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Phillip Black

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Everything posted by Phillip Black

  1. Well, for my part, I thought it was not the best, but certainly not the worst. I've only watched the first half so far, and it's been enjoyable. The 3D animations were clever and well executed I think. Blackbeard was certainly underwhelming...The National Geographic Blackbeard was far better...but I liked the Henry Morgan. I also thank the gods for having a DVR...being able to fast forward through all those commercials was a godsend...must be almost 50% commercials! The Mardi-Gras beads treasure was amusing to be sure!
  2. Is 7th Sea a card game? I thought it was an RPG...in which case I'd recommend Skull & Bones by Green Ronin. I also recommend Wizkids Pirates of the Spanish Main..The Davy Jones' Curse set is a fun one, with sea monsters and Davey Jones.
  3. Anyone who wants to buy me the Pirate king's cutlass, please go right ahead!
  4. You could definately call me Phillip Blackfingers now...I've now done everything except the sealer. One HUGE mistake that I made though, I put the stud for the frog on the wrong side of the scabbard...I think I can still get away with it...it will just be poking me through my frog...but overall I'd say I've done an absolutely mediocre job! You take orders for scabbards Monterey? I think I'd place one at this rate...
  5. Thanks for posting the review Rumba...it only confirms my suspicions though...that PotC2 was going to be an over the top special effects fiasco...I'm not going to pass judgement until I see it myself, but this doesn't bode well.
  6. Well, thanks for the warning Capt Sterling...Bilgemunky gave them a good review though...I haven't bought anything from them yet, but I was planning to in a month or two...I'll be careful. Perhaps the problem was that your boots were a custom design...Let's hope their standard fair is a little more reliable..Anyone else have caboots boots?
  7. Whether boots are "authentic" or not, a good place to start would be www.caboots.com & www.renboots.com. Boots aint cheap but I don't know how a pirate is expected to swash buckles without them...
  8. Thanks Monterey! I may end up ordering some more leather from ye. The dye worked beautifully by the way! (On both the leather and my fingers)
  9. Well, I started working on the scabbard this weekend and it's slow going. I'm in the process of stitching right now and it's rather difficult. I'm not terribly happy with it so far, but it is better than nothing... I'll post pictures when I'm done.
  10. Thanks for the site Blackfoot! I think I'll be getting my waistcoat from Jas Townsend!
  11. Capn Pete, if you don't need a first edition, you can get it from Amazon...Although I think I understand if you want to get one of the earlier editions. The first time I read it was a library copy from 1953 or so...it was very cool. As for eBay, yeah...I've only seen it once or twice and it always shoots up to way past my budget...
  12. A fellow at the Wizkids forums for Pirates put together a java applet fleet building program. It can be found here: http://coljac.net/admiral/ It's rather intuitive and has all cards up to and including the Davy Jones expansion. I've found it tremendously helpful for putting a fleet together and tracking my collection. Enjoy!
  13. I would also recommend Howard Pyle's The Book of Pirates. It's a bit dated, but I enjoyed it quite a bit.
  14. Just as Long Tom said, the Wizkids Pirates game is as involved as you want it to be. There are a lot of sets, but they repeat things rather often. As to an RPG, I would point you to Skull & Bones by Green Ronin, it's an excellent d20 based Pirates RPG. Although, supposedly, Great White Games is releasing a licensed Pirates RPG based on the Wizkids Pirates game. It's not d20 but it looks interesting. It's not out yet, but you can preorder it. I encourage you to contact your local game/comic store to see if there are any Wizkids sanctioned events. I'm an "envoy" for Wizkids...basically just means I can run "official" sanctioned events at my local venue (a comic store). They have tournaments and scenario games, and can be a lot of fun. Oh, and I find the Wizkids pirates sets to make excellent miniatures for Pirate RPG's...you can find interesting ship-to-ship combat rules here: http://www.wtj.com/games/beta/admiralty/
  15. Yes! I think you are on to something there... I'm so hopelessly addicted to pirates lately, I will enjoy the movie no matter what I think. It would be hard to beat the original anyway, part of what gives it such charm is it's originality, something that a sequel can rarely match. Aliens and Empire Strikes Back are two examples of a minority.
  16. "Hobbit Forming" Groan! :angry: I can imagine your point Black Hearted Pearl!
  17. Capn Pete, sorry for the bad instructions. You have to go to TV Entertainment-->A&E-->Biography-->"Real Pirates" As Blackjohn said, it wasn't particularly good, but I didn't think it was bad either. I could have done without the segues with the "pirate" guy...his speech was somewhat annoying. Still...I've seen worse...I'm looking at you Hallmark Blackbeard! :angry:
  18. Cool! I wonder if it is all Wal-Mart's or just certain areas...I guess I'll have to stop by one on the way home tonight! Thanks for the tip!
  19. Wow, Amazon wants $45 for that book...must be quite a tome! Well, I suppose since it is period, I won't need to mess around with it. If posting the pic is too troublesome, don't worry about it...I think I found something similar here: http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-weapons/swords.htm It's not quite the same, but close enough! :)
  20. Monterey, Is that wide almost falchion like tip period? If it is, I'll just leave it alone I suppose. Especially if it is likely to ruin my grinder! You mentioned that you had a picture of this that dates the design to 1780 British if my memory serves...ye think ye could post it for me? Thanks for all the help with the scabbard and leather supplies by the way!
  21. For those of you with Digital Comcast, A&E is running a "Real Pirates" program on their OnDemand selection. I only had time to watch about half of it last night, but it seemed decent. Then again, anything might be a welcome respite after Hallmark's Blackbeard!
  22. Well, I got me cutlass the other day and I'm pretty happy with it. It's just rusty and dirty enough to be interesting. The handle, and guard are well secured and nothing is loose, but the blade tip is not quite what I had in mind. I'm considering grinding down the tip to the shape I would prefer, any suggestions? Here is a picture of what I had in mind. The pink area is what I want to remove. Would this do something really bad to the sword, or am I pretty safe in this customization?
  23. Wow! That is super impressive! I wish I had one of those for doing my demo events...
  24. Cool, but the 2nd link is 403 Forbidden...
  25. I just placed an order for those exact brand sandals Mad Jack! Hell, I'll probably wear them even out of costume! I had a pair of birkenstocks that got nasty after being in water too Black John. The important thing, like Mad Jack mentioned is to wash them. Wet is fine, but mud is bad...I used some bleach and soap and sun dried them for like two days and they turned out fine. If rope sandals weren't period, then what did they wear? If not $350 flapped boots or shoes with buckles?
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