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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Thanks for that, Morgan. Yes, the blunt or very dull-pointed knives are exactly what I am referring to. Are there any pics anywhere of historical knives such as this? I've also seen them referred to as "rigging knives", "deck knives", etc., and described as being used for such chores and crafts as marlinspike, etc. But I'm trying to tie this style to the historical record before I actually craft one and use it along with my pirate impression. Plus, I'd like to replicate an actual GAoP blade, or at least one that was very close to the time frame...
  2. I've been thinking of making a sailor's sheath knife based on historical patterns, and was wondering if any of you might know of any extant originals to use as reference? I'm looking for a plain, utilitarian single edged knife that would have been used for chores and whittling and such aboard ship, not a double edged dagger or anything like that. I've Googled it, and have come up with pretty much nothing. I've found plenty roach bellied trade knives and their like, but that's not exactly what I'm looking for. I would like the knife to be appropriate for the 17th or 18th centuries. Have any knives ever been turned up archaelogically which were specifically seaman's knives? Perhaps from the Whydah wreckage, or the Queen Anne's Revenge, or any other ships? Can anyone help me out? Thanks so much in advance!
  3. Morgan, I'd love to learn how to do a bell rope if you were willing to do another tutorial. I've absolutely thoroughly enjoyed the one you wrote on chest beckets. :)
  4. Awesome! This is the kind of post I like...one that teaches you something. These are valuable skills to know! Good job Morgan!
  5. Aye, Morgan, thank you so much for that tutorial, it is EXACTLY what I was looking for! I look forward to seeing the next part on how to make the covering and Turk's Head, etc. Thanks again! :)
  6. Aye, that is indeed beautiful work, but I would need some instructions on how to do that. :)
  7. By the way, does anyone know of any on-line tutorials or sources which teach you how to make a marlinespike becket?
  8. At this rate, I'm just going to quit buying them until another year has passed. By that time they'll be up to aircraft carriers, pirates in zodiacs with AK-47s, and navy patrol craft with sonic weapons. Yeah, I agree with you there, John. I think I won't be collecting them beyond Davy Jones' Curse.
  9. Heck yeah, Cap'n Mac! That's beautiful work! And so is yours, Morgan! I would love to learn to do that so that I could make me own beckets for a sea chest.
  10. I've finally finished the entire set of twelve apostles. They were a LOT of work! Now I need to make the leather bandolier and shot pouch to string them on, but that is infinitely easier than the bottles themselves. My digital camera is on the blink, but I might be able to take a regular photo on film and then scan a pic of them so that you all can see. I'll wait to do it after I make the leather bandolier, though, so it can be shown in its finished state.
  11. I'm not all that thrilled about submarines in the game...although I know there were a few historical submarines in those days, it's just a little too far-fetched. Yes, Davy Jones' Curse became a bit fantastical, but at least they stuck with sea legends and sea fantasies through the ages, so that particular expansion was still a fun one. I think they're headed a bit too much into sci-fi now...just my two cents worth.
  12. Excellent artwork and sources! Thanks Mike!
  13. Mine came with the lock disassembled, but the touch hole is drilled. All I had to do was put the lock on via two screws and it was ready to fire.
  14. Thanks for that Celtic Warrior, it would be most appreciated not only by me, but by quite a few interested folk here in our pub.
  15. Sir Henry, What size ball do you use for your .64 caliber doglock, and how many grains of powder? How about for a blank load?
  16. Well, don't laugh too hard, all I can play is the Jew's harp, but I play it well!
  17. Ahoy Julius! Yep, it's a fantasy-type rig, but I've got to tell you, you do very nice leatherwork. Being a cordwainer myself, I know good leatherwork when I see it, and yours is VERY nicely done indeed, particularly the tooling. And seeing as how you intended it to be a fantasy piece to begin with, there's nothing at all wrong with that! My hat's off to ye, mate!
  18. Good luck with your crafting, I think this is a most worthy project, and something you'd be very proud of when finished, especially considering your brother is helping you. To me, that would make it extra special. Keep us informed of your progress, and by all means, let us see pics when you get it finished!
  19. Thanks for that, Foxe, I indeed look forward to hearing further detail on this subject from you when you return home. Well, my set is coming along nicely, I have now reached the half-way mark: I have completed the priming bottle and six apostles; only six more apostles to go (and possibly another priming bottle with a spring-loaded spout). I'm very proud of them so far, from two feet away, they all look identical, but when you hold them in your hands, you can discern the small differences that indicate they are individually hand carved. They're a lot of work, but they will be something I can be proud of when I'm finished.
  20. Me Maties, I have been seriously thinking about trying my hand at making my own punched tin or wood and glass ship's lantern. The problem is, I can't find any patterns. Do any of you know where I might find an online tutorial with printable patterns or instructions for such an endeavor? I remember seeing a free pattern for a punched tin one a long time ago, but I can't find it now. I would prefer the simple punched tin "Paul Revere" type of colonial lantern, but I've also seen some pretty nifty wooden and glass-paned examples. Have any of you ever built one of these lanterns? Also, where might I find pics of any original period (EARLY 1700's) ship's lanterns that still exist, if any? Any help you all could provide would be sincerely appreciated!
  21. I'd have to say Tilapia, flounder, and red snapper, although I loves 'em all...for freshwater fish, me favorite is good ol' catfish.
  22. Agreed! You an' yer friend make quite pretty lasses - you both put me to shame! :) I wouldn't be so sure about that, Annie! The two young ladies are very pretty, but Ye looks to be a mighty pretty lass yoursel', says I. Just this humble pirate's opinion... :)
  23. Ladies and Gents, I assure ye all, honest ol' Midnight requests this for the most innocent and best of reasons, for sartin sure!
  24. Aye, indeed, Jamaica, I have sent ye a private message...
  25. Aye Mike, thanks for your efforts anyway. I have also tried finding a larger image of the painting, but I've had no luck so far, either.
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