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OL Jack The Pirate

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Everything posted by OL Jack The Pirate

  1. Hello Ace Ill see you there Ace and the Harbor Bay Pirates Ol Jack aka D.man
  2. The Baldric is yours Renfairpirate i just sent you a pm
  3. Here are the pictures of the rest of my stuff The Rustic Tricorn Hat asking $40.00 Black leather Baldric SOLD and i have 3 inch Leather Belt with leather pouch asking $50.00
  4. Eello mate I will post those pics asap fer ya
  5. JUST SOLD THE BOOTS Thanks 1stmatematt, I still have a few things left i have two swords for $80.00 a spyglass for $25.00 a Black leather bladric for $25.00 and a Rustic looking Tricorn Hat, it has sea gull feathers with a clay pipe and burn marks very cool hat. I also have a pair of Black Velveteen Breeches for sale, they were never worn they have leather straps at the knees the size is xlarge 36 -38 These breeches have a hidden zipper fly, for ease and comfort. Hook and eye closer. Durable, comfortable. asking $90.00 + shipping
  6. which pictures would that be mate if you look on the first page there are lots of pics there if you mean the other new stuff i havent go those pics yet thanks fer looking
  7. New stuff Just Added I have a few more things to get rid of i have one black leather baldric for $25.00 + shipping its for a right handed person has to two straps to hold a sword very simple design . And i have a brown rustic looking Tricorn for $40.00 + shippind comes with a pipe in the hat with sea gull feathers has a burn marks. pictures coming soon
  8. im on it matt check your mail
  9. at the moment the frock coat is sale pending Rumba Rue is supose to buy it but i havent heard from her in a while she said she might buy on may 3rd but if she doesnt the coat will be up for grabs again
  10. Very cool i need to get me some of them
  11. Capt Bo Now thats what i was looking for thank you very much. thats what i need is a ammo box perfect . then i can put it in a woodbox for looks
  12. Thankie count de monet That helped me alittle .
  13. Hello mates i was interested in how does everyone stores their black powder. like what type of container at home and or taking it with you on the road and at festivals thankie Ol jack
  14. Hello mates I was planing on buyig a Canvas Wedge Tent , but i was told that it needs to have the cerification fire tag on it, if so where can i get a canvas tent with tag on it, since i m from california, so can some one help me thankie Ol jack
  15. How musch pieces of 8 are ye asking fer that weapon
  16. Thanks GOF and thankie to all the other mates out thar fer your info. this will help alot
  17. does anyone know if they had harmonics durning GAOP
  18. thanks fer the link i think that will work michaelsbagley thanks Ol jack
  19. Hello Me Hearties Me and my Lovely mate are planing to make our first A frame Tent we know where to get all the stuff, but my question is what type of thread do we need to keep the Tent together. I dont want to get the wrong thread and have the tent start falling apart during a light or medium wind any suggestions would be helpful thankie Ol Jack
  20. I also have a pair of Black Velveteen Breeches for sale, they were never worn they have leather straps at the knees the size is xlarge 36 -38 These breeches have a hidden zipper fly, for ease and comfort. Hook and eye closer. Durable, comfortable. asking $90.00 + shipping
  21. Hello Me Hearties i have one common mans / Sailors Jacket Pattern for sale. I bought this pattern from Reconstucting History. I was Planning to make a jacket and found out how hard it would be to do it and how much time i needed to do it time i dont have, so i end up buying one from Reconstucting History instead now i have a brand new unused pattern that i dont need if anyone is interested in it im selling the pattern for $20.00 + shipping its the same price i bought it for . so if interested leave a message here thanks
  22. The Boots are mens the size is 8 1/2 D , I only wore the boots a few times
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