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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Thank ye kindly, Wednesday! I'm particularly proud of it...the flag and its design, as well as me own name have special, sentimental symbolism to me.
  2. Well, Blackbeard would be a bit more complicated, but I could give it a try if you'd like, Greg. I think it's a good idea! Of course the others are traditional folk art figurines mass produced just about anywhere up and down either coastline. I have a friend from Maine who told me he used to go to the coast quite often and there would be old men who were retired fishermen and such sitting there carving these little figures.
  3. After searching unsuccessfully for a place that sold the figures singularly, I decided to try carving my own. Here he is: He's about 6" tall, and carved from spruce and then hand painted. I had so much fun carving him (not to mention it relaxes me), that I have decided to try and carve the whaler and the old salt in the rain "slickers" next!
  4. Mates, I'm long overdue here, but I finally got some photos made of my replica grenadoes...here are two of them (I made three total) sitting in front of my replica of the cartridge box found in the wreckage of the Whydah. These are just wooden balls that I rough-textured, hollowed out, and put a few grains of sand in (so that when shaken, it sounds like gunpowder inside), with a hand carved fuse. I based these on photos of the grenades found in the Whydah wreckage as well, and there were almost identical ones found in the wreckage of the Queen Anne's Revenge also. The third one is identical to these two, except the texture is a bit smoother, and I aged these two with a bit of "rust".
  5. I was admiring the ones on this web site: Sailor's Fids, especially the one with the spiral carved grip, so I decided to try my hand at carving my own. Here is the result: It has a hand rubbed finish of boiled linseed oil, and I hand knotted the "marlinspike" fob for it, which consists of a Boatswain's Weave (or Portuguese Sennit) body, terminating in a Monkey's Fist knot.
  6. One thing I find about this game that I think is extremely cool is the fact that some of the ships (and characters) are based upon real historical vessels. One of my favorite examples of this is the Whydah, Black Sam Bellamy's ship. I have recently purchased that one, not because it is all that great of a ship as far as the game goes, but simply because of what it is historically and who it belonged to. I love studying the history of the Whydah, so I naturally had to buy this ship for my fleet in the game...
  7. O.K. Captain P.E.W. Thanks so much! If you do, I'd gladly buy her from you if you'd be willing to part with it. I have also now found the Paul Revere, so I can strike that one from my wanted list. Now I'm just looking for the Black Watch, the Concorde, and the Intrepid... :)
  8. Very nice indeed, Foxe! Funny you should post this topic, about three days ago, I finished carving a fid of my own! I saw one on a web site that I liked which was selling for about $15 (U.S.), and decided to try my hand at it. It turned out nicely, but it has taken several days to dry, as I gave it a hand rubbed finish of boiled linseed oil and buffed it to a high gloss. I have recently ordered a copy of The Marlinspike Sailor, so I thought the fid would come in handy for trying some of the projects in the book, when it arrives. Mine is about 6" x 3/4". If I can manage to talk a friend of mine into making digital photos, I'll post them here for you to see.
  9. Aye, it is indeed a sad loss. Crikey! He will be missed!
  10. Aye, and the first two articles were magnificent, a treasure trove of valuable information! I know the third one will be just as wonderful, and I eagerly await reading it. Thanks Cascabel!
  11. Hell, I'd LOVE to take those Classes!
  12. I was just wondering if any of you mates might have an extra of these American ships you might be willing to sell? I'm looking for: the Paul Revere and the Black watch from Davey Jones Curse, and the Concorde and Intrepid from the Barbary Coast? I don't have much in the way of trade, but I'll gladly buy them from you if anyone has an extra of any of these ships. Thanks for your help, mates!
  13. I rather fancy those striped stockings from Townsend too, they are my favorites, but I have always wondered whether they are historically correct? Did they have striped socks back then, and are there any historical pics of them? This may be a stupid question, but I just honestly don't know, and I would like to own a pair of them meself.
  14. Those are just flat-out gorgeous! One couldn't ask for a more appropriate shoulder weapon for the GAoP...
  15. My own is made of leather as well, and sealed with beeswax. It has been my own personal experience that the beeswax imparts no flavor at all on whatever beverage you are drinking out of the mug. I made my tankard or "jack" as it is properly called, myself. However, you are correct in that hot beverages cannot be held in it. But then again, mine is designed for rum, ale, etc....
  16. Beautiful! :)
  17. Yep, they are real, working firearms, not costume props... :)
  18. Nice shot, Blackjohn!
  19. Nice weapon. Good folks to deal with, too. I have their doglock pistol myself.
  20. Aye lass, but ye're telling the truth--ye are indeed fine!
  21. Dang! Are the details hand painted on, or are they printed some way? That is so cool!
  22. Blimey! And I have thought all along that leather hats were not authentic! That's an awesome pic! Thanks Foxe!
  23. Blimey! That's awesome! I wonder what they made the ships out of?
  24. Privateer, Do any of the pictures show a "sheeps foot" blade (down-sloping point) like modern rigging knives?
  25. Ok, thanks for your help, Morgan. I look forward to hearing what you are able to turn up. So far, I havn't been too lucky. I'd be interested in seeing photos of the 19th century knives as well, if you were able to post them. I'm sure they didn't make very drastic changes over the years...
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