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Picaroon Lagoon

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Everything posted by Picaroon Lagoon

  1. “Honourable”? No thanks m’lady; it’s a Pirates life for me! 😉
  2. Raising my Bahama Mama glass to all you mothers….. Happy Mother’s Day! —🏴‍☠️

  3. I would say so, but you never know when I might be lying 😉
  4. Thank you. I’m glad I made it here too! Been off course for too long, but it seems I’ve caught a favorable wind! And I’ve been coming back quite regularly indeed; I’ve got 20 years of content to catch up on it seems!
  5. Thank you sir! That looks incredible! I may have to explore the possibility of attending. I’m not sure I’d be able to get enough ‘time off’, but it is close to my birthday so, maybe I can use that as a bargaining chip! I’ll be sure to check to see if any spaces are still available once I know something more definitive. Thanks again!
  6. Forgive my ignorance, I’m new here. Could you kindly, tell us more about the aforementioned gathering in Alabama? Thanks in advance for any information!
  7. I am currently marooned someways inland, but my search party excursions (what the local natives refer to as ‘high-king’) have turned up fairly abundant natural deposits of local chert! I’ve been known on occasion to haul some back ‘on me back’ much like Mr. Pierce mentions above. As a Pirate I feel like the titular ‘best’ flints are them what can be plundered (if even from the earth)! As Captain Jack always said: “Not all treasure is Silver & Gold, mate”; and as my own good fortune would have it, I’ve discovered another form of buried treasure sometimes quite literally in me own back yard!
  8. Firelock Games ( https://www.firelockgames.com/ ) has a wide range of miniatures from the 17th and 18th century (including ships!) in their ‘Blood & Plunder’ line of games. The detail is not only good, but Benerson Little served as a historical consultant on many elements of the games design! Size is 28 mm which makes them compatible with most D&D and similar TTRPGs so their miniatures can be used for a wide variety of games not just the game system they are designed around. For instance, they could be perfectly suited to the recent ‘Pirate Borg’ RPG ( https://www.limithron.com/pirateborg ) if one were so inclined. One great line of miniatures, unlimited gaming possibilities!
  9. Makes perfect sense. Thank you for the clarification and information!
  10. Nice! Thanks for sharing! Could you tell us a little bit about these bits o’ treasure? Are these all shipwreck finds? Metal detecting finds on land? Or acquired from purveyors of antiquities? Perhaps a bit of all three? I tend to utilize all three methods (and others) in my never ending search for treasures.
  11. For ye what likes hoarding POTC collectibles as much as ye likes playin’ Liars Dice, there be an ‘official’ version which was marketed as Pirates Dice. They’re no longer in production, but can be found in the wilds if yer up fer a bit o treasure hunting! Hardcore collectors, take note, the set was released with box art from both Dead Man’s Chest and a version with At Worlds End packaging (if that sort of thing matters to ye). In other news, I think I figured out how to share a link to specific photos on me Instagram feed; so if’n ye be interested, this should be a link to a pic of me own set: https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce7U-0RjfhM/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==
  12. It was suggested/requested that some of ye may be likin’ a link. Captain Redbeard’s Instagram account can be found here: https://instagram.com/redbeardsrelics?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Once yer onboard his page check the videos or reels. The maps one should be near the top as it’s only a few weeks old (as of the time of this writing). BONUS: If’n ye happen to click the wrong vid by mistake, well…. most of his posts are filled with educational, informative, and entertaining content which (more often than not) focuses on the GAOP and features rare glimpses at actual historical artifacts; including coins, chests, weapons, maps, and much, much more! He is an antiquities dealer and thus his videos aren’t filled with props (not that there’s anything wrong with that, but c’mon…. We can just geek out way more over actual historical artifacts, can’t we?), but actual historical artifacts!!!
  13. Thanks mate! Much appreciated! I had actually attempted to post this to the events calendar first, but it didn’t work (I assumed I lacked the appropriate permissions because I’m new here). Exploring the site further, I found this thread and thought it might fit here as well. Thanks again for everything!
  14. @picaroon_lagoon
  15. This years themed weekend ‘Pirate Plunder’ at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival will be held May 20th and 20st. Visit tnrenfest.com for more information.
  16. I just posted something about this in another thread and I don’t mean to be redundant, but if you’ll permit an abbreviated repeating of that information….. Captain Redbeard did an excellent livestream on his Instagram a few weeks ago about period maps. It is archived and can be watched on his Instagram. Highly recommended!
  17. Captain Redbeard did an Instagram Livestream a few weeks back wherein he showed and discussed multiple genuine historical maps! The discussion covered map history, production, and much, much more! One of the maps he showed/discussed featured a veritable cornucopia of Sea Monsters! Whether ye be interested in Sea Monsters, the history of cartography, or just history in general, I would highly recommend checking it out. It was archived on his Instagram videos page after the livestream aired, so it should be easy enough to find and view if you’re so inclined.
  18. Thank you all for your assistance as I gets me bearings! I’m only here…well, I’m not even sure if it’s been a full 24 hours yet, but I’m loving it here! Thank you all for being so welcoming, helpful, and yet still Piratical!
  19. Thanks for the welcome mate! And ye be right indeed, perhaps Captain Barbossa put it best when he said: “For certain, you have to be lost to find a place that can't be found, elseways everyone would know where it was.”
  20. I have no idea why the font/background changed part way through the above post. I’m not very tech savvy, savvy? 😄
  21. Blimey mates! Tis right good ta be here! Ann how I never ended up here sooner is amazing, but I sure am glad to have found my way back into the proper company of Pirates! By now yer prolly wundrin (if’n I ain’t lost ye’s already), ‘Who the ell is this bloke, and what’s e on about?’ Right… Oi! So here it is then, it seems by my reckonin’, and by this here proclamation that I be yer newest “Part of the Ship; Part of the Crew”. Now folks what I know in the world beyond the web mostly calls me ‘Pirate’ and that suits me good n’ proper ‘cause as old Captain Jack Sparrow ‘isself said: “You know, for all that pirates are clever clogs, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things”. Whatsmore, it be as accurate a moniker as one might ever hope for. For Pirate is what I be…. I love rum, and treasure and I disdain all governance. Like most of you brethren, I could fill volumes tell’n ya about meself, but I’m trying ta keep this on the shorter side so… I’ll sum up the who I am by borrowin’ some fyne words spoke by Commodore Edward Teach in NBC’s short lived series ‘Crossroads’: (I am) “a fellow with no wish to be governed, inspected, indoctrinated, preached at, taxed, stamped, measured, judged, condemned, hanged, or shot”. Now, I should very much like to tell all ye fyne brethren about ‘Picaroon Lagoon’, but this already grows long and the hour late. I expect there will be time enough and many discussions ahead; or if your prefer piecemeal over this lengthy diatribe, mayhaps you might check out ‘Picaroon Lagoon’ over on the Instagram. Being new and havin’ some semblance of an introduction out of the way, and bein’ that I’ve already sent one pester’n message to the moderators…. I have a few questions what maybe ye brethren can be help’n me ta sort. Firstly, after some perusal of the different themed threads, I be see’n none what deals with treasure?!!! So my question be this, if’n I be want’n to engage ye brethren in discussions of shipwrecks, silver, and gold, of treasures new and treasures old…. Where be the proper place? And speak’n of treasures that brings me to my second question. I be seein’ some right fyne swag bearin’ this sites logo and such, but I canna seem to figure on how ta be obtainin’ it? Where be the map? If’n ya made it thus far, ye have me thanks. Thank ye all for welcoming an old salt into so fyne a company of likeminded Pirates!
  22. Thank ye kindly m’lady I am quite inspired by what I be see’n so far. I only lament that I did not discover this site til now, but methinks there be treasures a’plenty e’en fer us new folks. Seems tis naught always a bad thing ta be off course, ‘twas by wander’n off the edge of the maps what led me here (by way of a little port by the name of Instagram). I be pleased to be makin’ yer acquaintance and look forward to engagin’ with other likeminded curs, scoundrels, and skallawags!
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