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Phillip Black

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Everything posted by Phillip Black

  1. All this talk o' crotchless bloomers be gettin' a pirate's heart a racin'! I be good at throwin' axes...always have been. Won me self a few wench kisses and proceeded to torture me matey by threatenin' 'em with prodigious use of said wench kiss vouchers by wenches of ill repute. Oh, and I've also left a mate behind...we thought it was for his own good at the time... Haven't been too naughty other than that, though I'm still young enough to allow me wicked ways to garner a more notorious reputation! My sin is lust by the by, with perhaps a smidge of greed.
  2. Thanks for the tip Kass! I think I will start with the rope sandals at <$30/pair before I blow $350 on a pair of boots!
  3. Midnight showing! I don't think so...To be sure, I'll be seein' it, but probably a matinee a week or two after it opens. I'm selfish, I don't like crowds! I heard a rumor that there are wire-combat/wuxia? in PotC2..ala Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. Anyone know if this is true? Seems kinda goofy...pirates flying around on wires cuttin' people to shreds, while Davy Jones stands there with tentacles coming out of his mouth?
  4. i regret having sent for the dvd about 2 weeks ago Ouch! Poor Callenish! You could always gift it to someone! Yeah, I was tempted to do the same thing, but never got around to it. Well, I guess not every movie can be Master & Commander or Pirates of the Caribbean...ye have to throw in some Cutthroat Islands and Hallmark Blackbeards to round it out I guess...Billy's idea isn't half bad either.
  5. LadyBarbossa, if you aren't talking about Pirates of the Spanish Main, then perhaps you are thinking of Skallywaggs?
  6. Argh...it was awful! I had such high hopes for it too...le sigh...but as Black Hearted Pearl mentioned, perhaps the hiring of these tall ships thereby keeping them afloat, will help maintain them for a day that they can be used for a movie of better quality... I haven't deleted the show off my DVR yet, but I'm not so sure I want to finish watching the last 2 hours anyway...
  7. Monterey Jack, I am in your debt! I've just bought one from Grendel's cave, so hopefully I'll get a decent one...no rotted or broken ones... crosses fingers and prays to the god of dirty old cutlasses. The leatherwork link looks great, and thanks for the tips! I think it will be pretty interesting to make a scabbard...I can customize it too!
  8. Good point Bilgemunky! Anyway, just bumpin' this to remind everyone to set their DVR's, VCR's or alarms to watch thi on Saturday night!
  9. Thank ye kindly, Cut-throat, Monteray Jack, and Callenish! I think ye just made me mind for me Now, can anyone tell me how I'd be going about making a scabbard for it?
  10. It's a nice touch that they offer an engraving service too. I'd like to get an old looking cutlass...not an antique necessarily, but something gritty looking. I like how this one looks: http://www.a2armory.com/picusw.html But, I'd prefer one that comes with a scabbard and won't snap if I swing it in the air... Anyone have any ideas? Besides Old Dominion who's got a backlog longer than Harley Davidson.
  11. I agree with Mad Jack that it is an excellent primer. Of course the General History by Johnson and Exquemillan's Buccanneers are the favored source material...it's not all that easy to jump straight into 18th century literature. So to sum up, it is a quick and enjoyable read!
  12. Amazon has got it too...
  13. Why did they have to bury the whole car! Why not just the keys...along with some doubloons!
  14. Figures I'd be busy in combat! I'll try to keep a better eye out for ye William! I'm in a crew called "Pissed Off Pirates." Though, we aren't all that pissed off really I'm based out of Winter Solstice, though I'm saving for a Manor on a different isle, maybe Turtle...
  15. Did you read the teaser for this? http://www.hallmarkchannel.com/us_framewor...DAM_FAM_5346404 It's rather ridiculous... In the Golden Age of Piracy, at the dawn of the 18th century, Blackbeard stood out among the lawless rogues as the most fearsome and notorious seafarer of them all. He killed for the reputation, and his reputation has become legend. In order to restore safe passage to the sea lanes, Lieutenant Robert Maynard of the Royal Navy scouts the seas and offers amnesty to all pirates who choose to give up their evil ways. An imposing force, Maynard meets his match when he’s taken by a fearsome menace in the West Indies, a pirate sailing off the Island of St. Vincent. Edward Teach has secured for himself a 26-gun, richly laden French “guineyman” that will serve as his new flagship. His goal, to find and lay claim to the fabled treasures of Captain Kidd. Transformed into the newly christened Blackbeard, Teach establishes a devilish image with his long black coat, black hat, bandoleered cutlasses, pistols and swords. The educated Maynard, his greatest adversary, can be of great use to Blackbeard. What unfolds is an epic battle for control of the seas, for the honor of Maynard’s beloved friend Charlotte Ormond and the possession of untold riches that lie buried in a place as fearsome and unpredictable as Blackbeard himself: the ghostly Vulture Island. I guess the real history wasn't exciting enough.
  16. Barbossa II - My family's got one too! What's the color? Ours is Burnt Sienna...looks kinda orange. I wish my dad had bought the 442, but the insurance for a single male under 25 in Chicago for the 442 was too much at that time, so he had to settle for the Cutlass. Still, what better car is there for a pirate than a Cutlass!? I'm looking for a nice cutlass as well, some of these sites look good, thanks for all the tips everyone!
  17. Ahoy there Gypsy Rose! I be nigh addicted to Puzzle Pirates. In fact, I believe all me spare time has been divided betwixt Pirates of the Spanish Main, Sid Meier's Pirates and Puzzle Pirates as of late. I'm on Midnight as Phillipblack. I'm usually on from noon-12:30 M-F CDT, Lunch break, and off and on on the weekends. Still haven't seen ye William, but I'm keepin me eyes open! Oh, and I almost forgot...I absolutley suck at sword fighting ...But I can get incredibles on Sailing and bilging pretty regularly.
  18. I would care if my PC had an ice-cubes chance in hell of running it...The specs are too high. Maybe in a couple years when I buy a new PC I'll be able to play it, but for now Puzzle Pirates and Sid Meier's Pirates! gets all me attention...
  19. Pardon me if I'm wrong but a piece of eight was itself an 1/8 of a whole silver dollar or Reale...so considering how currency in those days was actually valuable materials rather than promissory notes like today...it must have been easier to "divide the booty." Similarily, while every crew had their own articles, there seems to have been remarkable similarities among all the different articles. Here's a question, and maybe a stupid one , but were pressed crew members entitled to a share? For example, if a carpenter was presed into service on a pirate crew after capturing a prize, was that carpenter entitled to shares per the articles? And what about the pirate lawyers who argued over these articles/contracts?
  20. Quite! I be seein' puzzles in me sleep now...
  21. That's priceless! I like that they included extra cards for making your own ideas. You guys put it to good use!
  22. Cool, I'll have to go check it out...I'm still upset that I missed the pirate air freshener from Hot Topic...
  23. Well if it doesn't make you a pirate, it still makes you a role-model!
  24. Well Captain PEW, ye certainly started in the right place. Bilge Monkey be a right fine place to measure the goods before ye drop yer doubloons! Personally, I bought Pirate's Cove from Days of Wonder on a whim and it has supplied quite a few fun nights. The advantage to this game is that it has relatively simple rules and a limited time. There are only 12 turns to the game. At the end of 12 turns, whoever has the highest fame wins...makes for enjoyable play that prevents "Risk" like occasions where 2 or 3 people get knocked out right away and have to wait 3 hours for the other 2 or 3 to finish the game. We can get 2 or 3 games of Pirate's Cove in a night. Also, Wizkids Pirates of the Spanish Main is a nice Beer and Pretzels type of collectible card game. The ships are uber cool looking and again, simple rules and enjoyable game play. As for Pirate's Cove, you can buy from Amazon, your local game shop, and ebay, but the cheapest I've seen is here: http://www.fairplaygames.com/gamedisplay.a....asp?gameid=822 $32.95 Enjoy!
  25. Blast ye Will! Now I've gone and signed up fer a month o' Midnight ocean puzzle pirates! I hope to see ye and Blydes online someday. I'll keep a deadeye open fer ye if ye'll do likewise!
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