^Absolutely not, my hygene is always impecable, unless it's my day off.....
< It's not considered dirty if you never get out of bed.
v What is the best homemade dish you can cook?
That would be a definate yes in my case. My nieghbors think I'm insane (it's not often you see someone going out to get the mail in boxer shorts and bucket boots), and every employee at my workplace and all of the MR residents there know who the Pirate Guy is.
There are several sites where you can find miscellaneous additions to your garb depending on what you want. Here are a few links that have several different accessories you might want to check out:
Here are some new ones from just this evening, left my baldric off, mostly wanted to show off the hat. I'v had the scallywag limited from the MacKay for some time now and thought I would mod it a bit, see what you think:
If you are looking for a Good Dark rum my suggestion would be Gosling's Black Seal. Fairly in-expensive and very good. If I drink Captain Morgan's I tend to buy the Private Stock, personally I think Tattoo is pig swill. That's just my opinion, but it is by no means a good dark rum.
Don't you guys know that Blackbeard's decendants are a group of little old ladies who run an Inn out of his ship??? I thought this was common information....