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Captain Midnight

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Everything posted by Captain Midnight

  1. Although I think Hook is arse-kicking, my vote will have to definitely go with Jack Sparrow...
  2. Ahoy Bill, I first sanded the wood down with various grades of sandpaper, going from coarsest to fine, but as you probably well know, the finish on the stocks of these weapons is very oily or greasy feeling in your hands, so after I got it all sanded down, I turned my kitchen oven on at about 250 degrees and put the wooden stock in for about twenty or twenty-five minutes or so. The heat helped bring more of that oil to the surface, after which I wiped off the wood and sanded some more with fine sand paper. After all that, I refinished the stock using a hand rubbed boiled linseed/tung oil finish (I used two coats, but three would be good). It looks a heck of a lot better! I don't know what kind of nasty oil the Indians use for their wood finish, but it is nasty, inferior stuff. Several years ago, I bought a surplus Ishapore .308 caliber Enfield rifle which was made in India, and it had the same icky oil finish on it as well. Wonderful, well made rifle, but the finish sucks!
  3. I'd go with the canvas, myself. It's tough, cool, and when it's dirty, just throw it in the washing machine. I think either color would be nice, but the brown would be my first choice.
  4. Why Jack Sparrow, of course! He's witty enough to outfox Barbossa and get himself out of tight predicaments...
  5. Thanks so much for posting that, Hester! Well...I think I like the words a bit better than I like the music, as it is not what I expected.
  6. Does anyone know of anywhere on the net the song can be downloaded? I would like to hear it, the lyrics are awesome!
  7. Aye, many thanks indeed, Bully!
  8. Did anyone ever suggest a source for plans for a longboat such as this? I would love to build one. One of my kindred, Rufus Greene, was numbered among the actual Gaspee Raiders, and my great-something grandfather actually owned the sloop Fortune aboard which Rufus Greene was accosted and assaulted by the British commander of the Gaspee. The villain then proceeded to confiscate the Greenes' cargo of 12 hogsheads of rum...(yes, my folks were rumrunners... ). I would dearly love to build an accurate replica of a longboat, does anyone know of any commercially available plans that would fit the bill?
  9. Perhaps Nicholas Cage... not so much in physical resemblance, but rather attitude, temperament, and personality.
  10. If I had to venture an educated guess on this matter, I would say that any of the methods previously mentioned could have been employed, even at the same time, although perhaps some might have been used to a lesser degree, depending on what the time period was.
  11. Well, after having some serious thought on the matter at hand, I've decided not to go with a grotesque mask butt cap, but rather this one instead: It's from Muzzleloader's Builder's Supply, and is cast from an original piece from an English Georgian pistol ca. 1680. The time period of the piece matches my pistol perfectly, and since I prefer to try and keep my gear and clothing along historically authentic lines, I feel it is the best choice for me. I don't know of any existing original dragoon-type pistols with mask butt caps, does anyone else? I don't know for sure that it wasn't done, but I do know for sure this piece is historically accurate for my weapon. Anyway, thanks, mates, for all your help! And Greg, I will indeed post a photo of it in this thread when I am finished with it. I have already stripped and re-finished the wood with a hand-rubbed linseed oil finish, boy I tell ya, those Indians sure don't know how to finish wood, the crappy oil or whatever finish they use was a real b*%# to remove!
  12. If you make 'em, I'll definitely buy one, as I am currently in the market for one, and I'd much prefer to do business with a fellow Pub member.
  13. Thanks Greg and Kenneth! Both sites are awesome! I should be able to find exactly what I need there.
  14. Ahoy mates! I am currently customizing my doglock dragoon pistol from Loyalist Arms. I am specifically looking for a grotesque face style brass butt cap that would fit it, similar to the ones on the Queen Anne pistols. I have found one at Dixie Gunworks, but does anyone know of anywhere else that supplies these? Thanks in advance for any help!
  15. It's beautiful. It reminds me somewhat of an English mortuary sword...very nice.
  16. That is so neat! What wonderful imagination! Good job!
  17. A lovelier lady mine eyes have not seen! No wonder the gentlemens' heads are all turning...
  18. That's awesome! Thanks for the link!
  19. It looks very nice, Tom, good job!
  20. I know we tend to use this painting a great deal for costume reference, but I would just like for you all to take a close look at some of the details, such as the weave of the basket lying on the floor, and the scales of the fish on the platter...outstanding! The man was a magnificent artist!
  21. William, could ye kindly add meself to the tentative list? I may come and merchant a few piratical wares to my fellow bretheren...
  22. What was the actual name of this song? Sounds interesting...
  23. Well, I guess the question still remains for me, what exactly are these trinkets? Coins, glass baubles, what? Any pics of what they are supposed to look like?
  24. Fascinating! Thank you for that, William!
  25. Nice...thank you for the link. "John Singleton Copley's Watson and the Shark was inspired by an event that took place in Havana, Cuba, in 1749. Fourteen-year-old Brook Watson, an orphan serving as a crew member on a trading ship, was attacked by a shark while swimming alone in the harbor. His shipmates, who had been waiting on board to escort their captain ashore, launched a valiant rescue effort. John Singleton Copley, Watson and the Shark, 1778. National Gallery of Art, Ferdinand Lammot Belin Fund 1963.6.1" Just out of curiosity, does history record the fate of the boy? Was he rescued, or did the shark get him? I sure hope he was rescued...
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