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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Aye, thank ye folks for the kind compliments, I am very happy that you are pleased with your cartridge boxes! As an added note, I try to get them made as quickly as I can, but it's just me making them all by hand, and it gets hard sometimes wrestling the orders around my mundane job and family and other stuff, but my pledge to all the brethren is that I will ALWAYS fill your orders as fast as I can...I will NOT forget anyone! That's a promise! Thank you all for your business, I sincerely appreciate you all!
  2. My favorite one is this one by Howard Pyle. I know Pyle may not have painted completely historically accurate scenes or costumes, but he definitely captured the spirit, or flavor of the pirates. He will always be my favorite pirate artist. I also like Don Troiani, Don Maitz, and Rick Reeves, as far as pirate artists go, but Howard Pyle will always be my favorite. His work has that "nostalgic" look to it.
  3. PM sent, as well as his cartridge box. Next box to be crafted, Mr. Willie Wobble's.
  4. Indeed I will, sir. I am currently in the mood for an adventure, if'n ye know what I mean...**wink**wink**
  5. Midnight approaches the table and eyes the quill from the shadows of his large, dark hat brim...
  6. Good job, Michael! That looks awesome!
  7. Despite any inaccuracies in Howard Pyle's artwork, he will always be my favorite pirate artist of all time. I love his work.
  8. Awesome, Patrick! How did you make your boarding axe? Great job!
  9. This piece is absolutely gorgeous, Callenish. What an amazing piece of artwork!
  10. Dang! That's awesome mate! Thanks for posting those! Those little swivel guns pack quite a punch, don't they?
  11. My prayers are with you both, dear lass, I hope you will both have a speedy recovery! With so many of us praying for you, I know the Good Lord will answer (of course He always answers prayers, but you know when more than one are gathered in His name...)
  12. Mistress Silkie, You look breathtaking in those photos! Very pretty indeed! And Mistress Cheeky, that is wonderful work on your stays! I like the method in which you will hide the grommets. Outstanding work! My hat's off to both ye ladies!
  13. Michael, would you mind very much sending the photos to me as well? I'd like to see what it looks like!
  14. Here is my own favorite pet, "Squirrely Man". He is a southern flying squirrel I have raised since he came to me out of the wild as a baby. This pic is taken looking through the door hole of his house; he is bedded down in his little nest inside the house. A sweeter and dearer friend I have not found...
  15. Basically, the shape and profile of the knife was very similar to the one made by Patrick Hand which I will link an image to (hope you don't mind Patrick)... It was smallish (about a 4 to 5 inch blade), and very much had the air of an eating utensil to it (that might be because it was displayed with a fork and a spoon). The handle was a lot more ornate than Patrick's, I think it was made of ivory, or perhaps some other white opalescant material (mother of pearl?). Sorry I can't be more specific than that. Since I know that is an item that you are particulariuly interested in, I'll make sure I take more careful notice of it next time I go to see the exhibit. Thanks so much, Michael. If I could find out more about the knife, I could probably replicate it, as I am also a knife maker. The particular style of Patrick's knives are a very common style of knife for the 1700's, you find that style to a large extent in North America used as trade knives. They were utility knives; used for everything from skinning game, whittling, eating and kitchen chores, or even taking scalps.
  16. Thanks, Michael, I'm sorry I didn't read your earlier post where you said cameras weren't allowed. That's too bad, but I can understand the reasons. Do you remember any details about the knife, Michael?
  17. If anyone here is able to attend any of these exhibitions, could you kindly make photos of the items (if allowed) so that we can see them? I am very interested in all things Whydah... most especially knives and leather goods.
  18. Excellent job, Kendra! Now you wouldn't have any Monmouth caps on your project list in the forseeable future, would you?
  19. Well, I'm certainly no expert, but I believe the ring belts are fantasy-based ren faire stuff, and would not have been worn. I would think a plain leather belt of between say, 1-1/2" to 2" would have been worn, along with a normal buckle from the period. You can do a google search on period buckles and find numerous examples to choose from.
  20. Any word of progress being made towards the restoration?
  21. I would think "pyrate" is just an archaic way of spelling "pirate". No difference in the definitions of the terms.
  22. My prayers are certainly with the sweet child and her Daddy. I pray she will soon be healed and come through this ordeal, and I hope the burden of worry will be lifted from her daddy's heart as well.
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