap scabbards and sheaths. THe glue tended to pull apart.
  21. Jib

    POTC 2 voodoo?

    A large portion of the population of Hati is said to follow Voodoo. I suppose any where there is a large African population you could find "Voodoo Hogons and Bokors".
  22. Jib

    POTC 2 voodoo?

    Sympathetic magic. Very interesting. The original idea behind sicking a pin into a voodoo doll was to "lock in" a prayer. The dols were supposed to be 'gods and goddesses' not people. Of course things change. I wonder about Jack's extra eyes...
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