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Capt. Lazarus Gage

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Everything posted by Capt. Lazarus Gage

  1. First and foremost I could never watch the upcoming Marie-Antoinette simply because it is produced by Sophia Copola and I can never forgive her for her role in destroying the third Godfather. Horrible acting *cringe*. And on top of that the trailer looks pretty wreched. Now on to other matters, if you liked "Libertine" then you should definately check out a movie called quills if you haven't already. It's a great movie and on top of that, it has Geoffrey Rush in it.
  2. Bloody_Mary_Bonney Posted on Mar 23 2006, 01:42 PM The remains of the day- Danny Elfman
  3. ^plays the keyboard (a computer one anyway.)
  4. Hole?! Nay, tis a horrible band.
  5. I can't get mine to work from photobucket either.....grrrrr
  6. Has anyone else had a problem lately changing, viewing and uploading now personnal photos and avatars??? My photo has not bee showing for a while now and I can't seem to upload one either. I emailes the administrators but have gotten no response.
  7. I'm still looking fer good swabs to sign on and start a crew in the area, drop me a line if'n yer interested. -Captain Lazarus Gage
  8. Anything with Samuel Jackson is worth watching. Reminds me of the Dave Chappelle sketch "Samuel Jackson Beer". Now that was freaking hillarius. "HAVE YOU SEEN DEEP BLUE SEA??? A FUCKING SHARK ATE ME!!!!"
  9. An interesting evening indeed. As I walked back to the galley to find more food for Mr. Lasseter and the others I pondered over the events of the night. The captain seemed worn, and I was sure he would be glad to be leaving this place which had been nothing but sorrow and inconvenience to the ship and its crew. I stopped suddenly with a disturbing thought, I’d seem to have lost the young lady left in my charge and I could not recall where I saw her last. “Oh well, I suppose she’ll turn up somewhere if she didn’t jump ship already.” I went on my way without giving it another thought, my mind already on other matters. “Now….where was that hidden bottle….”
  10. There used to be a really funny site on the net that was supposed to sell human meat. You could buy ground, steaks, even jerky. But I believe they closed it down. It was called Manbeef.com. :)
  11. Reef? What reef? Oh shit....
  12. No you're not, you'll be stone dead in a moment.
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