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OL Jack The Pirate

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Everything posted by OL Jack The Pirate

  1. ello patrick Ill be there as well wit me first mate Victoria the pirate. im sure its all for saftey you might just be over reacting alittle hopefuly its not over kill on everything that would be bad yes the north does needs a good festival. And we will just have to wait and see what happens. go with the tide mate go with the tide Ol Jack
  2. i've seen that sword it looks pretty nice with the antler grip on it patrick had it at the Queen Bess and the Pyrates Festival
  3. was it on the History Channel, if it was its called true pirates of the caribbean its pretty good stuff, but i seen it a bunch of time i have the DVD
  4. those be some mighty fine knifes you have there patrick have you tried them out on anything or anyone
  5. Hey thar gunner you be havin some mighty nice weapons thar shape pointie things and things that go boom. how much are your pistols are they replica non- firing types or can you fire them with black powder and do you have a web site
  6. ahoy capt'n jack tis was nice seeing you and yer crew again. hope to see you and yer scruvy lot at the Norcal pirate festival in Vellejo Ole jack the pirate aka Lucky jack
  7. it was the queens court shooting there cannon i went up there at one point and they made everyone to watch out and plug there ears.
  8. Ol jack will be there on Saturday cant wait, im bringing my first mate lady victoria with me this is her first voyage as a pirate see you all thar Ol jack the pirate aka Lucky Jack
  9. who ever made this flick should be hung, drawn and quartered. The Worst pirate movie ever made. even the costumes are cheesey they look like they went to a halloween store and bought all the costumes there. LOL very bad movie
  10. Hey there pyrate leather im intrested in getting one of those blackbeard baldrics very nice
  11. Me thinks i will be a blast, it will be nice seeing you again ace. last time i saw you, you were at the casa the fruita ren faire last year do you have the heading where marina green park is mate mapquest is useless and me compass doent work thankie ol jack
  12. aye it sounds like alot of fun me harties
  13. Aye this pirate will be going not that far for me
  14. has anyone tried to make the pistol holster that blackbeard was wearing
  15. Thankie Lady A.
  16. looks like this pirate will be heading in that direction it looks like a mighty fine faire a small trip for tis pirate arrrrrr is there a website for this big bear pirate faire
  17. i be heading in that direction be glad to see other mates
  18. hope to see you there ace
  19. will do Lass i be drinking two fer ya ha ha Ol jack
  20. Ahoy Maties its that time of year again for the Nor cal ren faire out of gilroy CA will any of you be there, i will be there On Sept 16-17 is the pirate invasion day i hope see you out there, also check out myspace im there too 666dman thankie mates Arrrrr Ol jack the pirate
  21. i have 3 pistols the sizes are 14 though 16 inches long. and yeah im pretty good with a needle when it comes to leather so how do you make them tell me tell me tell me thanks ol jack
  22. aye mate those be mighty fine holster there. you think you can make them for a baldric with a baldric i want to be holding them like me mate blackbead the pirate for a left hand draw thankie mate Ol Jack
  23. thanks for the info ill give him a try
  24. hello me harties im in search for some flintlock pistol holsters im making a baldric thats gonna hold pistols but i want to have holster to hold them. anyone know where i can find some thanks OLjack
  25. A Misery do you guys make baldric i asum you do but i asking anyway I need a baldric but just the belt i have a buckle i just need a black baldric let me know ol jack
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