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Everything posted by oderlesseye

  1. Me recomendation would be historical. .... No Quarter given-No Quarter Taken
  2. EYEs would not wear that to church and In reality my sex life is my buissiness so advertising for me is out. When I was younger (19) in the Navy, and I still feel ashamed that I actually wore the thing... The T-shirt read (Sleaze if ya PLease)...
  3. Kass I'm Interested but will re-follow the instructions when I get my first patern from you latter when you offer "pirate/seafairer on your new website. Thankyou for sharing the basics..Wife does not sew !
  4. I think I read that " shiver me timbers" is in fact not a pirate term.. Is it list in that book ya got there Sam ?
  5. Zephaniah W Nash Wot Map de yer gots there in da 1 pic mate?
  6. Eye deos i fact belive theres more to what the"eye"can seas . Yar scences be not fooled
  7. Ya can get them in person at NQG any faire they attend. THAts where I gots mine plunder fer me treasure chest. I may order more though soon from pirates of the coast. I like those antiquated ones! Very COol !
  8. Hi Cass, I looked at your site and am a bit confused.. I'm looking for breeches (Privateer/pirate) early 1720's. I'm new to this, so lookin at some of the requirements like what material goes around button /fly . FLOSS ? aehhh? I know that ain't fer teeth so ifen I goes to a fabric shop and ask will I get embarrassed or laughed at? I hope not but I do think I would Like to attempt to sew my own ifen ya can help me.. Thanx
  9. MAy peace wash over all as we look wit hope fer answered Prayer here. That me pray fer Kendra ,grandmother and Jimmy,and fer the unspoken as well.
  10. Cold this morn... 11.5 shift -worked my tial off and still cold. Think thr flu is comin to get me.. good news is I guess... I jest notyced Eyes made plunderer
  11. arrrea ya MR Petee Pirate sir, Eyes thinks the basic idea of the agenda can be shared here... Gas is not getting cheaper..
  12. Whats the purpose of meetin ? Whats the disscussion gonna be about. Is it to get some organisation? who's to volunteer to do what? OK I will show up. EYes not interested ifen it be jest to f- around. Ifen there be reason enough for me to hook up and meet eyes needs a good reason an I ain't seen it on this thread yet.
  13. Eyes like my ne avatar.. He smiles at ya ya even !
  14. The expiration date has already past, so I declined to eat the thing. I just liked the novelty of it..
  15. Callenish has me out-gunned! So heres a toast to ya
  16. Do they have an online store. PLease provide a link to the plunder ifen ya may...
  17. Bring me back one of them castles , PLunder it ifen ya must. And By God have fun !
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