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Everything posted by Duchess

  1. Hmm, okay thoughts: I loved and still love Red Dwarf. Brilliant. Samurai Champloo if very good, it is by the same guy who did Cowboy Bebop., but I'm only half way through the series. Mirrormask is odd (I think mostly its the pacing), but good. In some ways I kept expecting it to break into an action movie, like the more common recent movies. But in essencse it is more like an 80's fairy tale, along the lines of Labarinth. I love Neil Gaiman's stories and this just the start to many of his works coming to the big screen, so that's very exciting. So thats it. I've finished the frying of my brain with a final this morning. Cooked to a crisp. I now want to go do something I'm very very good at, or cry or possibly both.
  2. Oh my. How could I forget Monty Python? Particularly as seconds after my post I went did and homage to the Spam skit in some elses one post wonder spam thread. Where has my brain gone?
  3. The A-Team, which on DVD is just as good as I remember it being and still makes me laugh. I loved Mcguyver when I was younger, but now its hopelessly hokey and I know way to much science. But it was responisible for my forever carrying a knife and getting kicked out school when I was nine. Possesion of Dangerous Object. "Mrs.----, Do you know what fell out of your daughters pocket today?" I also like the Indiana Jones spinoff, Young Indiana Jones. I always watched Dr. Who and Red Dwarf. For the record I loved Chris Eccleston as the new Doctor. Tom Baker my previous favorite. And that is everything that stands out in my memory. A new reccomendation in the anime line for you Mission, Samurai Champloo. Netflix has it.
  4. Will you be upset if it gets broken? Might not want to use it then.
  5. Will- will you be in garb at the Moscow (embarrassing excuse for a) renaissance festival?
  6. The difference is of course one is made of silver the other of pewter! The silver will shine better. The pewter is more brittle and apt to break. There are very distinct reasons it is considered a "cheap" metal. It may also green your finger or discolor it in some way. For things that rest directly on body parts your best bets are gold, silver, platinum and surgical steel.
  7. I used to get some from a fake Paypal. Usually something about suspicious charges on my account, could I please log in and verify my purchases so that payment could proceed. Tricky.
  8. Depends. Did he really mean "Loose?"
  9. The first time I had Guiness with the widget was something like ten years ago in Scotland. After finishing the can I promptly whipped out my knife and cut it open. And was mildly entertained by the plastic ball with a small hole. But the entertainment faded and I was left with something that was pretty much what kids put quarters into machines for, but less bouncy and cut finger.
  10. What's better than running with scissors? Running with pretty scissors, of course!
  11. I was just going to post something about that episode. It cracks me up even thinking of it.
  12. Wait, I thought we found out in a different thread that Foxx has weevils in his can!
  13. I think there is a thread similar to this somewhere already, so you might want to check that out as well. The Real Mckensies, the Scottish equivalent of Flogging Molly.
  14. It ran for I think 13 episodes something like six years ago on Fox. Check out the DVD's. The Sci-fi channel ran all the episodes last fall, but I don't know if they're still on there.
  15. I've never seen it. Maybe I should... Ohyeah! Absolutely! I just assumed you'd seen them. I heartily reccommend the series and the movie. That goes to Mission too, regardless of who he is these days. And the music, the music for Cowboy Bebop is fantasitc.
  16. Serenity (Firefly) 100% Babylon 5 (Babylon 5) 81% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica) 75% Deep Space Nine (Star Trek) 75% Bebop (Cowboy Bebop) 69% Personally I think the Bebop should be up before all that Star Trek and Battlestar stuff.
  17. I do believe I've seen the chests at Pier 1 Imports for something like $49.95
  18. Which still begs the question: Why would people proud of their hair coat it in substance intended to dry "hard and shiny" and permenant?
  19. Well its been a few days, so I'll give this one up, it's Usual Suspects. Here's a new one for you: "You are drunk and when you are drunk you forget, that I am in charge!"
  20. So are we talking about here, the sap or pitch that comes out of pine trees when they are damaged? The same stuff it is impossible to wash off your hands? The same stuff where I used to have to cut out bits of my hair after a morning of climbing trees, as there was no other way short of MEK to get it out? People put that in their hair intentionally?
  21. I do believe that Gilbert and Sullivan were prolifically creating in the 1920's and 30's.
  22. Thats exactly what I mean. It is the movie that pretty much defined the rest of his acting career. So for him to run around hating it, saying it's a blight on reputation, is a little bizarre.
  23. I always enjoy Cusack's movies. But I was disappointed in him when I found out he thinks Better off Dead is the worst movie he has ever done, that it's a blight on his career. And I wondered how someone could be that confused. Anyway back to the quotes. Character 1: I can put you in Queens on the night of the hijacking. Character 2: Really? I live in Queens, did you put that together yourself, Einstein? Got a team of monkeys working around the clock on this?
  24. Ha. High Fidelty. I just read the book, and that is probably the most identical book-movie pair I've ever encountered.
  25. Yep, the quote I have is attributed to Archimedes.
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