I really like that movie.
After, what, almost a year of playing this game, I guess it shouldn't surprise me that you and I have similar tastes in movies.
Ah, no, it probably shouldn't, all that evidence.
I really like that movie.
Character 1: Where'd you come from? You look pregnant.
Character 2: I am pregnant. I'm not even going to ask what you men are doing out here in your matching pajamas, by the way.
We used to get some in our rice that looked almost like the rice, except they moved. And the ones in the flour were actually pretty large, about a cm. In my experience maggots always look wet to me, but weevils look slightly scaled and not so wet.
Ooo. I know that one. It's me. It's what I say to my students! Followed shortly on by "If you can't do this math you shouldn't be allowed out of college. In fact, you shouldn't have been allowed into college." Actually all that reminds me of a quote!
It sounds more like a random word generator than a translator.
What equations do you use to average translations?
I was wondering if it was trying to tell me something, like "I unwilling cause uproars around me."
as to your question, the algorithms are really quite complicated and probably I'd have to kill you if I told.
Well I've got a card with a saying Noli Turbare Circulos Meos which is translate on the back to mean Do not disturb my circles. This thing translates it as:
be unwilling uproar round meos
maybe you could find a few more translators and average the results?
Be careful with this type of "prank." You might have an observer who will do the right thing and behave as if this is a real situation.
A similar thing was done by highschool students making a movie in my hometown, at a resturant. A person in the diner called the police and then acted to protect the "victim", by physically subduing the "attackers." There were some very angry people all the way around when the truth came out.
The Devil (to pay and no pitch hot)-
The devil was particularly difficult seam between decks to seal (or pack) with pitch. To pay the devil was to work very hard and seal the seam. So the whole thing means there is a very difficult task to accomplish and you haven't the means to do it.
I'm not quite sure what a manly earring is. If you're talking about just a simple hoop, a tattoo/piercing parlor is probably your best bet. If there is a mall near you, the resident "goth" store (ie Hot Topic) will also have a selection.
And as far as I know, for things that go into your body cheap is usually synonymous with infections and green crusty bits. Generally a reasonable price for solid gold or sterling silver is 6-12$ per hoop depending on size and embellishments. You might also look into titanium hoops if you're still having problems with infections.
There is another thread with this subject somewhere, so you might want to check that out.
Also, you should take a look at the female Tattooist on Miami Ink. On the show website, there are some pictures of ships shes done. Top quality work.
I did a similar thing with me mum. We flew in Heathrow (via a two day layover in Iceland) and rented a car. Drove to Bath for a few days and then up into Scotland and the Highlands and did some camping. We took two weeks to do the whole thing and it wasn't nearly enough. However we saw so many castles, ruins and pubs that by the end we were touring battlefields and Wax Museums of Fashion (the one in Bath is wonderful). While somethings don't seem that attractive from here in the states, it might be just thing once you've been there for a while. I wouldn't actually discount anything in the way of potential tours.
The driving in London is mad, and unless you're an exceptionally accomplished manual driver make sure you get the rental up grade to automatic. There are also numerous roads that seem to go somewhere and just end in some farmers field or going the wrong way on the belt way. Just be careful.
Uh? They stick a fork in it, right in the movie, and the fork sticks! Anyone ever stuck a fork in a real eye? They tend toward the popping and not so much with the sticking.