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Picaroon Lagoon

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Everything posted by Picaroon Lagoon

  1. It’s all good mate, you’ve got my number.
  2. Another last minute submission that I only just found out about, but apparently there is a Pirates for the Caribbean Trivia Event in Middle Tennessee TONIGHT. Here’s the deets: POTC Trivia Mongo’s Parlor 217 East School Street Linden, Tennessee 5:30 PM
  3. When ya back mate? I plan to pillage the village over at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival on Saturday, May 18th for their annual ‘Pirate Plunder’ themed weekend. If you’ll be back in the area and feel like joining in some carousing, just shoot me a text.
  4. Another ‘Fringe’ event announcement! I only found out about this one this morning, but…. This Monday, April 29th at 6:30 PM the McEwen Elementary School Choir will be putting on a Pirate themed Choral Performance in the McEwen High School Auditorium at 335 Melrose Street, McEwen, TN 37101 This is a FREE event (although they do welcome donations).
  5. Wow! You have been busy mate! Pirate Weekend is coming up at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival if you feel like traveling to the mid state. I should have some free time in the summer (especially July), feel free to text me anytime!
  6. My pleasure! I’m glad to see there’s interest!
  7. Thanks mate! Much appreciated!
  8. Welcome mate!
  9. Approximately 40 minutes West of Nashville in the city of Dickson, Tennessee a local coffeehouse (the kind with beer and rum too!) has begun hosting a Pirate themed event one night each month! These events typically feature Pirate themed music and might range from Trivia events, to Film Screenings, to…. who knows what?! (There has even been talk of a Pirate Painting class at some point in the future) The events are held at: Pumphrey and Beard 134 North Main Street Dickson, Tennessee Pirate events are typically held on Friday evenings and the next event will be on Friday, April 26th at 6:30 PM This month will be a watch party of the film Stardust (Previous watch parties have included, but not been limited to, POTC films, Hook, The Goonies, etc) I will do my best to list each month’s event; date, time, theme, etc. here in this thread, or for more information see 30kadayllc on Instagram (I also typically share info about these events on my Instagram page as well, or feel free to contact me directly for more info. Either through DM here or on Instagram, which is of course, Picaroon Lagoon)
  10. Alestorm Concert Sunday, April 21st doors open at 6PM Marathon Music Works 1402 Clinton St, Nashville, TN 37203, United States The self proclaimed ‘Scottish Pirate Metal’ Band Alestorm will be wrapping up their North American leg of the Dead Maurauder Tour one week from tonight In Nashville! As of the time of this post, tickets are still available!
  11. While Pirate themed events in Tennessee are still few and far between, there have been a few more Pirate themed activities cropping up recently. Many of these are small(ish) and don’t necessarily meet the criteria for posting on the main events listings. Therefore, in the interest of spreading the word and the greatest inclusivity, I’m starting this thread to post smaller events in the Tennessee area that might still be of interest. (This was Mad Pete’s idea/suggestion. Thank you Mad!) I will endeavour to update this thread if/when I learn of similar events, and I welcome others to do the same! I’m eager to attend more Pirate themed events and activities near me and to likewise connect with likeminded persons in my area, so please join in and share any Tennessee area events you may know of or hear of! Thank you all in advance!
  12. Thank you both! Great stuff!
  13. Thanks mate!
  14. First post in awhile, the realities of modern life have kept me away far too long, but alas, I knew where I needed to chart a course for the following question…. I’ve already attempted some online searches, but to little or no avail, but my question is this: What did Pirates or Mariners in General during the ‘Golden Age’ think of eclipses? Were they superstitious about them? Was there any folklore associated with them at this time? What was their level of understanding about them? Did the average sea Captain understand what an eclipse actually was? If anyone has any information or can point me in a direction for further reading, I would be most grateful! Thank ye Brethren!
  15. The description and historical information on the website are worth looking at even if you don’t feel like dropping 65 quid on tea. Thank you for sharing @LadyBarbossa!
  16. While I have not personally used these shoes they received a very good review from ‘The Crewe of the Fancy’ http://www.re-enactment-shoes.co.uk
  17. Dampier also speaks about coconut drinking cups (IIRC) and The Crewe of the Fancy just uploaded two shorts to their YouTube channel recently on the subject. One includes an image of rather elaborate chalice like vessel made from a coconut!
  18. Welcome aboard!
  19. Playing catch up, so please bear with me. First of all, thank you for all the kind words and encouragement from so many of you! I’m still relatively new here, but the sense of ‘esprit de corps’ I’ve seen (and received) never ceases to astound! Thank you for the suggestion! Sounds like fascinating reading! Awesome! Thank you for making such resources available and for likewise calling my attention to them! It was more inquiry than theory, however I shall accept your challenge to read and learn more and perhaps discover a more definitive answer in the process. Thank you, I shall also bring this to the bloke I was speaking about this to on Instagram; perhaps it draw a new person to the pub and generate more such discourse! Indeed! Leave the Press Ganging to the Royal Navies and capitalist merchants says I!
  20. Yeah…. Not showing near me unfortunately, either. But I’ll be celebrating all the same! 🏴‍☠️☠️🏴‍☠️
  21. But was it ‘Pirate Radio’? 😂🤣 Thanks mate, I appreciate that.
  22. Thank you for saying so; I truly appreciate your positive feedback! A few recent posts didn’t seem to gain much (if any) traction and I was (almost) becoming discouraged. With regards to the topic above, it was borne from some recent activities, experiences, and discussions…. For example, I recently crafted a recreation of the primitive tranquilizer dart that the Pelegosto warrior shoots into the neck of William Turner Jr. In the film ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest’ and it got me thinking….. Even though my project was based in pop-culture and fantasy, I actually did do research into various darts used by various indigenous, primitive, tribal peoples and during all of this I began to wonder…. How much and/or how often did similar exposure to native peoples affect and/or influence true historical Pirates who encountered them? We all know that the Buccaneers were so named after adopting indigenous cooking practices, so it seems there is definitely a precedent for cross-cultural exchange…. With the widespread travels of many Pirate crews, such opportunities wouldn’t be limited to primitive peoples either. Another recent experience which prompted my original post on this topic was born from a discussion I was having with a Pirate reenactor over on Instagram. We were discussing fire starting with flint and steel and our own fire starting kits. I crafted my own fire steel based on historical examples of Japanese styled fire tools, because presumably such an item might have easily been traded, bartered, or even plundered by a ‘Western’ Pirate who had travelled to the East. So again I found myself pondering how widespread and to what extent such cultural exchanges transpired(?) So there you have it! The inspiration for the tired ramblings of my initial post! Once again, I thank you for your kind words and encouragement!
  23. I recently looked up some of my old Corsair Companions from back in the day. Any that I managed to get in touch with were no longer active; and had no knowledge of anyone else being active currently.
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